Whats Wrong With Me Am I Going Crazy

I'm going crazy over this guy?

This means that you are madly in love with this guy and couldn't bear not talking to him for even 2 days. Well, calm down and how about texting the actual person instead? Just casually as a friend and I'm sure he would reply to you. :) if not, you can wait till you see him face-to-face and ask him about it. Well good luck!

I went crazy after smoking weed and dont know whats wrong with me!?

you arent going crazy. calm down. What you are suffering from is called anxiety and depersonalization disorder triggered by smoking weed. I know because it happened to me. You feel like you aren't yourself like you are disconnected from your life. What happened to you is that you had a panic thought you were dying you began breathing extremely hard..paranoid..that is all part of anxiety. See your doctor and most likely he will tell you thats what it is. Some medication should ease the symptoms.

I feel like I'm going crazy. What's wrong with me?

I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm a 15 year old girl and I'm confused right now. I just got into an argument with someone because they said people who cut themselves are weak and attention seekers and I've cut myself for 4 years but they didn't know that. My parents found out a little over a year ago and started checking me for new cuts but they stopped that and a little bit ago I started doing it again. Now that argument is over and I got up from the computer and all a sudden I got some kind of rush of anger or something and I literally started screaming. Then I felt anger and sadness and like guilt and something else that I don't even know what the feelings called. But I was so mad and it's like I felt like I should cry because usually when I'm really angry or upset I cry and then it's okay again because I let it out. But after that it's like I still felt all those emotions but I also felt nothing. I couldn't even cry. I was upset but I like felt nothing. I don't know how to explain it but it was so weird and I still feel really weird right now. I don't know what's wrong with me but I've been hating myself so much lately. I feel like I'm going insane

I feel like I'm going crazy. What should I do?

Whenever you or anyone else is “feeling” like that - it is because:You are unable to silence the noise in your mindThere are too many external signals which are affecting you.Here is a question for you to think about.When you are sleeping or you are in deep sleep - do you feel like you are going crazy?The answer without a doubt is - No.You can ask anyone and everyone this question and the answer will still remain the same - a total and emphatic ‘NO’. For that matter have you ever watched a noisy crazy hyper-active baby when it is sleeping?One of the most beautiful sights you can ever see.Reason being:The mind and body is relaxingThere are no external stimuli that communicate to the bodyThe internal communication is switch offThere is no communication from inside to outsideThink about this for a second.And now I want you to picture this.Someone in deep state of meditation or trance. What do you picture?Do you picture something hyper? fast? out of control? disturbing?Or do you sense a feeling of serene, tranquil and silent peace?Of course - you know the answer this…And to date - I have never met anyone who meditates or who lives a life devoid of stimulation - going crazy.Have you?So now coming to your questionWhy do you feel crazy?It can be a whole host of reasons.So why you are going crazy?It can be because of all the external signals that are bombarding youSocial MediaMoviesMusicEmailsFriendsFamilyWorkTravelPeopleIt can be because of your lifestyleToo less sleepToo much milk, sugar, carbs, artificial or processed foodsToo many stimulantsIt can be because of so many factors.Sometimes even something as small yet very powerful factor like “money” can be a major factor.So what you need to do is - step away from all the chaos and confusion and ask yourself - what is happening. Be aware of what is happening and slow down.So if I were you - I wouldn’t ask myself “Why am I going crazy”Rather I would ask myself - How can I find peace or be more relaxed?Because with the former question, you are finding out all the ways to go fuel the fire of being ‘crazy’ but with the second question, you are looking at ways to eliminate what is driving you mad - and see happiness, peace, calm and achieve a sense of serenity.I hope you find the right answer to the right question and find peace.Loy Machedo

I randomly go crazy and I don't know what's wrong with me?

Okay, well most of the time, I'm normal/depressed. Then out of nowhere, I'll get unreasonably angry and go on sort of a rampage. The littlest thing can set me off. I destroy anything just because. I hurt whoever comes into contact with me both physically and verbally. I know it sounds sick, but sometimes I feel happy when I hurt people when I'm like this and I go out of my way to do so. When these things happen, I feel like I'm watching it through someone else's eyes. Like it's not me. After a while, when I calm down, I feel like I should die and just cry myself to sleep at night. It makes me feel so horrible. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with me? Do I need medication or something?

Am i dying or is my anxiety going crazy?

If you haven't died yet and the doctor says you're okay then most likely its just anxiety.

I'm descending into madness fast, going crazy, what is wrong w/me, help (LONG QUESTION & DON'T JUDGE ME)?!?

Sounds like you've been given an opportunity to focus on yourself and get well, probably for the first time in your life..

Try outpatient rehab, it's three nights a week in most places and you can learn behavior therapy and other ways to help yourself love yourself. Alcoholics Anonymous is a wonderful program with lots of supportive, caring people available around the clock and a program of recovery that actually works.

If you were on bipolar meds and drinking 3 glasses or more of wine every day, you can expect to be confused and forgetful for the first year you're clean and sober. A year at least. Right now you sound manicky. Give yourself some recovery time and whatever you do, don't drink or drug.

There are programs through the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) that can help re-train you and/or send you back to school in a different field. But if you have a Bachelor's you're qualified for many fields. You can't reasonably expect to start out at the same wages you were making at a job you had for 8 years though. You may have to simplify and downsize for a while until you're stable and content.

Give yourself a break. Go to AA. I did. It gave me a life I enjoy living today. I have bipolar and ptsd. I had a high-powered, high-paying career, all the material things, all the toys... but it was killing me.

I'll never go back to that lifestyle. I had to get knocked on my butt and lose everything I thought I cared about in order to come back to my senses. I'm finished with the rat-race. I love my life today, I actually have time to enjoy it, and to enjoy my kids and my friends. I even like me.

Have faith that there's a reason this is happening to you. A good reason. Get in touch with God and ask Him for help. He must have a second-chance waiting for you, if you just ask...

I feel like I'm losing myself. What's going on?

It sounds a lot like anxiety. When anxiety starts to kick in,  the person experiencing it is usually the last to understand what's going on. Anxiety can cause you to be short tempered.   Instead of feeling free and spontaneous, you will be edgy and controlled.   You'll feel separate, like you're so aware of yourself that you can't focus on anything outside of yourself. Any imperfection will cause you to withdraw. Something as insignificant as a pimple can make you feel hyper focused on yourself.  This is brutal, because you're already feeling pretty damaged. Anxiety turns your spotlight inward.   Instead of watching people and observing life like you used to,  you now are locked inside of your own head.  You will be aware of everything you think,  say and do.   Nothing comes naturally for you anymore. You feel like you're losing your personality because anxiety has taken its place.   What people are seeing isn't you.   Your personality is being obscured.Anxiety is relentless.  It doesn't tend to go away on its own.   You have to deal with it head on in order to get past it and get your life back.    Many people have anxiety,  so you're not alone. A good place to start is by connecting with people who have successfully overcome it.   Ask them for advice.  Get therapist recommendations.  Get phone numbers of people who are willing to guide you through your healing process.Having people who understand what you're dealing with is huge.  They'll help you find your way through this.

Can anxiety make you feel like you're going crazy?

Yes it can...but you are not.  :)   Anxiety, even when it is involving an anxiety "disorder" is a very normal reaction to stress.       What is abnormal is the amount of stress and negative thinking and worry that you do.     Your brain works just fine.  It is releasing the amount of adrenaline that your negative thinking is calling for.    But you don't know you are calling for all that adrenaline with your negative thinking and worry.   So here you are feeling the side effects of adrenaline that you don't know is coursing through your veins and you think something is mentally wrong with you.       But that is not the case.    You are the captain of the ship.  The brain can only release adrenaline on your command.  Whatever your emotions tell it do, that is what it does.   Laughing, crying, panicking.  You are in charge.    Anxiety is not confusing at all.     People just have it backwards.    They think that the anxiety symptoms are causing the worry and fear and negative thinking.  But the truth is that the worry and fear and negative thinking is what came first.  THEN the adrenaline and anxiety symptoms came.     And then you start worrying even MORE because of the adrenaline symptoms that are making you feel physical and mental side effects, and so than you start making even MORE adrenaline and eventually you are just a dog chasing your tail over and over and you don't know what came first, the chicken or the egg.    How many analogies can I fit in one paragraph?  lolYou are not crazy.  Your brain is not crazy.  Nothing about this is crazy.   Its just a case of bad communication between you and your brain.     Your brain wants you to calm down and relax and slow down you life so that it can trust that you are safe and shut off the adrenaline.   YOU, on the other hand want your brain to shut off the adrenaline so that you can relax and stop worrying.   Its like a game of "chicken" and I can tell you right now that your brain is NOT going to flinch.  It will NOT back down first.   Your brain has a job to do and it takes it very seriously so if you want the anxiety to change, YOU have to go first.   You have to make changes to your life, change the way you think, etc.   It can be done!   I could write all day but I am out of time but you can read more at my blog at