Whats Wrong With My Dad

What's wrong with my Dad?

It is vital that he see a doctor on the small amount of detail you have given.But;If it occurs only after eating then I would suggest that it's indigestion or possible obstruction behind his chest bone in the oesophagus (food pipe to the stomach)However, if it is NOT food or drink related;As you mention the word ‘ache’ my first thought is possibly Angina.In itself not life threatening but there are two types, stable and unstable.If you can be more specific; i.e.After eating or drinkingAfter exerciseEvery 30 minutes all day long etcThe more detail you can give the better but my advice will still be to seek medical advice as I am not a practicing doctor.Try not to worry, you have done the right thing to seek advice just not from the best person to help you - I'll pass this on.Best Regards,

What's wrong with my dad?

Could have had a stroke.
Get him to the ER.

What's wrong with my dad?

He's almost 48, and he has had serious alcohol issues and smoking issues, but he hasn't smoked in a year. and has not drank since mid December, and i know for a fact he is not drunk, and the other day he hurt his back and took a robackiset or w.e for his back, and we think he took 2 because later that evening he seemed drunk in a way, like he passed out on the couch in front of us and woke up hours later many times that night and just started walking around all dazed and confused and he looked lost, and was kind of pissy in a way, like when we would ask if hes ok he would be like "YEAH im ok omg" in a rude tone and **** and when we ask if like he had head aches lately he gets pissed and doesnt answer, and today all days it been the same but he hasnt taken any back pills or anything, my mom is really worried and we told him he should go to the docs but he refuses to go.

what could be wrong with him?

Whats Wrong With My DAD?

It could be him being very overprotective and not wanting you to be a statistic (get pregnant or some STD at a young age and most likely ruining your life or your life a heck of a lot harder than it should be.)
It is like most Dad's mentality: "No one is good enough for my little girl." That by the way will never go away, but he will ease off as you get older and show him you have enough common sense and smarts not to do something disastrous and phenomenally stupid over some guy you think you are in love with.
You say you are 14 and that you are in love with your boyfriend? I think you are using the word "love" to loosely. It might be more of a very deep infatuation, which is close to love but not quite it. As you get older it may change to full blown love of the romantic sort. You are never sure you realize you love someone until you are away from them for a long time. (I mean at least a year or so not a few hours or days.)
Don't worry about your Dad. You getting in trouble for "Littlest things" may be interpreted in his mind as you going down the wrong path and a very hard and most likely miserable life, in which he doesn't want for you. He wants you to successful when you are older and happy. He is just being protective and it might seem like the guy your with is distracting you from using your head.
If you are comfortable about it you might want to sit and talk to your father about it. He might ease up a bit.

By the way, I am not some really old adult trying to tell you how to run your life. I have been through something like this before. I am only 25 and about to start a new job in another country.

Is it wrong to hate my dad?

What a shame! I adored mine, an English teacher who taught us so more than just that. We kids thought he knew everything. His disiplin was strict but consistent so it was easy enough to follow, which was rewarded by games, stories, and fun. A wonderful recollection. But many nights he was busy preparing for the next day’s work or just exhausted, so we learned to let him alone then.Think about why you hate him. If it is discipline can you try to avoid doing those things that annoy him? If it is just that you just don’t really know him, can you try to talk to him when he is not preoccupied, perhaps at meal time? If it is disagreements perhaps you should think about his view point, accept those that seem reasonable and discuss those you disagree with.Another reason can sometimes be that by the time he gets home from work he is always exhausted and doesn’t have the energy to parent so he hibernates and you don’t really get to know him. This happens too often and is a shame. I think my response would be to give him some time to relax, then occasionally (not every night) ask him a good question, perhaps about homework, something you saw at school or on TV that bothered you or interested you. And let him determine when the discussion needs to end.Unfortunately some men had miserable fathers and learned the wrong lessends from them. If that is your assessment please don’t hate him. In my oppinion you will be more successful by avoiding his bad times and engaging with him when the prospect is more promising. And please learn how to avoid the problems he has when you have your own family. Perhaps you mom can guide you some in determining this. Best wishes!

What did I do wrong for my dad to love her more than me?

This question needs more information, but it grabs my heart as written by a youngster or teen. Who does your dad love more than you? Another child..a woman his age? And what is he doing or not doing that makes you feel this way? I would like to offer an answer if I knew what to address.The only thing I can say is..YOU, did nothing wrong. Its not you.

What the heck is wrong with my dad?

We were at church last Sunday, and my dad wore a pair of denim short shorts and a white tanktop. He brought a giant cooler of beer with him, and he slurping beer and farting when the pastor was talking, and he was throwing around empty beer bottles.

He slurped beer and farted so loud no one could hear the pastor talk. An old lady called the cops to deal with him, but he just killed the cops with a beer bottle, farted in the pastor's face, and preached a sermon on denim short shorts and beer. All the kids and teens just laughed uncontrollably like a pack of wild hyenas, while the adults were so horrified their faces turned ghastly pale and they stuttered in fear.

Someone please tell me what's wrong with my dad?

He. Only. Cares. About. Himself. This isn't some teen rage I'm going through, I've felt this way about him every since I was little. He's been taken care of his WHOLE LIFE. And by taken care of I mean enabled. His mommy and daddy did everything for him when he was little, and they still do. They give him money, pay for his mother-freaking-cell-phone-bill. Come on now? you're 42! hes going out with a 56 year old because she takes care of him like a mother would. He does not give two sh*ts about anything that doesn't involve him, he's just flat out uninterested. Not to mention he threw my brother, HIS SON under the bus for watching porn. Yeah, my dads girlfriend caught porn on the computer and he blamed it on his own son. Now if that's not effed up, please, please tell me what is.

Now my mom's facing eviction and he wants to take me and my brother. But here's the thing, everything he does benefits him in one way or another or else he wouldn't do it. He only wants to take him and I in because he doesn't want to pay child support anymore, HA. His meesly $475 a month for TWO children. Not each. But he's telling my mom the only reason she wants us is for the child support. Which is the complete opposite, my mom wants us cause she loves and cares about us, he wants us because he doesn't wanna pay that big, bad, 400 bucks. Besides if he "took" us, he'd just send us to our grandparents house, he wouldn't actually take the responsibility. He's a spoiled, passive aggressive meany. And quite frankly i'd be just fine never seeing him again.