When Did 3rd Wave Feminism Become About Men

What is 1st wave, 2nd wave and 3rd wave feminism?

Ist wave feminism is a name that so called 2nd wave feminists (60's to late 70's) retroactively coined to describe a 19th century (mainly British) women's movement. The correct name of this movement was women's suffrage.

2nd wave feminism is a term which describes what logically should be called 1st wave feminism (60's to late 70's)

3rd wave feminism is a term which describes what logically should be called 2nd wave feminism. This era of feminism is debatable and more complex because of differing emerging factions but generally speaking this era is regarded as beginning in the 80's and continuing.

The suffragettes (wrongly called first wave) were a group of very brave British women terrorists who fought for and won the right to vote.

The second wave (should be called ist wave) was a movement of American and British women who fought for equal rights for women (a contradiction of terms) Some of the early ones were all right, they quite rightly fought for and won equal pay. This group however, was infested with psychos (radical feminists) many of these were abused as children and became angry man hating lesbians. It is their influence on law and society which helped to destroy the family and seeks to destroy men.

3rd wave (should be called 2nd wave) this wave, although Intimately linked to the preceding wave does have some of it's own character, namely, the ever increasing trend toward the acquisition of female privilege. All manner of dishonest and dastardly means are employed by these feminazis to achieve their perverted goals.

Do 3rd wave feminists hate men? If so, why?

The media seems to promote a gender war where the problem is just with some men who acted inappropriately. Does not mean women hate men, just bad men as we all do. Be careful of what you read because the media is in business to make money by getting you to read their stuff. More and more headlines are misleading and sensationalized. With so much competition from the internet news sites that can cover every little town in the country, the major news providers from the past need to compete and so are forced to sensationalize the news to get your attention.Men need women and women need men. When on our best behavior we tend to balance each other out. We work well together, at least my wife of 47 years and our similarly long married friends do. My wife’s steady girlfriend is a feminist. Loves me and her husband. Loved her first husband too, Loves my wife. She does not hate men. She hates when men use their positions to get sex from women in return for advancement. She hates that she was passed over for a promotion for a low level management job despite having three Masters Degrees, by a man with a Bachelor’s in an unrelated field because he was a man in the old boys club in the newspaper she worked for where the guys all went drinking after work.I worked for a woman for 29 years and it was a very good experience. She tended to hire more women than men and most of our subcontractors were small businesses run by women like her, but she never picked a woman just because she was a woman. It was more of an all things being equal chose a woman thing. Is that the same thing men do? Perhaps some will pick a man over a more qualified woman. I do not think you can completely eliminate bias for one’s own gender in certain circumstances, but you can try to even it up as much as possible.

What is the third wave feminism?

I like how this web site explains the Third wave of feminism-it's still concerned with 2nd wave issues, striving for equality in economics, politics and socially, but the 3rd wave feminists, to generalize, seem more concerned with individual empowerment vs activism, though plenty of 3rd wavers are activists as well:

3rd wavers were born in the 1970-1990's and some are children of 2nd wave feminists from the 1960-1970's. Third Wave feminists didn't grow up when racial segregation, sexism, and homophobia was rampant in US society, so they have very different attitudes towards race, gender, and sexual orientation.

Here's a few related articles that are pretty good:
Feminist or Equalist discussion:
Types of Feminism:

Here's some web sites for campus activism or for young feminists:

How did second wave feminism differ from third wave feminism?

In a nutshell 2nd-wave feminism was largely concerned with other issues of equality rather than what the first wave had already covered, such as the end to discrimination and oppression. This was the time that Betty Friedan's book came out the Feminine Mystique came out. A brief about the Feminine Mystique is that it focused on the criticism of SAHM putting them in a very bad light Also in the 2nd wave: .1963
The Equal Pay Act made it illegal for companies to pay different rates to women and men who do the same work.
also President Kennedy signed a paper that demanded that the civil service make hiring decisions “solely on the basis of ability” and “without regard to sex.” Also in 1964
Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race or sex. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created to enforce this new law. Now as a bonus Margaret Chase Smith, of Maine, becomes the first woman nominated for president of the United States by a major political party NOW (the National Organization for Women) was also formed in 1966 1972 brought about the education amendment which allowed all genders to get an equal education. Despite all of its efforts the ERA was three states short to become a part of the constitution. Now moving along to the 3rd wave came to be in the 1990s to prune the perceived failures of the 2nd-wave thus responding to the backlash against initiatives and movements created by the second-wave; it.challenged or avoided what it deemed as the second-wave's "essentialist" definitions of femininity, which (according to them) over-emphasized the experiences of upper middle class white women. A post-structuralist interpretation of gender and sexuality is central to much of the third-wave's ideology. Third-wave feminists often focus on "micropolitics," and challenged the second-wave's paradigm as to what is, or is not, good for females. So in a nutshell the 3rd wave pruned out the dead branches of the 2nd wave.

What are the goals of third wave feminism?

There are all kinds of goals that have come with 3rd wave feminism and it's also important to understand that not all 3rd wave feminists agree on everything. Originally, 3rd wave feminism was started by certain women that didn't agree with certain radical aspects of the 2nd wave. Most importantly, 3rd wave feminism gave more of a voice to women of all ethnicities, instead of just middle class white women. The 1st and 2nd wave feminist movements were "mostly" built for and around upper and middle class white women in the United States. It differs in other countries at the time(early 90's).

I will list a few goals, but there not close to all of them.

--3rd wave feminism has made the public aware of campus(college/university), date and spousal rape. Before the 3rd wave feminist movement made everyone aware of date rape, it was a huge issue and many men got away with raping women. Mostly because women were scared to prosecute, because the general public would "victim blame" them for various reasons. 3rd wave feminists are still aggressively fighting to make people consistently aware of this problem and have even pressured university campuses across the nation to provide free "date rape drug strips" to both women and men, though many haven't complied yet.

--3rd wave feminism also tackled sexual harassment in the workplace and still is. 3rd wave feminism became very aggressive in this goal because of the famous "Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas" sexual harassment hearings. Because Anita Hill wasn't really believed in the Senate hearings, 3rd wave feminists have made it a goal to fight patriarchal sexual harassment in the workplace to this day.

--The "Violence Against Women Act" of 1994 is generally considered a result of 3rd wave feminism and the increase of domestic violence since 2nd wave feminism. It still continues to be a battle today and 3rd wave feminism will not back down. Besides the laws in the VAWA, 3rd wave feminism continues to bring awareness to the public of violent heterosexual men.

There are many more, but I don't want to turn this into a book.

Is third wave feminism emasculating men?

Absolutely not, it’s trying to create a society where neither gender has to ascribe to strict roles that societies used to control men and women with. People get to decide how best to express themselves without fear of stigma or social exclusion.The concept of emasculation is firmly entrenched in traditional interpretations of masculinity. Men lead, men protect, men provide, men sow their wild oats etc. A man is not lesser because they don’t value these ideals.It’s very common for men to struggle with their conception of masculinity. There is a lot of competing forces pulling both genders towards traditional roles. From Tom Ramsay’s Romance-Industrial complex to popular culture to subcultures.To conclude, third wave feminism is about individual empowerment. It helps men as much as women as we all benefit from a dismantling of traditional interpretations of male and female. Far from emasculating men, it allows them to explore and discover who they truly are without external societal pressure looking to fit them into a small poorly fitting box such as “manly man”.

Would you agree that 3rd wave feminism and the LGBT rights movement?

No. The 3rd wave Feminists have fully taken LGBT issues under their wing. But I don't think its a new phenomenon. Based on my research, I can say that all the waves of Feminism were accommodating of LGBT issues.

I don't think "heterophobe" when I think of you. No. In fact, I don't think of any gay/bisexual man who has been posting here for years as heterophobes. They do have their moments, as does everybody else, straight or gay, but I'm a bit slow to call someone a heterophobe [or a homophobe for that matter].

Can that sentiment be reciprocated?

Why are third-wave feminists so hostile towards men?

This is actually inaccurate. If one examines the various feminist theories that have arisen since, say, the early 1970s, it is without doubt that the theory most ‘hostile’ to men as a gender category is radical feminism. It is radical feminism that first put forward the notion of women living totally separate lives from men, so as to protect themselves from male violence, sexual and emotional abuse.By contrast, third-wave feminists, exemplified by, for example, Judith Butler’s poststructuralist feminist theory, is much less antagonistic towards men as a gender group. Which is one reason why radical feminists have taken a highly critical approach to poststructuralist feminism.That said, all feminists will be hostile towards those men who are hostile towards them.