When Did Americans Begin The Weight-loss Movement

Has anyone been prescribed Xenical weight loss pills & lost weight successfully?

Has anyone been prescribed Xenical weight loss pills & lost weight successfully?

If so, how long was it before you began to notice & did you have to stick to a strict diet plan?

What are the pros and cons of using laxatives for weight loss?

Imagin yourself without the weight. It looks good right? Now see yourself in the same light but shopping for depends!!! You can become dependent on them for bowel movements over time. Also Laxatives empty the large bowel, which has little effect on actual weight loss. The reason for this is because the food and calories that you consume have already been absorbed in the small intestine by the time the laxatives begin to work. Plus all you are losing is water weight.

Yeah i like to date guys who mess themselve bacause they no longer have the muscles to hold in their waste. The diapers look really good with the skinny jeans as well girls!!!

Good luck.

Why/when did the Women's rights movement begin?

In the USA, the women's rights movement grew out of the Abolitionist movement. women began campaigning to free the slaves, and this gave them the confidence eventually to start campaigning for equal rights for themselves. In 1840, elizabeth Cady Stanton was outraged that women delegates were not allowed to speak at the World Atni-Slavery Convention in London.

The first Women's Rights convention took place at Seneca Falls in 1848, organised by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. The movement was directed mainly by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her friend Susan B. Anthony for most of the rest of the 19th century.

Other early feminists included the remarkable Grimke sisters, who were ardent abolitionists and campaigners for women's rights as well. In 1838, Angelina Grimke married another antislavery lecturer, Thedore Weld. her supporters were thirlled by this demonstration that a woman who believed in female equality could nonetheless find a husband.

In the UK, the campaign for women's suffrage started somewhat later, probably because most men didn't have the vote until the late 19th century, at the time of the American Revolution, only one British man in twenty had the vote.

Does ex lax help someone to loose weight?

Yes, laxatives can help you lose weight. However, it is the WRONG way to do it. Let me guess, you're an American female in her teen - 20s? First, you end up losing all the digested matter in your colon. That's the equivalent of a good bowel movement. But then you keep going. You lose water. That's similar to dehydration secondary to diarrhea. Then you notice you look slimmer and are indeed lighter on the scales. So you continue. You keep taking these things and keep having loose watery stools, and sometimes diarrhea. The food is going through your body faster than it can be properly handled and digested. It's mechanically broken down in your mouth. Then it's chemically broken down in your stomach. Once it hits your intestines, your body is supposed to really absorb nutrients. But because you take these stupid laxatives you end up crapping it all out before you body can absorb enough of the nutrients. Continuing this results in malnutrition. All this while there are starving children who would kill for the food you waste because you buy into the STUPID american ideal of skinny = beauty. So YES, it can make you lose weight, but at the cost of your health.

Why are Americans so touchy if they are told they are fat?

Disclaimer: I’m fat.Let’s say you walk up to me and say, “Mark, you’re fat.” Hey, it’s true. Why should I possibly be upset?Let’s say I respond with, “Hey, you are a pretentious asshat.” Given your previous statement, it’s also true. Why should you possibly be upset?I will let you in on a little secret: I know I’m fat. I’d be shocked if you found a single fat person who doesn’t know that they are fat. So at the very least, you aren’t actually giving us any information we don’t already know. I’m fat. I’m not blind or stupid.But more than that, you aren’t helping me. Telling me it is unhealthy isn’t helpful. Saying I should exercise more isn’t helping me. Telling me I’d be more attractive if I was thin isn’t helping me.I am not powerless to combat my weight, but it isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s pretty damned hard a lot of the time. If you are lucky enough to go through life with the right metabolism, the right eating habits and the right schedule that makes remaining thin and healthy straightforward, then count yourself lucky, but have the good sense realize that your experience is not the universal ones, and the things that you find simple may not be easy for anyone else.Here is what my struggle looks like for the last month. The green line tracks about one pound per week. Every day when I wake up, I splash some water on my face, take my pills, step on a scale and record my weight. On the days when my weight is below the green line, I try to be content with my progress. Every time it wanders above the green line, I try to rededicate myself to thinking more carefully about what eat and how much, but without beating myself up about it, because that way leads to a kind of stress which is unhelpful to my goals.If you think I’m fat, do me a favor, and just keep it to yourself. In fact, don’t bother talking to me at all. Then perhaps I won’t have to call you an asshole.

Does Skipping Breakfast help in Weight Loss?

A new study published last week in the American Heart Association journal Circulation found that middle-aged men who skip breakfast are more likely to have a heart attack or die from heart disease.The news validates what scientists have long known: eating breakfast consistently pays off through nutritional and mental health benefits, both in children and adults."Breakfast happens to be the easiest time to get in heart-healthy fiber from whole grain cereal and oats, which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol," says Lisa Mosokovitz, a registered dietitian and owner ofYour New York Dietitians.A person who regularly skips breakfast is probably "eating too much of the wrong kind of things at night," she notes.Unfortunately, that's not the only reason the first meal of the day is a particularly bad one to bypass. Here's a few more:1. Skipping breakfast makes you fat.Breakfast-skippers have a higher risk of obesity, according to a 2003 study published in the journal of Epidemiology. Eating more, small meals earlier in the day prevents people from overeating later in the day. It also suppresses concentrations of insulin, a hormone in our body that encourages fat cells to take up fatty acids and store them.2. It makes you forgetful.A study of elementary school children, a small 2005 study published in the journal Psychology and Behavior [PDF], found that elementary school kids who ate a breakfast of oatmeal had better short-term memory than students who did not eat breakfast.3. It increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.Women who regularly miss breakfast have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes versus women who eat breakfast every day, according to a six-year study that was published in August in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition.4. It makes you mean.Breakfast foods contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to jump-start your day. If you're running on empty, it won't be long before you begin feeling tired and cranky. A 1999 study published in the journal Psychology and Behavior showed that adults who kicked off the day with a solid breakfast had a "greater positive mood" than subjects who ate nothing.

What do you think about the fat acceptance movement?

I can understand it as an attempt to lessen the social stigma. Fat people being harassed for their weight in everyday situations isn't quite the motivation for a lifestyle change that some people think it should be. It often just escalates the desire to find comfort in food and pardons the equally unhealthy behaviors of anorexics and bulimics. We as a society need to advocate a healthy diet as something that you do for yourself and your personal health, not primarily as a fix for an atheistic fault. But the "fat acceptance" advocates also need to acknowledge that they're goal should be for their movement to become obsolete. They can't portray obesity as being an acceptable lifestyle choice. They need to seek to help people do what's right for their bodies.