When Did Republicans Lose Integrity Before Bush Lied

Is Colin Powell a man of integrity or is it a facade?

Colin Powell has a carefully groomed image as a man of integrity. We saw him leave the Bush administration mid stream, and hear him talk of being misled. Would a competent Secretary of State be so easily misled. Seems like it should have been easy for a man in his position to see through the false evidence he reported to the UN. The we look back to his role in covering up the massacre at My Lai.

Face it he knew he was being used to help start the Iraq war. There is no way the most famous pilot of the Texas Air National Guard or his 5 time draft deferred side kick had the credibility to get the war rolling. They needed Powell's uniform and reputation. It seems that Powell went along with the plan of this preening adolescent president. That is not the actions of a man with integrity. That is the actions of a coward.

Why does society lie to us about parenthood?

I've heard consistently that parenthood sucks from a very early age. I am not aware of anyone who thinks that. If they do, they haven't told me.

The pressure to have children that I've experienced has primarily come from grandparents who do so to see their own prejudices carried on unconsciously in their progeny's progeny.

I've heard some arguments that the state wants people to have more children because it means more taxation, and when people stop having kids as much they push for immigrants to come in to make up for those lost taxes.

I personally love kids and have found the antinatalists to have unresolved issues to do with their own childhoods, and I find that both sad and frustrating.

Why are so many Americans willing to overlook Trump's lies?

When I first moved out of my parent’s apartment in the early eighties, I rented a second floor walk-up in Jackson Heights part of Queens. During New York's humid summer days and nights, just a few feet outside of my open windows, I could see and almost touch the mother of all noisy trains, the Train no. 7.The ancient metal rusty structure kept it in the air along Roosevelt Avenue into Queens China Town (aka The Orient Express).The train punctually passed my apartment every 7 minutes and was so loud that my living room, including everyone and everything in it- the bathtub, refrigerator, dishes, my cat, and I-vibrated as if we were possessed.The first month, I felt so uncomfortable, I actually considered breaking the lease.Surprisingly, within a month, I began to get used to the noise. It became a part of my daily reality, and in another month, I completely stopped paying attention to its existence and was able to continue on with my life.Just like the train’s schedule, Donald Trump, the mother of all noisy blowhards, tells a lie every 7 minutes. It used to bother me terribly, but I must say, I made peace with him. He just has to make noise to exist and keep his supporters in a constant state of obedience and tachycardia. As for me, I stopped paying attention what this man says, I pay attention what he does. Otherwise, he overwhelms my senses and I go nuts.I’ve came to a realization that when he lies, he’s scared and running for covers. This fragile man expects adulation and admiration and when Trump does not like the reality, his strategy is to make up his own.I’m forever puzzled by Trump supporters’ admission of their complete awareness that Trump lies not to look gullible. The rule of law does not care about this illogical type of excuses or justification. It does not care about your opinion. Law is search for THE Truth, and Trump’s truth is a lie. Where there is lie, quite often the law is broken. Liars and cheaters don’t win in the end! And that’s that!And so, he lies. In fact, I’d be more surprised if he suddenly started telling the truth! Those who lie, eventually forget the truth and confuse the heck out of themselves. People with morals, on the other hand,always remember!

I think President Bush is a scumbag....what about you??

Is George Bush a “scumbag” as you call him? No. “Scumbag” is too polite a term. There are not enough caustic epithets and invectives in the English language to truly articulate this man’s moral depravity, dishonesty, and intellectual incompetence. Is he war criminal? Absolutely, and what makes him worse than most of his other warmongering colleagues around the world, is that he is able to enshrine his thuggish behavior with an air of respectability, due to skillful propagandists that he has at his disposal. I was recently watching a documentary film on Noam Chomsky, one of the great progressive intellectual minds who has championed movements that seek to illustrate the evils of western imperialism, and he brought up an interesting point. He stated that the only people who are called war criminals are those who are on the losing end of a war. For example, during the Nuremberg trials many SS officers were tried and executed for their wanton slaughter of civilians, but no general of the Allied powers was similarly brought to trial for purposely targeting civilian targets that killed many untold thousands if not millions.

Saddam Hussein may have killed thousands of people, but he is no more genocidal than a man like Bush, whose constant quest for global hegemony has lead to just as many thousands dieing in Iraq due to destroyed infrastructure, and the funding of tyrannical puppet governments in other parts of the world.

Since when does victory in a militaristic endeavor allow one to arrogate to themselves the moral high ground? It happened when people turned off their minds and started listen to the propaganda that is masquerading around as patriotism.

Good job with this litany of crimes. I will save it for later use.

When Kill Bush signs were in every liberal protest why do Democrat cry over a few angry phone calls...........?

For all of you here who say you never saw a kill Bush sign, please go to this link. You have not seen anything like this from the right.

Why is the passing of President George H W Bush the end of an era for the United States?

It isn’t by any measurement. While Bush actually held real jobs in government, not just won elections, he was a still a career government employee.I applaud his military service, and in those jobs he was appointed to do, he did a good job, in fact he was a huge hero at the CIA.He tried to get along with democrats by passing a tax bill after saying he would not, and lost the support of the republican base which gave Perot a following, 20% of the vote, and the White House to Clinton.Everyone makes mistakes, but he lost the support because he was perceived as lying to the republicans who elected him (no new taxes).If you think he was the last without a scandal, you must have missed his sons eight years in the white house. Honesty and humility were portrayed daily there, even as we were savagely attacked. And even as he was personally savagely attacked by the antiwar groups, lying about him.Obama was much better at getting an attorney general who would make sure he and his administration would never be held accountable. I think he was the first attorney general of the United States to ignore a legal subpoena and he stopped and ignored all of them for his entire time in the white house. Meanwhile Obama was constantly taking sides against the military and police and while the media covered for him, he was wrong every time, as time proved.No, the media and the democratic party have consistently bad mouthed and insulted and lied about republicans. It seems the only republican they like is a dead one.It was not civil back then, and I doubt if you will see it again as the basic beliefs of the country have been undermined by the press, Hollywood, and the democratic party. The Bush family was just one of the last who tolerated the lies, deceit, and untruths and said hardly anything to defend themselves.Trump saw that just didn’t work, so he turns it back on them and throws the “stuff” right back in their face. Then they call him uncivil.

In your lifetime has the United States of America ever had a more honest president than Donald Trump?

Greatest Presidential lies in my lifetime:1960–1963 Kennedy, Democrat - Warned of a “missile gap” with the Soviet Union when the US outnumbered the USSR 9-to-1 in nuclear missiles. He almost triggered all out nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis.1963–1969 Johnson, Democrat - Announced the “unprovoked attack” on two US Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin and led the US into the Vietnam War that claimed about 60,000 lives of US servicemen and women.1969-1974 Nixon, Republican - “I am not a crook.” Resigned from office.1974-1977 President Ford, Republican - Not known as a liar, but as the man who pardoned Richard Nixon of all crimes committed while in office.1977-1981 President Carter, Democrat - “I will never tell a lie to the American people.” Brought temporary peace to the Middle East, won a Nobel Peace Prize, and was voted out of office after one term. Perhaps he was too pure, too noble, and too ethical to be an effective leader. The country fell apart under his presidency.1981-1989 President Reagan, Republican - Reagan negotiated with the Iranians prior to the election to have them continue to hold over 60 American hostages until after the election in return for guaranteed arms sales after the election. The hostages were not released until an hour after Reagan was sworn in. He made good on his promise to sell weapons through Iran, via Israel, at a profit, and the proceeds were used to illegally smuggle weapons into Nicaragua for the right-wing Contras fighting the socialist Sandanistas. Reagan denied the whole affair and pinned it on Ollie North.1989-1993 President G.H.W. Bush, Republican - “Read my lips, no new taxes.” In addition to being up to his ears in the Iran Contra scandal and pardoning all concerned in the affair on Christmas eve, Bush got canned for his lies on taxes.1993-2001 President Clinton, Democrat - “I did not have sex with that woman.” Clinton survived impeachment over his lies about sex in the White House.2001-2009 President G.W. Bush, Republican - “Weapons of mass destruction.” Bush’s lies left 4400 American soldiers dead, 35,000 wounded, and an estimated 400,000 dead Iraqis. “Mission accomplished.”2009-2017 President Obama, Democrat - “If you like your doctor, you can keep him.”2018-Present, President Trump, Republican - Thousands of inconsequential lies compared to his predecessors. Nobody believes Trump, even should he state a fact. He was laughed out of the UN.