When Do Liberals Learn

When will liberals learn what facts are?

Quick edit to say that when I first answered the question it wasn't prefaced with “What is wrong with the question”. It was just the question “When will liberals evolve to include facts in their logic?”I love this question. The phraseology perfectly depicts the current way of thinking in the (American) conservative movement.First, it takes an unsubstantiated claim and asserts it as truth (in this case the allegation that liberals don't use facts). Then it uses a word in a manner in which it isn't normally used without a context for how the word should be understood—the word logic, in this case. Logic is a way of reasoning and it isn't something that you can change to fit your political view. There is no such thing as liberal logic (or conservative logic for that matter) as the phrase “their logic” implies.It also isn't a question looking for an actual answer. By asking “when will liberals…” as opposed to “why do liberals…”, the questioner is revealing that they aren't interested in understanding the liberal position, but rather just making liberals look bad. The question is the political equivalent of “When did you stop beating your wife?”Oh, I almost forgot the beautifully misinformed use of the “evolve” to imply that liberals actually have some sort of physiological disadvantage that prevents them from arguing at the same level as conservatives. It both insults liberals and demonstrates the question askers fundamental misunderstanding of what evolution actually is.An honest question might be something like. “Why don't liberals, who falsely claim … (insert actual example of a dishonest liberal argument here) … use facts in their arguments? (Of course anyone who honestly looks at the political landscape will know that dishonesty is hardly a sin of just one side, so perhaps the question doesn’t need to be asked at all.)Finally in case the questioner is really looking for an answer to the question, “When will liberals evolve to use facts in their logic?” Next Thursday, after lunch.

Why can't liberals learn from "The Giver" and "Animal Farm" that socialism fails?

A Pig still like a pig regardless of the slop they eat or how ugly the other pigs look.
It isn't so much as policies as much as the hate they have for the truth.
Which goes to show they have no "TRUTH" in them.
It is all about getting something for nothing and being in control of taking from the workers and giving some to the poor while they pocket the rest for themselves.

When will liberals learn that all economic problems can be solved by cutting taxes on corporations and the highest wage earners and having it trickle down to the lowly workers?

Dude, you have it totally backwards. The tax ideology you are describing is CONSERVATIVE economic policy.Liberals oppose this idea vehemently, because history has shown several times that it DOES NOT WORK!To answer your question, CONSERVATIVES will NEVER learn; they are ignorant of history.These kinds of tax cuts shrink the middle class, and push more of them into lower class. It’s what happened when Reagan did it, and it’s what happened when Bush Jr. did it.When you give massive tax cuts to those who already have more money than they could ever spend, you’re not helping anyone. They are not going to spend more; they are gonna sit on it, or hide it oveseas, or maybe buy a bigger private plane. These things DO NOT help grow the economy. It is a RARITY that they will ever use it to expand their business holdings, or raise wages, or hire more workers. Even now, with the huge Tax SCAM that Republicans passed, the number of wage increases or bonuses are still small and anecdotal at best. It is not going to be a widespread thing. Meanwhile, huge multi billion dollar corporations like Walmart are STILL laying off 10s of thousands of workers, all for the sake of making even MORE money that they could NEVER spend.On the other hand, when you give the big tax cuts to those in the lower and middle class, you are helping 10s of millions of Americans. These Americans will SPEND the extra money they have on food, clothing, entertainment, vehicles, homes, etc., all things that GROW the economy. And growing the economy helps EVERYONE, because when lower and middle class America spends more, those at the very top also make more money and get something from it as well.Ya want to know how much more money I had in my paycheck for the month of January?A PATHETIC $23 more dollars for the ENTIRE month.That DOESN’T HELP ME! And it sure as hell is not going to help most people.Or how about the secretary that got a whopping extra $1.50 a week?NOT GONNA HELP!Its NOT rocket science!This trickle down zombie lie is a fraud upon the American people, and because CONSERVATIVES will NEVER learn, we need to kick their sorry corporatist asses out of Washington before they finish off the middle class once and for all!

How do liberals ever learn anything if they can never admit to their mistakes?

Liberals are like babies and children. One: they're like babies because they're too incompetent to understand consequences. If a baby touches a hot pan, the baby cries, and learn to never touch it again because it burns him. Liberals are even stupider than babies because if a liberal puts his hand on a hot pan, he'll keep doing it over and over again unti his hand is scorched and he needs to go to the hospital.

Liberals are also like children: they're like children because they want to play and eat it cream and do whatever they want, but don't care who the adult is whos spending all the money.
I'm sure the avarage child would understand more about consequences than the avarage liberal.

Liberals just want things to be their way or no way. They want our children to adopt the anti-gun and anti-American belief system they have. Much like Adolf Hitler did during WWII. He made sure that kids were taught to hate Jews, and love Germany. But Hitler did it for the good of his country. He wanted his country to prosper.

Liberals on the other hand, do it so they can get our kids to hate America, and eventually lead it to it's downfall.

Will liberals ever learn that communism is bad?

Liberalism is in fact the ideology most opposed to communism. Whereas the latter advocates the centralized, state-based control of the means of production and the abolition of private property, the former prefers decentralized, individual and corporate ownership of property and less staunch control of the means of production.Even among some leftists, who are themselves a heterogeneous group, advocacy for communism tout court is rare (I am discounting the campus left, who are and have always been exceptional; they are not the vanguard of the mainstream leftist movement anyway). Some will advocate social democracy (not democratic socialism, which is a type of politics practiced primarily under centralized socialist regimes). Social democracy, despite the label, is not particularly socialist in the traditional sense of the centralized seizure of the means of the production, and it is certainly not communist inasmuch as it does not envisage the complete abolition of the state and private property. It instead seeks to attain a balance between private enterprise and concern for the environment and the social welfare of less privileged groups.In practice, it does not always attain these lofty principles, and its proponents will often tend toward a disproportionate amount of statism and high taxation in order to accomplish their goals. No political ideology is perfect, so we should expect such aberrant episodes to occur.Communists themselves, who are not exactly “liberal” even in the modern sense, will likely never realize that their ideology, when taken dogmatically, is a fatally flawed one, ditto most other radical proponents of particular movements and ideologies, radical conservatives and libertarians included.

How come liberals never learn that appeasement does not work?

Libs have the attention span of gnats, thats why

They love their Islamists and deviants and murderers, yes they do