When Do You Pay For A Digital Day 1 Pre-ordered Game On The Playstation Store On Ps3

If I bought a game from the PlayStation store, could I play it on a second PS4 console if I sign in with my account?

Sony clarifies PS4 game-sharing rules ahead of launch“There's no limit to the number of consoles you can download a game on, but only two games can be played concurrently — one on your primary system, one on a secondary console, which you must be logged into. Sony has also revealed you'll be able to change which PS4 is your primary system if you need to.”- 2013Sharing Downloaded Games on Multiple PS4s?“[The other person] would only have access to your games by logging into your account on her PS4. If you are playing at home, and [that person] logs into your account, one your PS4 your game will stop and you'll get a message that it was logged in somewhere else. [The] best way, if [the other person] has PS Plus use Shareplay to have [them] play the game with you that way as a guest.- 2017

Why should I preorder a ps3 game?

This ones easy the reason you pre order games are 2-fold.1. make sure you get a copy on opening night or at least within 48 hours of game release. I have to disagree with Brian's comment, I have been to multiple midnight releases at gamestop in which they ran out of games after the pre-orders were finished picking up, and the 2-3 they had left were on hold for pre-orders to pick up the next day. This happened for Destiny, Arkham Knight, and Black Ops 1 to name just a few. So if you want to make sure you get a copy of the game within the first 24 hours of the release date or at midnight release, pre-order is a must. If you can wait then no need to preorder. Oh another side note of this, if you pre-order and show up at gamestop around 6 or 9 depending on what game (ask ahead of time) you can get a ticket to hold your place in line (by group) which will significantly lower your wait time if you come back at midnight. I usually pre order the game, then on release date show up 30 minutes before golden ticket time, get in group one, leave, come back at 11:50, walk passed the huge line up to the front with group one and have my game and am back home within 10-12 minutes while some people wait in line forever because they won't let everyone in at once, just 1 group at a time.2. Pre-order bonus content. Sometimes the content is worthless, sometimes it's amazing. Pre-order content comes in the form of extra MP maps, extra weapons, custom suits, custom skins, extra abilities, extra playable characters. Look up the bonus ahead of time and see if you care, sometimes it really is worth it to pre order for the bonus content. And if you don't get it and then end up playing with everyone else who does have it... they may end up with an advantage you cannot ever get back (unless they eventually release it as buyable DLC) I guess as a third possible reason if you're extremely short on cash and you're one of those people who pays like 10 bucks a week till it's paid off that could be a reason too, though you could just put that 10 bucks aside every week and then buy it out right on release day. But anyways that's the reason you pre order games.

Can I get a refund for a PS4 digital game?

As other people have said, you likely won’t get a refund if you already played the game. However, if you didn’t or you have special excuses (e.g. the game is broken), you can check the link here PlayStation Store cancellation policy for more details. The link on that page directing you to the form is currently broken, so I suggest you contact Sony support.If you already played the game then I am sorry, but there will probably be no refunds. Did you buy your game through PS Store or through a physical store? If you bought yours at the PS Store online and the sale was indeed active when you purchased it but for some reason you didn’t buy it at the discounted price, you could contact support and hopefully they will understand and give you a refund. However if you purchased it otherwise, you probably won’t get a refund.Good luck!

Why do people buy digital games on consoles?

especially on PS4 or Xbox One, you can almost always find the game cheaper used on a disc. even if you live out in a rural area, some online sites like Walmart sells used games online.

i only download digital games on Xbox One if it's free. otherwise, I always but them on disc new or used for resale / trade in value.

especially if it's an older 360 game that works on xbox one via backwards compatibility, i will buy used if it's not a games with gold and almost always get them under $10 at various stores near me.

is it purely for the convenience of downloading digital and not the effort of driving to a local store and checking out prices there?

do you buy disc or digital?

Do I have to insert game disc every time I play on PS4 slim? Is there a way to install the game from the disc to the PS4 slim?

With a PS4, PS3 Xbox One, Wii U, Switch, or any other console you can think of, if you have already used a physical copy (disk) of a game, you have to insert the disk every time you play. The reason is because, lets say you rent the game for a few days. You insert the game to your console.Now the game is installed. You play it for a few hours. You do that until you have to return it. Now although the game is installed on your system, you are required to insert the disk anyway because the game wants proof that you bought it, or at least have posession of it.If you dont want to insert the game every time you play, all current-gen consoles will have an online store which will allow you to digitally buy the game. It will probably take up more storage space on the console, but you wont have to insert a disk.

Madden 25 for ps4 as a digital download?

This is all i can find.

What is the exact difference between digital copy and physical copy of a game on PS4? Do I need to insert disk every time I want to play game or it just installs by itself?

I'm actually quite surprised no one has actually said what the actual difference is.Both physical media and digital downloads download and install the game to your harddrive. The difference lies in the licensing between the two. For a digital download you generally get a key to a license located on a server. This means that to play the game you must have an internet connection active. For a physical copy the license is located on the disk. So you need to have the disk in the machine to play but you don't need an internet connection.This is also why physical copies have a resale value. You never really buy the game you buy a license to play the game. Selling the disk is the same as selling your license to a 3rd party. Since you don't have control over your license from a digital download, your game doesn't have a resale value.Now there are cases like Steam in which you have an option to fully download a game to you harddrive and play offline. This setup, like Netflix, requires a ping to the servers every so often (to make sure you're still subscribing) or the software either uninstalls itself or the license becomes in valid. So while individual instances of play don't require an internet connection to play, you still need one long term to keep your game playable. Unfortunately, this also means that the playability of your game is entirely reliant on external servers and not on your PC or console.My rule of thumb is, if your planning on playing a game long term (multiple decades) physical media is better. If your planning on playing the game for the anticipated life of the game (5-10 years) digital is better. I think most people fall in this second bucket as newer and better things will always be released which is what people will focus thier attention to.

Will PS4 Games Or PS4 Be Droping Price On Black Friday?

Now we know the PS4 comes out November 15th to USA & Canada But i'm not sure of 2 things

1.Will the PS4 On Sale For Black Friday
2.Will PS4 Games Be On Sale For Black Friday?

I need a serious answer, I know this is probably a stupid but I really need to know because am buying PS4 this November and might be around ThanksGiving.