When Does Telemachus Show That He Is Loyal

How does Telemachus grow in the odyssey?

Athena helps Telemachus prepare for meeting Nestor in several ways. First in her first meeting with Telemachus, she helps to give him the confidence and assertiveness to take action against the suitors and to begin a search for his father. Secondly, she does obtain the ship, men, and supplies for him to use while making the suitors sleep. Thirdly, she went with him disguised as Mentor giving him encouragement and advice along the way. When they arrive at Pylos, Telemachus did not want to leave the ship, and Athena, as Mentor, gives him advice and nearly has to push him off the ship to overcome his diffidence in approaching Nestor. Sorry that i couldnt help more. hope you get an A on this project.

How does hope guide Odysseus Penelope & Telemachus in the odyssey? Any Quotes from the book as examples?

I would say that at the start of the Odyssey -- there is no hope. Telemachus meets Athene in disguise and bemoans his father's fate. He says to the suitors (Book I, lines 412-420) that he will no longer believe in any messages or prophecies (as his mother does). But then he goes to sleep pondering the appearance of the Goddess -- remember she was disguised as Mentes but then flew away -- a great omen. (Bk 1, lines 436-445)

Book 19, lines 505-600 are the passages regarding Penelope's dream of the geese and how Odysseus the beggar interpreted them. That is a good show of hope.

Also remember Argus the dog? He obviously can not "hope" but he does live to see his master again. And if that was known to the populace -- it would be a great portend of hope in the Palace. Definitely, the listeners of Homer poem will understand this.

As Odysseus leaves Calypso's island -- he is not hopeful -- he says - let this adventure begin. And of course, Poseidon wrecks his raft and he almost drowns - he even gives up but Athena strengthens his resolve. (Book 5)

I would show how there is no hope for any of the three at the beginning of the poem. But hope slowly grows as Odysseus begins the last leg of his journey home.


In the Odyssey, what are examples of Telemachus's loyalty...?

Telemachus was perpetually in doubt about his father being dead. Penelope believed he was dead towards the end, the suitors all claimed he was dead, the other Kings of Greece said he died. That's the point Homer was making: everyone had given up on Odysseus, but his faithful son.

Eumanio's is the one I am fuzzy on. Is he the one Odysseus went to war with, or was that the sheep herder that tended to Telemachus as a child? I haven't read this book since 9th grade. I'd look that one up, because I can't remember who Eumanious was, by name at least.

Odysseu's men were with him unto death. They all died bearing loyalty to him. All were soldiers at heart and would not leave their captain's side. They went to war with him, bled with him, and would end up being eating by Hydra as a result. But, there is the exception, one of his soldiers did open up the wind from the gods, which put them off course for about ten years. Otherwise, Odysseus and his men would have been home without the ten year delay.

Why does Telemachus and Penelope need Odysseus in The Odyssey?

Odysseus was the King of Ithaca and since he was lost at sea, their people needed a king. But not any king, a king like Odysseus and no one was as clever and smart as him, that's why he was Athena's favorite. Many suitors came to Ithaca to marry Penelope for the throne but they were corrupt and evil, trashing the castle with their late parties. Penelope avoided marriage with the suitors for decades but eventually they new her tricks and demanded her to decide to whom to marry. Another reason, Telemachus never seen his own dad, for he was given birth in the year Odysseus was called to fight the Trojan war.

Does Telemachus know the beggar is Odysseus? - Book 17?

No !
Odysseus had yet to reveal to his son Telemachus that he was his father.

Penelope had been loyal to Odysseus for those twenty years, but the pressure on her to remarry was intense; she agreed to marry whoever could fire an arrow through tiny loops of leather tied to the 12 axe-heads set upright in the ground.

In the competition, everyone failed, except an old beggar. This was Odysseus in disguise.
Telemachus became suspicious of Odysseus' identify.
Jealousy and anger manifested. With the help his son Telemachus, he got rid of all the suitors ..... and all were killed.

Then, he revealed his true identity and was welcomed back as king.

For further information .... complete your reading on Book 17 !

How does Odysseus show loyalty?

how does this quote show loyalty and to whom does it show loyalty to, his wife ?
this quote;
"the sweet lifetime was draining out of him, as he wept for a way home, since the nymph was no longer pleasing to him. By nights he would lie beside her, of necessity, in the hollow caverns, against his will, by one who was willing, but all the days he would sit upon the rocks, at the seaside, breaking his heart in tears and lamentation and sorrow as weeping tears he looked out over the barren water" the odyssey (5.152-158)
How does this show his loyalty?

When does Odysseus show confidence in himself?

During the Trojan War (in The Iliad), Odysseus was very cunning. Not surprising when his great-grandfather is Hermes himself. He designed the Trojan Horse which enabled the Greeks to lay seige to Troy.

In his attempts to get home to Ithaca (in The Odyssey), perhaps the best example of his confidence was after he returned home and was reunited with his son. He planned revenge on the men who were abusing the hospitality of Penelope, his wife, and Telemachus, their son. Athena had disguised him as an old man, and he requested the chance to string his bow and fire an arrow through several rings at a target (a sheild, if memory serves correctly). He strode with full confidence that he would be able to perform this feat, as he'd done twenty years prior, even while the men vying for Penelope's hand laughed and riduled him. Remember, these men believed her to be a widow, even though she held out every hope that Odysseus would return.

Once he had fired the arrow successfully, he proceeded to slaughter the arrogant men who were running his household to near ruin, with the help of his son and an ever faithful servant.

Hope this helps!


Sorry, this takes place at the end of The Odyssey! My apologies.

What are the reasons why Penelope reprimands Telemachus?

He is reprimanded for allowing the abuse of a stranger by the suitors (unaware that it is Odysseus that sends the beggar off, because Telemachus has not told her he’s there.)Background: Iros the beggar comes to their palace and agressively demands Odysseus to leave (Penelope doesn’t know he’s there at this point). After trying to calm Iros down to no avail, he assures that the suitors will not basically backstab him, Odysseus beats Iros down after intimidating him and comes out the victor, throwing him out. The suitors praise and reward him with food and complete access to the palace. As Telemachus was present and could’ve stopped the issue before it began, she privately rebukes him for allowing such abuse of the stranger. He tells her he had no option with the suitors and informs her of the beggar's one-sided aggression and decision to pick a fight..

When in the Odyssey was Odysseus loyal to his men?

When Odysseus and his men arrived in the land of the Lotus-Eaters (Book 9), three of Odysseus' men ate the intoxicating lotus plant, losing any desire to return home. Odyseuss could have went on his way and left those men behind--he still had enough men to man their ships--but he forces those men to return to their ships so they could travel home.

In Book 10, when they came to the island of Aeaea and Circe had turned Odysseus' men to swine, Odysseus asks Circe what man in his right mind could in good conscience taste of food and drink before winning the freedom of his comrades. He then tells her that if she insists on him eating and drinking, to first free his men so he could behold with is own eyes his trusty comrades again.

In Book 11, when Odysseus journeys to the Underworld, he encounters the shade of his comrade Elpenor, only then discovering that while they had stayed with Circe Elpenor had fallen off Circe's roof, breaking his neck. Odysseus returns to Aeaea and gives Elpenor a proper burial.

Those are a few examples I can think of.

How did Odysseus show intelligence?

I suppose the mythical character Odysseus (Ulysses) was fairly smart.He didn’t want to go on Menelaus’ trip across the Aegean to bring Helen home from Troy. He let it be known he couldn’t go because he’d gone mad. Nestor went to check this out and found Odysseus ploughing the sand on the beach and sowing salt. Nestor put Telemachus, Odysseus’ son, in front of the plough which blew his madness cover.He was the Greek that cooked up the wooden horse as a gambit to get inside Troy after nearly ten years of fruitless battles ending in a nil all draw. So that could be a measure of intelligence, or cleverness. He is called ‘wiley’ by Homer.He and his men had many travails in their bid to sail back to Ithaca. The fact that this voyage lasted for ten years was more due to the god’s making things difficult for him. Some gods were on the side of the Trojans, others for the Greeks. Consequently he is blown thither and hither. Most of the obstacles Odysseus confronts are solved by his bravery and courage. Perhaps making his crew stuff their ears with wax and having himself lashed to the mast so he alone could hear the Sirens was a bit clever - but I’d do that.After eventually arriving home, meeting up with Telemachus, disguising himself as a beggar to get into his home in order to slay the bevy of suitors that seemed to have be squatting there trying to win Penelope’s hand, points to his craftiness.Penelope was no slouch either. Apart from hanging around for her husband to return for 20 years, she held off these damnable suitors by agreeing to marry one when she has finished her weaving project. They could see her weaving, but every night she unpicked her work. Eventually, she was backed into a corner and asked to quit stalling and make a definitive decision about who would be her husband. She said: any man who could string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through axe head loops planted in a line, she would marry. Unfortunately for them, nobody had the strength to string this bow. Odysseus took furious revenge on them shooting numerous former suitors with this bow in the ensuing battle. So I think Penelope is often overlooked - but hey, nothing new there - she was a woman.