When I Profit Off The Government Does That Make Me A Liberal Or Conservative

Conservative or Liberal?

Hi (:
I'm wondering if anyone could tell me if a laissez-faire policy is typically a conservative or liberal trait.
I am writing an essay that where I have to identify a president's political policies by his traits, so I need the simplest answer possible.
Thank you/ (:

I'm conservative. How would you convince me to be liberal (in terms of U.S. politics)?

There’s only a couple ways you can convince anyone of anything. And that depends on what you value. As Sam Harris said, if someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument are you going to present to convince them otherwise? It just isn’t going to work. They don’t buy into that system.I believe my logic is sound based on my values. Many conservatives I’ve spoken with also hold this to be true. The only difference I perceive is that I can hammer away at your values altogether, whereas mine have good defenses. American Conservatives don’t seem to believe in “do to others as you would like to be done to you.” The Golden Rule. They may think they do. But instead of how I choose to follow such a guideline, they will typically act in a totally different manner. They think “Oh, I don’t need help and I’ll never ask for it, so I’m never going to help my fellow man!” That is, until they are put into the shoes of a homeless man who lost his job, or a single mother drowning in financial issues, or a well-adjusted but decently well off person suddenly diagnosed with aggressive cancer. That’s the kind of thing that I seem to understand that conservatives do not.You can of course be persuaded emotionally. But I doubt you empathize with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised, or the nonbelievers, or the immigrants, or LGBT community, or apparently fucking anything but “the troops” and Christians and gun owners. So that’s out of the question.The only other option is to live it yourself. I suggest you try the Minimum Wage challenge. Start your life from scratch working on minimum wage and see how it works for you. See what it’s like to be hit with sickness or injury and how that decimates your finances. Try stepping into the shoes of ethnic Americans and nonChristians and see how their lives are different from what you are familiar with. Or how about spending time beneath the invisible drones in the Middle East, wishing for death over the anxiety of waiting for it to come.Conservatives would rather shed a tear for a flag that symbolizes a nation than the actual people who live and die by stupid, stupid policies that can easily be changed for the benefit of so many. If none of this fancies you, then I’m afraid my attempts would be futile.

How do you piss off a Liberal? A conservative? A Libertarian?

No, this isn't the set up for a joke, and it isn't a loaded question. I just want to see how the politics section reacts to this question. >:)

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

What are the main differences between liberalism and conservatism?

What are the main differences between conservatism and liberalism?Liberalism supports the ideals of a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to participate. Conservatism supports a social hierarchy where things like wealth, race, religion and gender are used to determine what opportunities are made available.Liberalism believes in a government that takes an active role in protecting the rights of individuals against the greed and indifference of corporations and the wealthy. Conservatism believes that government should not interfere when corporations and the wealthy exploit workers or the environment in order to make a profit.Liberalism believes in a government limited to defending itself and its citizens against real, existential threats. Conservatism believes in a government that makes itself a real, existential threat to any other governments it might oppose for any reason.Liberalism is about government that uses the collective wealth of the nation to improve the lives of common people. Conservatism is about using the collective wealth of the nation to improve the lives on the nation’s wealthiest.Liberalism is about making the world a better place starting from the bottom with the understanding that the world is already pretty damn good for those at the top. Conservatism is about making the world a better place starting at the top with the belief that those at the bottom are there for a reason.