When I Send Emails It Shows The Sender As

When I send emails, the sender ID says "null null."?

Hover over the far right gear icon ⚙ in Yahoo mail and then click "settings".
Then click "accounts" in left column.
Select the primary address.

On the next page you can do the following:

Change FROM name and REPLY TO address FROM name can be blank and then only the email address will appear. REPLY TO can be blank and then the FROM address will be used.

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Suddenly sent mailbox shows the sender field (ME) and not recipient do I get recipient back in Yahoo Mail? Works right in Basic?

I hate Yahoo mail. I hate Yahoo mail. Every time you turn around they have changed something and it is never for the better. Are they a bunch of morons? My email address is on all my stationery, all my promos, in a zillion places. It is totally inconvenient to change to gmail. But I HATE Yahoo mail. And this new "me" idiocy is absolutely maddening. What on earth is better about this feature. Does anyone have a proper solution to this? Does anyone know a tech person at Yahoo who can answer why they keep changing things all the time?

Why does Mail for Mac OS show the sender's name rather than the recipient's name in Sent Mail, and how can I change this?

The same problem exists on the Android implementation of Gmail as well and it cannot be changed in the current version and probably never will.It is a tradeoff between inconvenience and UI confusion on the limited space but feel free to suggest the change to Google.

Does viewing an email send a message to the sender?

In the old Yahoo mail I could check a box and delete an email without viewing it. In beta I have to view an email in the preview pane to allow me to delete it or send it to spam. Does viewing an email in the preview pane allow the sender to get a message that this email has been viewed? This would let them know that they have a real active email. I don't want that to happen.

Emails sent to me are returned to known senders "underdeliverable"?

Send yourself one and see if it comes back undeliverable.Then go from there.You might have to reinstall your mail program or it just might be a virus.

Can the sender of an email see if it's been read?

In general, no. There were extensions added to the mail standards for return receipts, but everyone turns them off for privacy reasons. If you add a web bug (a unique image on an external website) to HTML mail, you can tell if someone viewed that, but some people like me still use text-based email, or again mail clients may block images and external links for privacy.

How to remove my last name as sender in Yahoo email.?

Hi... when you open your yahoo from home page,yahoo welcomes you with ( Hi ....... ) click on it, its gonna lead you to ID page which you creat your mail from...

Does sending email from Gmail expose your IP address to the sender?

“Does sending email from Gmail expose your IP address to the sender?”I’m instead answering:“Does sending email from Gmail expose your IP address to the recipient?”No. Google will know your IP, but the headers in gmail show “google” as the sender when you send the email through the web application.If you were to use gmail as a remailer for your local SMTP client, then yes, gmail will reveal the source IP, but that’s not how most people use gmail.