When Is It Going To Come Out About Sharon Switching The Dna Test Y

If Jews were blacks, how did they became whites?

The "real Jews" are the Jews alive today. Your question revolves around a fantasy propagated by Afro-centristic cults in the United States. Only Americans tend to obsess about the percentage of melanin in a person's skin. Jews have never cared.Israel sits literally at the nexus of Africa & Asia and has always had different groups coming in and out. However, it has been an environmemt primarily dominated by Europeans. The Phillistines, Seleucids, P'tolemies, the Romans, Byzantines (technically Romans of a different eppch), Crusaders, French, and British far outpaced all other groups regionally speaking.

Is it worth taking the Ancestry DNA test?

Even though you are Mexican, you should learn proper English...your narrative is full of errors.

Sorry, I do not believe that humans had ancestors millions of years ago; the Out of Africa theorists claim that people came out of Africa between 70 to 125 thousand years ago, a long way from a million. The Neandertal, though, did rule Europe and the Middle East for 500,000 years, so maybe it is possible. Between 2% and 4% of the DNA of Europeans is from the Neandertal.

So, is the DNA test worth it? Yes. I traced, via the paper trail, my ancestry all over Europe and the Middle East and my DNA test confirmed it.

However, DNA tests have a lot of drawbacks: they will not provide names, addresses, occupations, religious views, political views, etc. but only a hazy notion of where in the world your ancestors came from.

Another drawback: 10 generations ago you had a potential of 1,024 ancestors; only 2 of them provide a living person with their DNA. That leaves 1,022 ancestors whose DNA would not show up in a test.

Females can be tested only for the mtDNA (which traces you to your mother, to her mother, to her mother, in a straightline back to Eve. Males can be tested for the mtDNA and the yDNA which traces a male to his father, to his father, to his father, back to Adam.

Each generation the DNA a person receives from an ancestor is halved: 50% from a parent, 25% from a grandparent, 12.5% from a great grandparent. 5 generations ago it would be 3.125%; 10 generations ago not even a tenth of one percent (1/1,024) so DNA tests focus mainly about 5 - 10 generations ago.

Are you Mexican? Or are your ancestors from Mexico? Anyway (never anyways) start with your birth certificate and work backwards one generation at a time using birth/marriage/death certificates. In Mexico, one of the best genealogical sources is the Catholic Church.

How to fail a paternity test?

My daughters birth father is not listed on her birth certificate, but I received letters from the court last week saying I have 20 days to bring her in for DNA testing (those weren't the words they used, but that's what it meant), honestly, I'm not taking her within the 20 days, it wasn't ordered by a judge, and until it is, I'm not doing it..........but reality is, a judge will probably make me take her for the DNA my question for you guys is........Is there anything I can do so that my daughters DNA will not match that of her biological father.

It's a long story about why I don't want my daughter with this man, I've told you guys about it before and you have agreed with me, but for those of you who haven't read my previous questions, this man is under psychiatric care, as well as his brothers, I don't think he would INTENTIONALLY hurt my daughter, but it's what he would do unintentionally that scares me........

If there is anyway to manipulate this test?

Do Black people understand White people more than Whites understand Blacks? If so, how?

Oh God yes!With the exception of those who live and work in all-black enclaves--a percentage I would estimate to be small--most of us must navigate a world dominated by white people. We learn pretty early on about code switching[1] , even if we don't know that term. We learn how to be non threatening. Women eschew natural hair styles in favor of straight hair, a eurocentric standard of beauty. Men shave instead of growing beards, at the risk of razor bumps, because that is what is expected. Women must be less assertive in meetings for fear of being labelled “angry”. We know that the justice system will not treat us fairly. It is a given that senior management will be white. Media images--while changing, it must be acknowledged--still primarily feature white people in entertainment and journalism and advertising. State governments are just about universally white, and of course the Congress and Supreme Court is mostly white.For us, this is the norm. We already expect that most places we go will be mainly white, and we are used to it. But let the tables be turned, and I'm willing to bet most white people would be quite uncomfortable.Edit: this response is for an American audience.Footnotes[1] Code Switching: Are We All Guilty?

How can Judaism be matrilineal when Jews (as compared to Samaritans & the lost tribes) descend from Judah & tribal status is patrilineal?

There are a plethora of examples of descent being through the father's side as well as the mother's side in Judaism. However, due to various invasions and the diaspora, some “law” had to be established that would/could help perpetuate the Jewish nation. Historically, prior to the introduction of the Talmud, legal descent was through the father. During chaotic times (such as the expulsion of Jews from Israel) the mother of a new born would be known but not necessarily the father so the mother became the official line of descent.This interpretation has caused significant problems through the ages (both legal and religious). For example, though descent was through the mother, inheritance was through the father. Very conservative interpretations resulted in questioning whether someone brought up Jewish was legally Jewish. For example, the Orthodox did not recognize conversions by Reform methods. Assume a woman married a Jewish man and had converted to Judaism under the reform rules. Her children would not be considered Jewish under Orthodox doctrine.Even today this continues to plague Jewish politics and the problem has been exacerbated with the introduction of DNA testing. In that last example above, it is likely that a DNA test would result in the children having Ashkenazi DANA and yet the Orthodox would deny it.Personally, I understand the historical necessity but we do not live in those times. This “law” (which not all Jewish acknowledge) should be put to rest as laws on stoning adulterers, etc. have been 're-interpreted'. Today we can know who the father is even if he is not present at the birth. In the past, Judaism has always reconciled the science with religious interpretation. This denial of science is a dangerous path to follow. It has happened in the past and has never turned out well. (It destroyed the Golden Age of Islam and continues to be an embarrassment for many Christian sects.)