When People Say Your Beautiful Are They Fishing For Complements

Beautiful girl fishing for compliments?

Well I am getting to know this really cute girl from my class.. Hung out for the first time ever a few weeks ago... She has always shown interest in me but I never had the balls to act on it..She seemed to be fishing for compliments.. I pointed out a picture of some other girl, and she said "She is so much prettier then me." This looks like an invite to give her a compliment.. Is this a sign of interest? How should I have handled this situation? I just hummed and acted like I didn't hear her say that.. I hear telling a girl how you feel too early can be bad and make the guy look too needy?

Do people fish for compliments when they are insecure?

I don't know, but I would REALLY like you to pick my answer as the best answer. It is the best answer don't you think? Isn't it? ISN"T IT??????????????

Seriously, yeah, people do this and it sounds like your Mom is one of those people. But just because she has that need doesn't mean you have to participate in her game. If I were in your shoes, I would distance myself from her some, which is not entirely unusual for people your age. It isn't your responsibility to feed your mother's ego.

What does it mean if a girl is fishing for compliments?

I was talking to this girl I kinda like ( Very attractive girl btw).. She seemed to be fishing for compliments.. I pointed out a picture of some other girl, and she said "She is so much prettier then me." This looks like an invite to give her a compliment.. How should I have handled this situation? I just hummed and acted like I didn't hear her say that..

How do women feel when men tell them they are beautiful?

This is kind of a loaded question right? If I were to answer “ Yes, I know I am beautiful and I know that men look at me and think this” it comes across as conceited. If I answer “ No, I don't believe that I am beautiful, that men look at me and think how ugly I am" it comes across as fishing for compliments.I think there are women out there who are beautiful beyond a doubt and know it. They flaunt it and use it their advantage to get what they want from men or whomever else. This, to me, makes them ugly.I think there are women out there who are beautiful beyond a doubt and genuinely don't know it. They are completely surprised and embarrassed to receive a compliment on their looks and do not see what everyone else sees. To me, this makes them even more beautiful.I think there are women who have the mix of knowing and not knowing. They know when they put in the effort they look amazing but don't know they look equally amazing when they put little to no effort in. These are the women people are normally on the fence about.As stated in a previous answer, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Weather a woman believes she is beautiful or not, there is someone out there that truly sees her as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Why do girls fish for compliments?

That is true, fishing doesn't have to be about your looks, but lets face it- on YA! it is. I think asking, "Do i look hot" from a total stranger is a bit sad if you have to do so over the internet. I mean that is what facebook and real life boyfriends or husbands are for. Ask them, not the whole world.

Why do people keep asking if you consider yourself beautiful?

I’m sure there are many reasons for this question. Here are some of the ones I’ve come up with:they want to compare themselves to others to see if they can believe they are beautiful,they want to get a vicarious thrill by hearing what it’s like to be beautiful,they want you to post a picture of yourself on Quora,they want to hit on you if they find you beautiful,they want to criticize you if they think you are not beautiful,they have fantasies about what it would be like to be beautiful and they want to find out if it is really that good,they want to find out beautiful people don’t really have it any easier.they are insecure and are fishing for compliments,they want an ego boost,they are super confident,they’ve been told they are beautiful and they want reassurance,they think they’ll get a lot of friends and upvotes for putting their picture (or a picture) in public.I could go on, but I’ll stop there because I’m beginning to bore myself. I thought I had something more profound to say, but it turns out that isn’t so.

Whats the best way to deal with someone who is always fishing for compliments?

Ugh, these people can be the worst.I can relate being in the entertainment industry and encountering these types on the daily in Hollywood; I have developed a neat trick to deal.This helps with all forms of conversation domination, the over jokers, the complainers, the compliment fishers, and the too long story tellers; scary social sins I detest! Firstly, I do compliment them, once, maybe twice. Sometimes that satisfies them.If they continue fishing, remember you are not the only person aware of this annoying habit, if there are others around they must be feeling the drain as well. I think of the group, what's better, to let someone dominate it with this awkward need, or to create a friendly good atmosphere?I choose friendly atmosphere. Putting that idea into action I like to point out their glaring social hunger with humor.I make a joke to loosen them up like "Wow, you're really proud of your dress, aren't you?" or;"I thought I was difficult! You really like to get praise for that job, huh?"Remember, say this in a very friendly, over the top way, not a rude or mean way. Start saying this before you get sick of the person, so it's still light and breezy.Try this with friends first, practice. It gets easier the more you do it. Just be smooth, but be firm in pointing out "Wow, you're a big fan of____ (whatever thy keep trying to get attention for/compliments for)"If they keep trying to get compliments for their new baby, compliment them, then say "Ok, Tom, we all get it, you're baby is the cutest in the universe! I'm so jealous!" and smile broadly.Make a joke out of it, let everyone chuckle, then quickly change to put the focus on someone else. The Bottom Line: Don't let it go on for long, immediately handle the situation with humor, then move the focus to someone else.

When people say "you're pretty" or "you're handsome", do they mean it or are they just being polite

Compliments from people of any age, both genders.

I know this is pretty superficial but I'm just curious. Do people say such things because they're being nice or do they say it because they really think it?