When To Expect Guppy To Give Birth

What are some signs that a Guppy is about to give birth?

If you know when she was bred, or started being pregnant, you can expect her drop in about 28 days. Her gravid spot, (black dot, close to the end of tail) will become very dark and big, this is the fry's eyes showing through. Her belly will be huge and have a "squared" shape to it. Watch out for unusual behaviour such as not eating, becoming unsocial, hanging out near the heater and plants away from the other fish. Your guppy can have 2-200 fry. Normally around 40-60, but not all of them will survive. (Lots of peoples guppies fry, in the end, have about 1-12. You'll want to have a place to give your fry to. Most petstores will take them.) The parents and other guppies will eat the fry so you want to have a heavily planted tank. Floating plants like java moss provide good cover for the fry. A spawning mop also works. You want over 60% of the top of you tank covered. If you don't like that idea, you can use a plastic or net breeder. The plastic one has little slots that the fry fall through so mama doesn't eat them. My breeder has air bubbles in it so it just floats. Others will differ. The net is just a net that hooks onto your tank. I would put her in the breeder once you notice that her belly is squared and she is acting strange, wait until the evening then put her in. But if she looks like she's about to pop right then, put her in now. Some guppies have a tendency to give birth in the early morning. If you need more information google it. Here is one link I found especially helpful:
Hope this helps and good luck!

Why Guppy fry stuck in birth canal? (video included)?

NEVER squeeze a fish giving birth. This can kill her. Some young mothers can become egg or fry bound. Actually what happens is the female is way to young to have so many fry or to come into eggs. This happens more than people realize. Your fish will dislodge the fry when her body allows her and yes just like with humans it is stressful and in some cases leads to death. (Just part of life here) Her next set which you can expect in about a month should be easier on her. Also the older she gets the easier it will be.

Since fry develope with in the mother they are not all the same size or age when they are actually born.

Really, let nature take its course here.

My guppy just unexpectedly gave birth, and I am not prepared. How do I deal with the fry?

If you wish to keep and raise the fry, get to your nearest petshop right away and buy a breeding separation tank (normally clear plastic box that floats around the top of your tank) and very carefully move the fry into this box. I wouldn't recommend using a fish net as they're so small you risk damaging them. I used a small plastic cup/container to scoop them (one at a time but try to get as many as you can quickly before the other fish eat them) once you've relocated as many of the fry as possible, let the tank settle for a while. Feed the new babies in their box with regular fish flakes until they're big enough that you believe the other fish are no longer a threat to them, and enjoy the pleasure of knowing you raised these new babies.However, if you're not ready to put in the time and commitment to these new fry, the existing adult fish will eat the fry and you won't have to do anything. Good luck with whatever you choose.

Guppy giving birth but she may have absorbed her last fry?

One of my female's started giving birth today but she started having problems towards the end. It looked like one fry was stuck in her birth canal for a few hours so I turned off the lights (all of them), left the room for about an hour and then went to check on her. All that was left of that fry was it's head and it was connected to a white string which was still connected to the mother. I've never seen this so I have no idea what happened. I am thinking she absorbed this fry? I don't know if there is another explanation for this. The fry is obviously dead but I found 6 fry that were already born, their may be more but she is a young female so I wasn't expecting a huge number of fry. She is in a 20 gallon tank with 3 other females and few one month fry (males were removed since one other female is going to give birth soon). The mother was free swimming btw, no breeder net. Is the mother in danger? Should I expect more fry if she is able to expel this dead fry? I have once again turned off the lights and left the room to reduce stress.

How long do guppies live? How many fry do guppies have?

On average female guppies live 2 years and males 1 year. But I’ve had male guppies that lived up to 2 years, and currently a female guppy that’s 4 years and still alive and kicking. Good water quality, stress reducing natural environment through usage of live plants in the aquascape design, and strict feeding regime can improve the quality of guppy life.Guppies can also have anywhere between 2–200 fry per birthing, and they give birth every month of their life from the moment they are sexually mature. Sexual maturity comes in about 3 months for females, 1 month for males. Inbreeding poses no problem for guppy fertility until the 7th generation.Water temperature matters, as it causes a quickening of metabolic rate in guppies. This leads to babies maturing faster, females dropping more fry per birthing, and mature guppies living shorter lives than their counterparts who live in cooler waters.

How come my guppy is still pregnant?

my female guppy gave birth to 10 tiny baby's yesterday but she still has a gravid spot and is quite big? is this common and if so when should she give birth to the rest of them. there looks like ther is still anotger 10 to come out.

How do I know if my Black Molly fish is ready to give birth. Her stomach is squared and I have moved her to a bowl yesterday. She is staying at the top and moving to and from. Is she going to drop?

A bowl? how big ? I hope it’s HUGE.She’s going to be stressed by the change to the bowl from her tank and it is by no means ideal to move them near birthing time. They most often birth at night, as fry have a better chance if born at night, but not always.It is usually much better to let them have the fry in their own tank. Provide a nice thick layer of floating plants. You can even use plastic ones. It provides the fry with lots of hiding spots and most of them will survive. Ensure the adult fish are well fed, helps a bit too.If you want to try and save most of the fry, net them out afterward and place them in a fry tank to grow up. For very short periods you can put them in one of those floating ‘breeder boxes’, but only for a few days. They do grow very fast and they’ll be too crowded in most breeder boxes very soon. Breeder boxes, for the most part, are far too small for any mother fish.Assuming you have both genders, she will have a brood close to once a month, so there are many, many more chances to get fry. Even without a male being around, they can have as many as six broods from just one mating contact, so there will be more fry coming along.Typically, once the fish has squared off, birth is usually going to happen within a few days to a week at most. But, the livebearer females can delay birth for a surprising length of time if the conditions aren’t to their liking. If she is stressed in her bowl, she can hold off for days and days.Btw, in a bowl, she’s going to be able to catch and eat those fry with ease, even easier than in her tank.

What is the best way to prevent maternal death in childbirth?

Ban pregancy before the age of 25. Women under that age are not skeletally mature (checking for wisdom teeth will confirm skeletal maturity);Ensuring that women are healthy and have a body mass index of 18–21;Ensuring that no women gets pregnant by a man who is more than 10–12% taller than she is (any taller and he will have an adverse effect on the size of the foetus). If the father is shorter than the mother, so much the better. Within reason, the smaller the baby the better. The average adult female gorilla weighs 200lb. The average baby gorilla at birth weighs about 4lb 5oz;Ensuring that women who are blood group O do not get pregnant by men who are A, B or AB and that women who are rhesus negative do not get pregnant by men who are rhesus positive;Giving women a proper education in biology so that they understand the principles of reproduction in placental mammals.You have every reason to be frightened. Even in the UK, about 1 in 10,000 pregnant women will die in childbirth. Many more will be permanently disabled by strokes or heart attacks.

How long do Guppies live for? Is there a way to improve their longevity?

With most animals, it’s about the husbandry. Feed them well, keep them clean and unstressed and they will live longer.That being said, Guppies are highly inbred these days, unless you source wild stock. Inbreeding tends to shorten life span. Breeding surely does take a toll as well.Crowding also takes a big toll, being very stressful, as does keeping species together that have very different needs. For example, don't keep fast moving Danios with slow moving Dwarf Gourami. Don’t have the water current too strong for the species. Keep the water parameters as stable as possible, always.I try to make sure fish get as much live or frozen food as possible too, not just flakes or pellets, as food is such a big part of keeping them healthy.Clean water and control of nitrates is also key. High nitrates result from too few water changes, too much food or buildup of debris & mulm in the tank. Control these things and fish have a much better chance to live their full span.