When To Stop When Holding Your Breath

When you hold your breath can you stop your heart beat to?or no one can stop there heart beat?

Heart is not under voluntary control. So you cant stop it voluntarily. If it was possible, suicide would have been very easy!

When you hold your breath and strain, heart beats slow down transiently. In some individuals this can cause a transient black out.

Question about holding breath and headaches?

You tightened up your neck muscles while swimming to cause your headache. Your neck muscles to to the top of your head where they connect to muscles going around your head. When the neck muscles get tight they pull the head muscles into pain and that's your headache. Freeing up your neck muscles will get rid of it and here's how to free them up:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. After about 30 to 45 seconds, when you don’t feel the muscles releasing any longer, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

What happens if you hold your breath way too long?

You will get your answer if you look at the guiness records for the longest breath held. There are multiple variations of the same recognised. There is a documentary on how the previous record holder and magician, David Blaine held his breath for 17 minutes and 4 seconds. The current record holder Stig Severinson, a multiple time free diving world champion held it for 22 minutes.Exceeding the limits of oxygen deprivation can lead to loss of consciousness or even to death, while extended exposure to pure oxygen causes pulmonary and ocular toxicity . Hyperventilating(Flushing your system of carbon dioxide) can cause you to pass out, and there is evidence that suggests buccal-pumping(Taking deepest breath possible) can cause ruptured lungs. Excess waste in your blood caused your brain to trigger spasms in your diaphragm.They train for years. They train to hyperventilate. To increase lung capacity. They train at high altitudes and sleep in hyper baric chambers. They meditate to lower their heart rates.On a lighter note, I tried holding my breath (Wim Hof method) and felt light headed within 2 minutes. So do not try without proper training and assistance.

My stomach moves when I stop breating?

I missed my period it was supposed to start Wedsday. Today I happen to hold my breath and my stomach moved looked as a heart-beat was pounding in my stomach. I had unprocted sex last month on the 23rd, 25th and 31st. If I was pregnant would this be a sign? What could it be?

Is it possible to die from holding your own breath?

Voluntarily holding your breath will eventually lower the oxygen content of arterial blood. Although breathing is normally regulated by blood CO2 levels, after prolonged, deliberate breath-holding that feeling of extreme urgency to breathe is due to hypoxia.Eventually you lose consciousness as the brain loses oxygen, so you simply stop holding your breath. Some of your deepest and most powerful reflexes, originating in the brainstem common to all vertebrates, are for breathing. Indeed patients under general anesthesia are often allowed to breathe spontaneously even though completely unconscious. So if you pass out from hypoxia you immediately begin breathing again, keeping you from dying. That's the happy version.While hypoxic, meanwhile, you are at risk from cardiac arrhythmias or brain seizures, either of which can potentially cause sudden death. When you lose consciousness you may fatally strike your head or break your neck. Once fallen, you might obstruct your airway and stop breathing despite the diaphragm contracting, which could rapidly lead to death given that you were already hypoxic before obstructing.To say nothing of opioids or other drugs that inhibit the normal ventilatory drive, which is why people often die from opioid overdoses. If you deliberately hold your breath to the point of passing out, after taking prescription pain pills or even after one drink of alcohol, then I'd say all bets are off about low risk of fatality for such a stunt.