When Will America Stop Trying To Jam Democracy Down Other Peoples

With democratic house and republican senate, will anything get done by present Trump government?

Trump will be on notice. His constant threats and lies will be of SCRUTINY by the DEMOCRATS.When you basically accuse the Central American caravan of roughly 1000 PEOPLE composed of Women and Children who are walking on foot with nothing but clothes on their backs escaping gangs, Cartels, paramilitary ORGANIZATIONs, corrupt police, military, Government s and finally no food to eat, as INVADERS COMING TO ATTACK AND TAKE OVER AMERICAN, then your VARIOUS Department s like DHS, STATE and Department of Defense that sent hundreds of soldiers to bolster border guards with…..WELL….. EXPECT TO GET SUBPOENAD. EXPECT TO BE INVESTIGATED AND PROSECUTED.TRUMP S PEOPLE WHO WILL BE SUBPOENAD WILL BE PUT UNDER OATH….MY FAVORITE QUESTION:. Is there a deep state? Why is the media the enemy of the people? How far is the caravan from the border? Are these people really going to invade the US? If so how? Are they going to attack America? What WEAPONry are they carrying? Where are these people coming from? WHY ARE THEY WALKING ON FOOT? IS IT TRUE THAT THEY ARE 1000 MILES AWAY? IS IT TRUE THAT THESE ARE REFUGRES FLEEING? PLEASE ANSWER OUR QUESTIONS. Please comply with our Subpoenas on your classified records as well.EVERY DEPARTMENT and Agency will be getting requests, Subpoena s on their financial to classified information.

What are the differences between the Democratic Party and Republican Party?

First the basic similarity. Both parties are supported by the wealthy. Both parties have had a similar approach to the economy for the last 50 years and by that I mean market based solutions have been stressed to solve problems such as making college more affordable or improving access to healthcare. Anti-trust isn’t the big issue it once was even if market domination by large companies is as strong today as in the heyday of anti-trust litigation.The differences between the party are based on the alliances that make up the 2 parties. The GOP is an alliance between the old Northern GOP and the White South. The party has been taken over by the conservative movement and that movement is an alliance of economic and social conservatives.The Democratic party is an alliance of urban people, suburbanites and minorities. It is still the party of the New Deal and Great Society, even if it hasn’t always embraced that legacy.Selected Issues:Immigration: The Republicans want to crack down in illegal immigration by repatriating illegal immigrants. The Democrats want to target employers who hire immigrants. The Democrats also want to give children of illegal immigrants who are not citizens a path to citizenship. The GOP opposes this.Social Security: The GOP wants to slowly turn programs like Social Security into means tested program. They would like to give workers a chance to opt out of the current systems by replacing it with private investment. The Democrats oppose both ideas.College Education: The younger Democrats are looking to move from a system that relies on student loans to pay for tertiary education. The GOP opposes efforts like this.Healthcare: The younger Democrats would like a wholesale revamping of our healthcare system. Currently our system discourages employees from changing jobs since affordable health insurance is tied to your job. The Republicans have mostly talked about market based approaches and changes in the tort laws. A truly market based system would be a radical a change as a state supported system.Taxation: The Republicans support lower taxes for the wealthy and low taxes on capital gains. The Democrats talk about higher taxes but have been loathe to actually raise them.

What will America look like after Trump's presidency?

The American government will suck totally after Trump. Here’s my reasoning.Many departments are being badly hollowed out under the Trump administration. I’m thinking specifically about the EPA, NOAA (which does climate research, dontcha know), and the State Department. Everyone anywhere near retiring is bailing out. Even if a very liberal president comes in next term, it will take years to undo the damage that Trump has done. Instead of “draining the swamp”, he’s drained all the motivated workers and left behind the incompetent who realize they’ll never have another job.With a majority in both houses of Congress, plus the presidency, Trump has been able to do pretty much whatever he wanted, so it’s amazing that things aren’t worse than they are. It’s unlikely that the next Democratic presidential administration will have a majority in Congress too, so their ability to change things back will be very limited.That big tax break for the rich? It was financed, along with all those wars for the last 40 years of Republican administrations. Whatever the next president wants to get done, he (or she) will have to do while paying off all that debt. So hope there aren’t any more wars, or economic crises. Oh wait, automation is scheduled to start sucking jobs out of the economy by about 2022. Damn.

Is democracy an illusion?

We tend to associate democracy with equality and freedom. If we identify democracy with an ideal society where maximum personal rights and distributive egalitarianism are embodied, I will say democracy is an illusion. Communism was equally animated by these thoughts. Communism however turned out to be a failure. Equality was achieved through the leveling down method. Liberal rights are replaced by censorship.     Democracy fundamentally is a collective decision-making method. In democracy everyone has the right to an equal say. The majority has the right to the final say. There are many other ways to make decisions collectively: a coin toss, a weighted random selection,  Queen of the day, a few selected persons. If democracy means a decision method, clearly democracy is not an illusion.Aristotle insisted that the number of decision makers does not make a moral difference. To him, the difference lies in the aim, that is, whether the decision makers make decisions for their own benefits or for the common good. Insofar as the decision is for the sake of the common good, any method will do. Aristotle however conjectured that the democratic decision method could be the best, due to the wisdom of the crowd, stability, and un-corruptibility.

When is the gay thing going to stop being shoved down our throats? -_-?

I don't mean that like it sounds.I don't care if your gay or not,if your nice you can be purple humpback for all i care,i'll still befriend you.But it's constantly thrown in my face in the media (unless it's about bullying gay people i don't care,i don't need to hear about gay marriage every 10 seconds) and when people who get their panties in a twist if you say one little thing here comes the "what's wrong with being gay?" i blew up at some chick on Facebook for that today.A guy posted a picture of disney guys as princesses and they looked bad because they overdid it on the make-up and the clothes were ill-fitting.The guy said "yeah...i don't know about this" and she's like "shut up drag queens are amazing" yeah,i had to set her straight he didn't even say anything offensive,and she had the nerve to tell me i overreacted but we both knew what she was going to turn that into.When people do dumb stuff like that your shoving it down my throat,when is it gonna stop? And people say we (black ppl) shove crap down peoples throats -_-

Why are the Democrats so pathetic?

i know. i'm scared that they are picked to win elections. they'll probly turn this country into a hippie jam band festival. VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you prefer Capitalism to Socialism or Social Democracy?

Capitalism provides the incentive to actually improve people's lives. People compete to make the best product and society benefits.

Socialism stifles those incentives in favor of everyone being equal. People end up being equally poor and miserable.

I must note we haven't seen a whole lot of real capitalism in a long time. Bailing out failing corporations is not capitalism. Letting people fail is. That's really the big difference between Capitalism and Socialism. In both systems there is equality. Socialism seeks to make sure no one wins and no one fails; everyone is mediocre. In capitalism everyone has an equal chance to succeed and an equal chance to fail.