When Will My Family Stop Overreacting

How can I kindly ask my mom to stop yelling? She overreacts to everything, and the first thing she does is yell and snap even more so when I try to tell her to stop. What can I say?

If you are a dependent minor and still living with your mother, then unfortunately there really isn’t much you can do.I suggest that sometime when your mother is calm, approach the topic of perhaps attending family therapy together, so you can learn better ways of communicating with each other that are mutually respectful.I grew up with a mother who would trigger into extreme rage episodes at me (and at my younger sister, and at our dad) with little if any warning, even when I was just a very small child, and the chronic, unrelenting stress left me with PTSD symptoms far into my adult years.Once I became a fully self-supporting, independent adult, I had the power and ability to just cut the visit short or cut the phone call short) when mother would try to pick a fight with me or fly into a screaming rage at me. “Oh, look at the time, I really do need to go now. Talk to you later mother.” It was a kind of minor miracle when I finally realized that could just… remove myself from mother’s presence politely and calmly. I didn’t have to be her human-shaped verbal or physical punching bag.Hang in there. Don’t react. Remain calm. Don’t get dragged into an emotionally-charged verbal fight. Listen to her points and just calmly say “I understand”. Apologize if you need to. Leave when you safely can and do calming exercises for your own benefit and emotional health. Once you are a self-supporting adult, you can decide how much or how little interaction you can tolerate.

Do I have OCD or am I just overreacting? If so, how do I stop?

Some people can bit a little fastidious when it comes to personal hygiene.
However, "OCD"
A lot of people go through this phase in life which is born of fear driven superstition, that is until we start refusing to perform the habitual actions we tell our selves to perform, only to realize nothing actually happens if we don't do them.

How do I respond to my parents when they are overreacting and being overstrict?

Most parents will become possessive and fail to connect with their children and understand that they need to be treated as friends once they enter the college..To some extent their guidance will be good but too much indulgence in day to day life makes it difficult for the teenagers.  Discipline is good to have but that should not be so strict that it forces some to oppose and flout the rules set.  They have to be flexible and give some room for leeway.Indulging in the choices also irritates the younger lot forcing them to revolt.Friends, cousins and relatives play key role and influence the behavior.It is better to have a frank conversation and put forth what you intend to do and take their support should help.  Most of the misgivings happen because of the communication and generation gap.

Were my parents overreacting about Profanity?

I go on the Internet to look for a location of someplace for my father, and he keeps telling me "I need the location", I tell him constantly, I know. He keeps repeating it until the point, I say I F**King know!, he asks me what I said, and I boldly repeat it.

He gets really furious and starts lecturing me how I will compete in the real world with cursing, how I will get beat up with that language and how some of my family members have no swore in ** years.

My mom comes in and says how the news says the Internet is corrupting me.

I think they were overreacting, what do you parents and teenagers think? I am a teen btw. Also, can someone explain in depth what the stigma attached with profanity is all about? They know we know the curse words.

How do I stop over reacting to everything?

I am a young professional in my mid 20s. I learned about a year ago that I am quite the over reactor which I was advised runs in my family. I over react about everything. I do not want to be this way because it affects my life very negatively personally and professionally. I try so hard not to over react but my emotions are so strong that they overcome me and I can’t think logically. I know it should be easy to just “think before I speak” or to just keep my mouth shut. However, reacting seems to be like a reflex to me. To give a little background, I am aware that I am overly sensitive (which I hate), I take things WAY to personally, I can get down on myself easily, and I am very high strung. I’m also a really sweet, caring, friendly person with a big heart. There is no reason I should behave in this manner because I am intelligent, successful, and attractive according to other people. There are so many people worse off than me so there is absolutely no reason for this nonsense. However, changing this is so much easier said that done. I have tried the rubber band around my wrist and snapping it but I’ll over react before I remember to snap it. I even “react” before I can remember to count to 10. Does anyone have any suggestions?

How to get my parents to stop overreacting, i hate them?

Actually, there is a problem with posting video's from school. While you're there, you're the school's responsibility. If you do something illegal at a school, then it's the school's fault. When I was in elementary school someone started doing chain letters, and I got called into the office because the one they found had my name on it. I didn't know what the big deal was, but now I get it.

Though your video didn't have anything illegal in it, I think she was more worried about you possibly posting something illegal in the future and getting expelled because of it, even if you don't realize that it's illegal. It's true that most people don't really think about this when they post videos, but it's a valid concern. I say you don't take it down, but you don't post any more.

I understand that you're getting annoyed with your parents, but give her some credit. She could go the other way and care so little about you that you don't get fed or watered, cleaned, or even sheltered. She could care about you so little that you could not go to school for the rest of your life and get no education and she doesn't blink. I think how she is now is a lot better. She had you because she wanted a child that she could love and care for, and is following up on the commitment she made to you when you were born.

I know this isn't going to make you get annoyed less. When I was young, I did start getting annoyed at stuff like that a bit. Then I had trouble with friends, and trouble with health, and it was my mom that stood by my side every second of it making sure I was cared for and loved. Because of my mom watching me like a hawk we found out that I had non-bacterial meningitis, and we caught it in time to not kill me. All because she noticed I was slightly more tired than normal after my brain surgery. Don't be upset that she's worried about you and cares about you, because she's the one you can always count on when you can't do it for yourself.

Good luck!

Why do parents overreact in small things?

Unless you know for sure that this is indeed a small matter, then you can't quite say whether the parents are overreacting or not. You could have escaped some near-death situation without even being aware of it, while your parents are fully realizing the gravity of it all. They could have lost you, wouldn’t you overreact about it?My own child was on the receiving end of this recently, when I became an emotional wreck when she told me about one “fun” event at her camp: she fell off a horse…because the horse fell down. Yes, the horse missed her, otherwise it would have been 2,000 lbs landing on a 10 year old tiny child. See the gravity here? Only a couple of days later she returned from camp with a rather sad expression, “You know, mom, the horse could have landed on me. I was lucky” - yes, I knew exactly that 2 days earlier.They could be the emotional wrecks you imagine them to be, which means that they would overreact many times each day, but it does not appear to be the case.They could be the people who worry rarely, but when they do, it's something very bad - and instead of judging them, you should seek to understand what is it that is so troubling, this is how you acquire life experience, by the way.They could be people who overreact over small things, which means they have a skewed perception of reality and let the big things slide by unnoticed, in which case you should worry on how you have survived until now and how you are planning on taking care of your parents since they apparently are unable to take care of themselves.And sometimes parents are just human - overwhelmed with those big things in life, and all it takes is a tiny thing to throw off their balance and they become utterly emotional. Yes, parents are human, just like you, and if you don't know what truly worries them - and not things they are vocal about - it means you have a lot to learn about your parents and about life.To the extent possible, spend more time with them and to the extent that your busy schedule allows, help them with those small things, so that they do not overreact. That's how you will acquire the maturity and responsible nature and learn to fend for yourself and even maintain a household: your parents won't be here forever, you know.