When Will The Citizens Of Usa Stop Being Duped By The Wealthy

How much longer will minorities in the USA be fooled and end up electing racist Democrats?

Anonymous person who actually has something to say,
I don't think Northam is being attacked for racism at all by his party. Dan Bongino had that same photo a long time ago, he said something sent it to him. I think the Democrats had it too. They just wanted to kill his career because he openly came out for killing babies. There is a chance that he came out about newborn murder just to expose the Democrat plans to legalize it.The Democrats are going to have to use damage control.

Why is American health care so bad?

The entire system is motivated by profit, that's why. The US is so wealthy that it could very well have the best system in the world, but instead it doesn't, instead it has the absolute worst in the developed world, ranked in between Costa Rica and Cuba.

45,000 Americans die each year from lack of healthcare. You know how many die in Canada, Germany, France, Britain, Japan, etc. from lack of healthcare? Zero.

Why are the richest cities in America democratic ?

The denser the population the more people demand the city (government) take care of things. This is why big cities vote for Dem's, typically. Eventually if this isn't controlled, they vote in too much, and they go broke like Detroit and California.

Rural people take care of most things themselves, and don't want to pay for the government services.