When Will The Conservative Love Affair With Vladimir Putin Come To An End

Why are Cons praising Vladimir Putin?

Obama announced he was going to let the military blow some **** up in Syria to prevent them from using chemical weapons again.
Putin announced Assad said he will give up his chemical weapons if we don't bomb him.
Now Cons are in love with Putin.

Why would Vladimir Putin prefer Donald Trump as President of the United States?

I rarely agree with Trump, but on this I actually support his stance. Trump is the first candidate in a long time that has acknowledged that Russia has legitimate foreign interests.Most candidates inherently fall back on a very simplistic (and intentionally ignorant) story that basically paints Putin as an evil dictator. They also rely on a sort of neo-McCarthy set of overall anti-russia rhetoric to boost their popularity - none of it has any real relevance, and rarely is it covering a large enough spectrum of truth.And what's worse, our media loves to validate this rhetoric. There is nothing more exciting than a good old real life James Bondesque story, where conflicts with Russia and America are always on edge. Why do you think the media was so hot to obsess over Ukraine, while comparatively ignoring some of the most critical moments of the Syrian conflict? Why do you think so many Syrian stories are more about Russia's support of Assad, and so few are about all the innocent people being killed by both sides?The fact is, Putin is popular in Russia because he fights, on the world stage, for his country’s best interests. He is a politician, and he does what is popular for his people. He also understands his country’s interests better than most leaders. He is not a saint, and represents a conservative country whose majority electorate does not believe in the same liberal freedoms (i.e. gay marriage, etc). But in the end he is a politician who loves his country and deeply understands his people - he has little incentive to work with Western leaders who continually use him as a simplistic fictional character to propagate fear based politics.So obviously Putin is going to support the first candidate that sincerely acknowledges that we need to work together. Not the one who says we need to work “together”, while in the same sentence trying to create a political narrative about russia hacking her campaign’s emails

Why is CNN so obsessed with Vladimir Putin?

President Putin makes the best enemy America may wish itself:He himself singled out the US and the global elite as a persistent threat to the great Russian state ever since WWII.He willingly projects a picture of himself as a decisive, powerful, smart, mobbed-up strongman who single-handedly challenges the Anglo-Saxon globalism whenever he wantsHis social conservatism, imperial way of thinking, obsession with history and past grievances, upbeat sexism and machismo squared, make him a perfect embodiment of the “republican” values that the liberal audience of CNN strongly opposes.He has the second-best military and the largest country in the world under his beltAppearance. His voice is feeble, his face is far from handsome, or masculine. He looks exactly like a villainous secret agent, and his facial features more often than not project traits that most people do not want to be associated with.Economic relations between Russia and the US that may suffer from mutual hostility are ridiculously undersized, compared to the sizes of both economies.He represents a force that in any circumstance—short of any direct military blow-up—does not pose a fundamental threat to the US due to our geographical remoteness, the modest size of Russian economy, absence of coherent ideology, and paucity of credible allies.The American ruling class has found themselves bitterly split over the election of president Trump. Something has to be done. There is nothing that heals internal divisions better and faster than a clear and present external danger—and Vladimir Putin has been very helpful with that.

How does the average Russian feel about the Trump - Putin relationship after that press conference where Putin appeared to have the upper hand (to put it mildly)?

> How does the average Russian feel about the Trump - Putin relationshipNot sure if I qualify as average or not.But… I don’t give a damn.I don’t care about the “relationship”. It is irrelevant. “Relationship” implies some sort of celebrity gossip nonsense and I don’t care about it. Upper hand, lower hand, who cares?I care about US or some other country not getting some dumb ideas like attacking Russia in the name of democracy, because that would mean death to a lot of people. The summit seemed to work towards reducing possibility of this happening. Which is good, because in the past few years western press has been tirelessly working towards starting such conflict.Also see:Victor Volkov's answer to What is the Russian view of the outcome of the summit of Trump and Putin in Helsinki?Victor Volkov's answer to Why do most Russians feel that the rest of the world is against them?

What relationship would the UK have with Russia if Corbyn was PM?

Before we talk about that, can we first take a step back and look at our relationship with Russia right now? Despite all the huffing, puffing and insults, ( I mean really, what does “shut up and go away” do other than bring down the reputation of Bradford university?). Have we in any way influenced Putin? Will he change any single policy based on our response? At the end of the day have we actually done anything other than boost his internal popularity and ensure that he is untouchable for the next six years? The only possible other consequence would be the destabilisation of Russia itself, and how would that affect us?So to Corbyn. He doesn't get a good press and frankly his friends don't tend to help him much, but he does have a point that we cannot and should not ignore Russia, sorry Mr. Williamson they are not going to shut up and go away, they are simply too big for that, so we need to deal with them. This isn't Corbyn returning to his idealogical homeland or anything similar, it is a statement of truth that everyone in and around government know but only Corbyn is honest enough to state. The fact is that we do need to stand up to Putin, but we need to do it with an eye to the consequences and in coordination with our allies, not in a way that feels more like challenging Putin to a fight behind the bikesheds after school.I also have to smile at the idea that Corbyn is somehow in love with Russia and is policies. Who ever believes that should take a closer look at Corbyn's core social democratic roots and compare them to current Russian popularist policies. Current Russia has little to do with the USSR, and Corbyn has little to do with Marxism.

As a liberal or a conservative, what is it like to marry someone on the opposite end of the political spectrum?

We’re not married, but I've been with the love of my life for six years, and we’ve lived together for damn near three. I was raised by two conservatives from the Detroit area. My dad is a registered republican and my mom is an independent who consistently votes repiblican. I knew about Ayn Rand before I knew about the Beatles. I’ve been listening to Rush Limbaugh since I was old enough for my brain to process what my ears were hearing. As I approach my thirtieth solar circumnavigation I’d now consider myself a Classical Liberal. You would probably call me a libertarian. I still listen to Rush when I’m in my car (a Subaru with Widespread Panic and Johnson/Weld stickers) on weekday afternoons, but I switch to FM or a disc when Sean Hannity comes on (Cool Florida-Georgia Line theme music, jackass). I very strongly believe that the government should be as limited as possible. Someone much smarter than me once said "Government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have”. I’d probably be able to remember who said that if I hadn't been drinking since 1:30.But it's my girlfriend’s birthday. And she's amazing. She’s a truly compassionate, thoughtful woman, and she's a liberal. I love her for a million reasons, and the fact that she voted for Hillary Clinton, a person I generally view as Stalin without a Y chromosome, has absolutely zero influence on the love I have and will always have for her.

What was it like to live in the soviet union?

Hey so I will tell you what I know about life in the Soviet Union. I've never lived in the Soviet Union, I'm only 17, but my parents were born there and lived there their whole lives, so I do know what it was like from their stories.
From what they tell me life was made really easy to the people. Like there was free education, free health-care, free housing, so basically there were NO homeless people, and everyone had a part in society. There was ZERO unemployment, so everyone had a job. People had their whole life "planned out" so they lived a "care free" life, meaning they had no problems. Nowadays you see so many poor, homeless people begging for money on the streets, and at the same time you see extreme luxury (millionaires owning expensive cars, dressed in the most fashionable clothes, etc.) So now there are so many more contrasts, while in the Soviet Union everyone was basically Average. Still your salary and life style depended on your profession. Like my mom's family was kind of poor and they didn't earn as much as my dad's family. But still they lived a satisfied life, they could all afford going to vacations, have a summer house...etc. And also there weren't that many products available to people, like it was really hard to shop for clothes and people might have been going through neccesities, but not because they didn't have the money, but there was little choice of products.
My mom tells me she was happy and my dad too, so I think at the end of the day that is what counts. It was peaceful...there's so much more to the Soviet Union, but I tried to summarize it for you.

Hmmm...I told you my point of view. And if someone doesn't agree, please no thumbs down, I only tell what I know, and I'm not claiming this to be 100% true.
