When Will The Us Have Its First Gen X President And Its First Millennial President

What are the differences between Generation X and Millennial Generation?

Era X, normally abbreviated to Gen X, is the era conceived after the Western Post–World War II time of increased birth rates. Demographers and observers use conception dates running from the mid 1960s to the mid 1980s. Millennials (otherwise entitled the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) remain the demographic companion taking after Generation X. There are no exact dates when the era begins and closures; most scientists and pundits use conception years, running from the mid 1980s to the mid 2000s. Gen X-ers have a tendency to be quick to be the top manager and will strive to accomplish a position of impact. They turn out to be exceedingly focused and aggressive, energetic to lead the field. Be that as it may, they do understand the significance of group and group soul – what influences one, influences all and they lean toward joint effort. With time, they get to be capable of adjusting and add to the endowment of coexisting with anyone. Millennials put stock in living in the fast track – danger turns into their center name. Why arrangement anything when you can get results through determination and vitality? Portrayed by a high measure of scholarly interest, they want to learn and get a kick out of the chance to investigate any points of premium. In any case, that doesn't mean they are all hyper-passionate – truth be told, they build up a cool and gathered aura which might once in a while appear to be sincerely frosty. Era Y prefers messaging significantly more than Generation X. A millenial companion of mine doesn't even have a voice message and won't get the telephone in the event that you call him. Era Y is additionally more inclined to get tattoos and body piercings. Era Y appreciates multitasking more, they can sit in front of the TV and read on the telephone in the meantime. Gen X then again could play Dungeons and Dragons or a video game and disregard whatever remains of the world. Here’s an interesting take on the Generation X Is Sick of Your Bullshit.

When do you think we will see our first Millennial President?

Millennials were the generation born between the early 80s and the early 00s.
Generally, they are the children of the baby boomers.
I, too, am a Millennial myself being born in 1984.
I was thinking about Presidents of the US & their generational background.
Bill Clinton was the first baby boomer president.
George W. Bush is about the same age as Clinton.
Barack Obama was born at the end of the baby boom.

For potential presidents from 2017-2020/2017-2024:
Mike Huckabee is another baby boomer.
Rand Paul is one of the oldest Generation X candidates.
Marco Rubio & Paul Ryan are both Generation X as well.

I was wondering when we'll see the first POTUS from my generation. The oldest Millennial will be qualified for president in 2017. I'm kind of predicting a candidate born in the 80s to emerge in the 2020s and will be the 46th or 47th president.

Why hasn't Generation X become President yet? Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are already nearing 50, in contrast with Bill Clinton (first Baby Boomer President) and Kennedy (first greatest Gen President).

As Niel Bornstein's answer says, arguably Obama was Gen X; by most demographic definitions he’s a late Boomer, but his formative experiences were a lot more like mine (born in 1969) than they were like those of the people who “turned on, tuned in, and dropped out” and worried about being sent to Vietnam. This is a fine example of why it’s silly to arbitrarily group people into generations, especially those that last that long. Some of the oldest Boomers are the parents of the youngest ones …That said, we may never have a President who was born between the standard Gen X dividing lines of 1965 and 1980, for the good and sufficient reason that there just aren’t that many of us. We’re heavily outnumbered by both the Boomers and the Millennials. Culturally and demographically, we’re a lot like the Silent Generation born in 1928–1945. None of them have ever been President either (Clinton, GW Bush, and Trump were all born in 1946) and quite possibly none ever will be, although either Biden (1942) or Sanders (1941) could still pull it off. Like them, we Xers have mostly taken a backstage role. We’re used to being forgotten, and for the most part that’s okay.Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to pull on my scuffed Docs, pop a Nirvana cassette into the ol’ boombox, light a clove, and dial in to check LiveJournal.

Boomers vs Millennials?

First off I need to say that I do not like bunching everyone into a category but this is what it is. But here goes.

Every know and then I will hear someone in the boomer era (or other generations) complain about the "younger generation" being entitled, lazy, and stupid. I don't understand these remarks.

What do the millennials have to look forward too? A twenty trillion dollar debt that they never created? The loss of jobs and most of them overseas? Or are these remarks cynical because of boomers failures.

I know these may sound dumb but it is like I said this bothers me deeply.

"Well when I was younger this and that used to happen and if you weren't on ship with it then your were a goner"

Is it now time for a Generation X President of the United States?

It is high time for a Generation X president if you can find one. More than ever we need a young voice. With few exceptions presidents should not be 70 years old. I think the problem is American politicians create so much power in certain circles and they all have a “my turn” attitude.The trick is, as we see right now, it is important to train, educate and experience POLITICIANS for this job. It’s a political job. Getting the popular votes is only the beginning. Being able to work with congress, understanding the quid pro quo aspects of getting your legislation passed is vastly more important than getting a bunch of yokels to vote for you twice in elections in which you can advertise.I’m watching Joe Kennedy III and I like what he says and I like his style. If anyone can scramble over the backs of these old fucks he has the looks, the talk and the pedigree. The question, is he tough enough, is he mean enough to take it from them? He seems like a very nice guy. If that’s just a facade, and in the Kennedy family it could be, I’d love to be saying ‘President Kennedy’ again.

Will there ever be a Generation X president or was President Obama as close as we get?

It depends how you define Generation X. Some say 1960–1980, in which case Obama would be the first Generation X president; others say 1965–1984. The youngest people in Generation X are would thus be in their thirties - plenty of time to wind up president someday.But as life expectancies have increased in the last hundred years or so, it’s become less risky to elect people beyond the age at which most of us would like to retire. We’ve just elected our oldest President ever, Donald Trump, who takes that particular title away from Ronald Reagan. In the early days of the United States, electing even a 68-year-old like William Henry Harrison was uncertain - they might catch a cold and die a month later!I expect to see at least one Generation X president in the future - but whether it happens when they’re in their thirties, forties, fifties, sixties or seventies remains to be seen.

Why do the older generations hate the millennial generation?

i can't speak for all older people but i certainly do not hate the younger generation. i think you have been shortchanged in your education.

i hired several part time high school students and was amazed that most could not perform the simple task of counting back change to a customer nor could they spell or write a sentence correctly. most graduate high school without being able to do these simple tasks.

i blame the educational system and the teacher's union for protecting bad teachers. teachers do have a hard task with parents who are absent from parenting except to let the teacher know that their kids should not be punished in any way for any infraction. so the kids knows it too and do not learn needed information to create a better life for themselves. there is enough blame to go around.

girls these days are exploited sexually and are not even aware of it until they sense a heartbreaking disatifaction with their lives with no understanding why. they see it constantly on tv and in the movies but forget they do not have the resources of support that their idols have. you don't owe a boy anything and be careful what you choose to give to whom. do not cast your pearls before swine.

no, i don't hate the younger generation, i feel compassion for them as they have to face many things that i never had to growing up in a more moral time when things seemed so much more simple and truth wasn't so twisted.

i'm 67, really, really old lol