When Will The Us Stop Protecting Taiwan So China Can Take It Back

Would China protect Taiwan if the U.S started a war in the Pacific?

The question is somewhat strange…either the questioner is confused about the current Geo-political reality or quite simply it has been written to ellicit a certain response, so - with that in mind, let's go for it…The simple answer to the question is No, China would not ‘protect’ Taiwan…it would simply attempt to invade it and take it over (and destroy it altogether - if necessary), using a pretext of a war in the Pacific as cover (in much the same way Tibet was invaded at more or less the same time as the Korean War started). Also:First: Taiwan does not want China’s ‘protection’. In fact Taiwan wants as little to do with [Communist] China as humanly possible. The reason: China wants to destroy Taiwan, and the rapidly emerging Taiwanese identity in the guise of reclaiming the country so it enters the fold of Communist [Han] China. This would also effectively conclude the Civil War and the Nationalist legacy (China being communist is still - ideologically - fighting the Civil War even though Taiwan has since moved beyond by shedding its KMT/ ‘Nationalist’ identity - which China refuses to acknowledge or let go of) that has been a source of national and international embarrassment to China since 1949.It would also remove American involvement/presence in the area (especially since it is so close to China’s coast) and push the US presence back to The Philippines (?)/ South Korea. It would also effectively seal off the South China Sea from the US (and everyone else) and secure the region to become under China’s sole control. This in turn would enable China to complete its domination of the Philippines/ Indonesia/ Vietnam/ Malaysia/ Singapore, Brunei and the rest of SE Asia, totally enslaving their economies so they are all under Chinese control; eventually erasing the countries altogether. All under the disguise of its ‘peaceful rise’…Secondly- and perhaps more importantly, Taiwan is actually already protected by the US (which also provides weapon systems to Taiwan so it can help to defend itself) and is at the ready to help defend it from communist China's aggression; so there is nothing for Taiwan to fear from America - totally the opposite.

What can't you get in China or Taiwan that you can get in the US?

Before you buy cases and cases of peanut butter, please be aware that Taiwan does have Skippy peanut butter produced under license in the region, therefore cutting costs.
In Taiwan, Sue Bee honey costs 7 dollars US for 1 bear-shaped plastic bottle.
French's Vanilla Extract, which was available in the past, has completely disappeared from Taiwan, replaced by some locally-made imitation called "Red Leaf", ugh.
Also in Taiwan:
There is no cinnamon-flavored gum
No Gap or American Eagle stores
No Krispy Kreme, powdered donuts or Cracker Jack

Why does China have missiles pointed at Taiwan?

You're either a troll or really not up to date on current events (or even history for that matter). Taiwan and China are viewed differently depending who you ask.

Taiwan views itself as a country (which I think is more than accurate) and China views it as a province of China. The reason there's missiles pointed at Taiwan is for that very reason. They don't want Taiwan getting too rowdy or shouting out too loudly "We're an independent country!". And the fact they have missiles pointed at Taiwan means that China is obviously conscious of the fact that though economic and trade relations are good at the moment, they might as well play it safe.

And let's be honest, no one points missiles at their own territories or provinces - we reserve that for enemies or frenemies. You wouldn't see WA pointing one at OH who is pointing one at TX. They all view themselves as states in a country. This is not the case for Taiwan and China. Just like North Korean and South Korea point missiles at each other.