When Will We Stop Being Politically Correct About Terrorism

So, how do we stop terrorism?

Since there's been a lot of grandstanding around here about Obama and the 12/25 "attack", I figure some of you must have some good ideas of how to combat this terrorism problem. let's hear them!

Somehow, bending over backwards to find a new way to "protect" ourselves every time a Nigerian tries to light his tighty-whities on fire, doesn't seem like a very American way to go about things. Kinda seems like we're accommodating the terrorists in that situation. "Oh, somebody might want to blow me up? Ok, I'll take my pants off so you can check me for explosives" ha!

Conversely, invading nations that have terrorists in them also does not work, as we've seen. Bush's 21st century update of the domino theory never came to fruition...we attacked them over there, but we're still fighting them over here.

So what's to be done? Are we going to live in fear that [gasp!] someday we might die and not have any control over it, or do we accept the fact that there are terrorists, that they want to blow us up and God help them if we get the chance to stop them from blowing up the plane we're on?

Or do we just get the world to chip in and give them free WiFi and laptops so that they can spend all day bickering on the Arabic Yahoo! Answers and/or surfing the internet for porn instead of learning how to sew explosives into jockey shorts.?

I don't know, I'm open to suggestions...

Why have we become so politically correct in America?

Seriously, this is STRANGLING us! We can't call the "swine flu" that because it offends Muslims, so we were going to call it the Mexican flu, but that offends Mexicans...and the list goes on and on! We aren't calling those who endanger our country's safety what they deserve to be called--TERRORISTS! And Obama is going to release the majority of these endangering criminals on the street, because it's not "right" to use methods that our enemies are using on OUR soldiers back on our enemies as well. Don't get me wrong, it'd be GREAT if torture wasn't necessary, but sadly none of our enemies desire to move away from those methods. But why have we become so politically correct in America? There were times when we were racist, yes, and racism is still a problem, but why have we censored ourselves to the point that we can hardly say a word because SOME person or SOME organization will be offended?

Will political correctness help solve world peace, even against terrorism?

Political correctness fixes nothing. It can only result in stifling of a dialogue on an important issue. Trying to ban words does not help. It’s is not the word that is a problem, it’s the attitude and the thinking behind it. If the word is used without that emotional baggage it’s just a word. If you think that not using the word, or substituting another word for it, keeps people from seeing what your real opinion is, you are sadly mistaken. Innocent words can be used to convey hate, and “bad” words can convey acceptance and welcome.Now, world peace. Since I’m not a contestant in a beauty pageant, I’m not working towards world peace. World peace is the peace of the grave. If you kill all life on earth you will achieve it. Does that mean that I like and promote war? Absolutely not. What it means is that I understand that sometimes war is enevitable, whether we want it or not. Appeasement at any price will bring war anyway, just on a less favorable terms (just ask Neville Chamberlain). Stopping Hitler in 1932 would have been infinitely cheaper, in human terms, than stopping him in 41. Stopping ISIS while they were all concentrated in a few training camps would have been trivial. We knew what they were, and where they were. Being civilized, it is hard to imagine or to understand people that would burn 14 year old girls alive for refusing to become prostitutes, or who would teach a 5 year old to cut throats. We do not need to understand them, open a dialogue, feel their pain, etc. — just stop them, with extreme prejudice. It is not our fault that these people decided that behavior like that is acceptable, but it is our fault if we have an opportunity to stop it and do nothing. I hate to repeat an overused phrase — “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. I’m not a religious man but some actions cannot be described in any other terms rather than “evil”.I do not see how being politically correct would addresses such barbarism. However bullets can address it, and rather emphatically.

Does saying that something is politically correct mean that it is factually a lie (no ad)?

Yes and NoNo, since saying that something is politically correct can also be a factual lie, in the sense that you could be wrong about something being political correct.Yes, if used correctly, because something is political correct if it refers to a faulty view on facts, history and so forth based on ideology.For example, saying that criticizing Islam makes someone’s racist is political correct. It is not based on facts but based on Marxist-based thinking.Believing the pay gap exists is political correct, since the pay gap has been disproven into ground at this point and is now only radical feminist dogma.That minorities can’t be racist towards white people is being political correct. Of course you can be racist to white people. But Cultural Marxist Prejudice + Power thinking believes it is not possible.Believing government must issue quota’s for women on company boards is political correct thinking. Again based on radical feminist dogma while the facts show this is bad for companies, discriminates towards men, forces women into positions they may not want and takes away choice from companies.Believing that there are more then 2 genders is being political correct. The 2 genders are Weberian Idealtypes derived from the 2 sexes to analyse the evolution in behavioral patterns and societal trends of the 2 genders, separate from the biological and physical sex.And so on and so forth…

What are some solutions to stop terrorism in america?

Stop the politically correct rhetoric and start profiling people....although all that will do is slow it down.They are always going to come at Us.

Would you commit terrorism if it would help prevent terrorism?


What would stop Islamic terrorism in the West?

It starts first with diagnosing correctly so as to treat the core problem and not the symptomSince the diagnosis is Islamic terrorism, one needs to treat the root cause so stop the house of Saud aka Saudi Arabia to stop funding mosques and madrasahs that promote their brand of intolerant Islam, if they don't comply, the west esp US can apply leverage by freezing their funds in Western or us banks,.stop their playboy princes from coming over to the west during summer months and if need be, invade Saudi Arabia and not Iraq and afghanistan like in the pastAlso stop client states or fragile states or moderate countries like Kosovo, indonesia nd Pakistan from Saudi money, we attack the root cause (Saudi Arabia) and also prevent a whole generation of Muslims from hating the west and being brainwashed into thinking that non Muslims are infidels and can be murdered and rapedThe liberal left has to stop being politically correct and the right has to stop being enriched and bribed by the Saudis, Then and only then will this nonsense stop