When Writing Long E-mails I Want To Make Sure It Is Being Saved As I Go.

What are some tips for writing a proper/polite email?

We just created a course about how to write customer service emails and those points can be applied with most emails we send to our colleagues or customers.Here are some things to always remember while writing emails:Address the recipient by their name no matter what the tone of the email is (angry or otherwise).If the recipient started the conversation, don’t forget to thank them for reaching out.Be detailed in your email. Don’t leave your recipient guessing. Link everything that can be linked instead of expecting them to Google stuff.Check for grammar (use MS Word or Grammarly), broken links, correct code and attachment.For a more detailed explanation of these points, watch this video.You can remember to do a few more things if you want to make your emails memorable to the recipient. Every exceptional email has 5 ingredients.1. Convenience - Make it easy to read. Use screenshots and format the email so it is easy on the eyes. Make sure that you don’t make the email lengthy. If there is a lot of information you want to communicate, write it as a document and attach it.2. Anticipation - Predict what the recipient will need next. Anticipate follow up questions and provide answers to them in your email.3. Simplicity - Don’t fill the email with jargon or technical terms. Write the email in the language your recipients will understand.4. Personality - Show some of your personality in the email. Even if it is supposed to be formal, some personality will make the email more memorable.5. Sincerity - Only say things you mean in the email. Insincere emotions in email shows.For a more detailed explanation of these points, watch this video.Hope you find these points helpful :)

In the new version of Yahoo Mail the "save draft" option is missing, how can you get it back?

Here is a "workaround". It takes some time and preparation, but it will serve as a working save draft mechanism in the interim.

Compose your draft, and e-mail it to yourself, making sure to enable the "Save to sent messages" function. Use "Draft" as the first word in the message title to make it easier to spot.

To continue work, highlight & copy the text, click "Compose", then paste the text to the composition field. Repeat the send & copy process for each draft modification, then give it the proper title and send it to the proper recipient when the message is all done.

If you are working on or keeping multiple drafts at once, you can also go to your "Folders" section, create a new folder, and name it "Drafts", and move the drafted messages from your "Sent" box over to it. They can then be copied & pasted to the compose window for further work.

An added bonus of this is that if you share your machine, it will allow you to conceal them from prying eyes or meddling fingers.

How do I change the delivery of emails from the promotions tab to my Inbox in Gmail?

Hi..The simple and easy way is,Drag and DropOne of the simplest ways to move an email is to left-click and hold on the email and drag it from the promotions tab over to the Primary tab. Releasing the mouse will drop the email into the primary tab. After it is dropped, Gmail will ask if you wish to make the change permanent. Click yes to make sure that all future messages from the same address will appear in the primary tab.The same can be up-lied to different categories like primary to promotions etc..The other way is,Right-ClickWith the email highlighted, you can right-click on the email and bring up a list of options in some browsers. Click move to tab option and select the tab you wish to move the email to. After selecting the tab it will again ask if you want to make the change permanent and click yes.The more advance way is,Search and FilterThis option is more advanced, requiring you to search within Gmail for an address. After the results populate, click the small grey arrow to the right of the search bar to get to advanced features. Click create a filter with this search link at the bottom of the results. Close to the bottom of the advanced filter window will be a categorize as section with a drop-down box where you can select which tab you want it in. After you have created the filter, all future emails from that address will be moved to the tab you selected.When you are sending an email showing your subscribers how to move you to the primary tab, make sure that you reinforce why it is important for them to view your emails. This could be staying up to date on new products and services or being notified when a webinar or sale comes up. Whichever it is, make sure that your call to action is clear: you want subscribers to move you to their primary tabs. Writing a blog about it and showing your subscribers how to change their tabs will also be a step in the right direction to increasing your open rates.Try and adopt the way which suits you.

How to retrieve a draft email got deleted by accident?

Unfortunately if the Draft was deleted, it can not be Recovered.

♦For Future References, please view the new help link:
"Restore Lost or Deleted Emails":

Good Luck To You..Ð

Most emails I get are a farce, but i was wondering if it was true if tampons saved a Marine:? looked into this one. They couldn't confirm that someone actually used a tampon in this way, but they said that the tampon story is entirely consistent with other stories of our amred forces' finding innovative uses in the field for other common objects.

A classic example of that, which they actually DID in Gulf War 1, is using a condom to cover the end of a rifle barrel, which keeps the san out when it's not being used, but at the same there's no need to stop and remove it when it IS time to use that rifle. You can just shoot and not worry about the condom, because a condom isn't going to stop a bullet or mess up the gun if you fire when it's on.

Also, the write-up pointed out that the materials used in tampons today were originally used in military field dressings. Therefore, tampons would likely be very effective in treating a wound (like a gunshot) that created a hole.

To conclude, couldn't confirm an example of someone using a tampon to treat a bullet wound as in that e-mail, but it would be consistent with other military innovations and it would probably work.

EDIT - correcting myself slightly: I just re-read the Snopes write-up. They DID confirm that tampons have been used as field dressings, and have been included in emergency first-aid kits, going as far back as the Vietnam War. What Snopes could not confirm is whether the specific account in the "pass this on" e-mail is true.

What does save draft mean in a email?

Hi. A draft is an email that you are working on, that is not ready to send. It may be something like a long important letter you are writing to someone, and you want to make sure it is worded perfectly prior to sending. A draft can stay on your PC until you either send it or delete it.

If you did happen to click on the Send button, then the email will no longer appear in your Draft folder. Also, if you Cc yourself, then you would have also received the exact same email, which you sent to Aftermathmusic.

Hope that helps.

How do I recover a lost email I was composing on Yahoo?

Please help! I was composing an email on yahoo, accidentally hit address tab without saving or sending. I haven't logged out yet, is there a way to recover and how? First week on a computer please explain step by step. (I've tried all the help features I can find, they didn't help) Thanks!