When You Have A Dream Of This Certain Lady Who Lives Opposites Your House And The Only Thing You Do

Dreaming of having the opposite sex's genitals?

Usually when a woman dreams of having male genitals, it means one of three things.. First, you are having trouble achieving what you want to accomplish in life, and wish you could be able to be more forceful to attain what you wish.. Your motivated to succeed, but feel your just not getting where you want to be..Therefor you think the male gender would add strength to you issues.. Secondly, You have been dominated by males either in life through employment, or relationships, and subconsciously you feel if you yourself were male, you would not have or have had that dominance forced upon you.. The experiences you had were ones that weren't pleasant, and down deep your a strong woman who KNOWS who you are and what you want, but still these things happened.. And thirdly, and this one rarely applies to many people,, You are a dominant female, who feels more comfortable with women ,and are always the assertive and leader in an all woman situation.. And , you entertain thoughts of seeking a lesbian type relationship.. Only you know what you are and what you seek,,but your subconscious entertains in sleep your bits and pieces of conscious thoughts ,and displays them in your dreams!! I hope you find explanation in one of these scenarios,, because your answer is in one of them.. Pleasant Dreams!!! SOLOMON

Why do I dream I'm the opposite gender?

I don't believe that it necessarily means you are homosexual. If you were subconsciously homosexual then you would dream of being you sleeping with a woman. The sex in the dream is still heterosexual. Perhaps it is about role reversal. Perhaps you are in a position where you are expected to fulfil the role normally occupied by a man in the family or in your line of work and the dreams are an expression of this underlying role. I often find that having sexual dreams indicates unfulfilled libidinal desires. If you are not getting enough sex or romance in your life, for instance. Perhaps you desire male companionship to the extent where your dreams are expressing that extreme desire in the form of you becoming the man you seek.

I would think about what feelings accompany the realisation that you are a man in the dream and what the concept of men, being a man or masculinity mean to you personally. It is not impossible to suggest that the male figure in the dream refers to the father figure in your life. Perhaps consider your relationship with your father or male relations this may be the expression of your desire to get back in touch with estranged male relations or even friends.

I wouldn't worry too deeply about it, after all dreams cannot hurt you but offer safe environments for the expression of repressed subconscious concepts.

All the best,

Why is it that whatever we see in dreams are opposite to what is happening in real life?

Dreams do not come true but you will dream about the opposite of a certain future event if you worry too much about it.Now, as dreams are a means of reflection, there might be something that you are worried about and think of all the outcomes related to it. There will be an ideal outcome. And there could be not so good outcomes. Now, one tends to think about it a lot. This appears as a Dream.Also, Vice versa.

I dream of having sex AS THE OPPOSITE GENDER?!?

It could be any number of things ranging from the fact that you may be simply curious as to what it is like for the opposite sex (something that happens to many people who are straight, males and females alike) to the possibility that you are at least a little curious as to what a relationship (or at least a sexual encounter) with another woman might be like.

More likely though it's just a passing fantasy that many people have at some point in their lives.

What is the first thing you would do if you woke up as the opposite sex?

The first thing I'd do as a woman? I would enjoy a nice hot bath and learn to experience the wonders I've had a select few women mention discreetly to me about shower heads and such.I'd do this for a long time.But the first thing I'd do seems so inconsequential.(Before I continue I feel a certain affront to my manhood for seriously considering this question. So, to assuage my hairy forebears I feel the need to stipulate that I like my manhood and all its associated parts very much. I also enjoy how they fit with women. But caveats aside, on with the answer!)Being a woman would take time. I mean there's the whole monthly cycle thing. Really I have to deal with bleeding for days at a time...and you're telling me bandaids don't work for this???And no offense to Anna Demers but if you think buying condoms is hard...tampons, really? Although I suppose the whole empathy thing with women is much higher, so maybe I could get some help in the feminine products aisle. Even still, I'd be a full grown woman (right?) who doesn't know anything about buying tampons. That's going to come off as a little more than passing-strange. Come to think of it I'd recruit some help. I think I know at least one woman I could go to and explain this situation to and not have her freak-out/call-the cops-on me.Now that I've got a partner in crime...I'm going to ask her about sex. The whole masturbation thing has been interesting. But...well, there are things you've got to know. Not to mention I'd imagine as a woman my hormones might be different and the whole male genital thing probably wouldn't be as averse to my sensibilities as they are now.Which is leading us to the single most unique thing about the female sex (not the most unique thing about any individual woman mind you but about the female sex as a whole) pregnancy!!!Swollen ankles. The daily crap shoot of hormones. Pickle and peanut butter cravings. Oh, and let's not forget, another living creature from blastula to full blown human poking its head out from between my labia...WOW, that is some craziness.After that I'd raise my baby, grow old, and about a week before I died I'd ask to be changed back into the youthful, zestful young man I once was and use all the knowledge I'd gained about females for very evil purposes.

Two rivers swiftly flowing in opposite directions

Rivers generally represent the movement of your life and events in it. Even though you have winding rivers, some fast, some flow, some swift, you are calm watching them so they represent the decisions you are making in your life and you are evidently ok with whatever you're doing.

The rivers in the big valley involved two different decisions you needed to choose from. The house in your other dream means that you had a comfortable (represented by the house) solution for the more turbulent event represented by the heavy rains and water in the street. The water flowing right to left meant that you didn't see it coming (things usually flow from left to right) but you again handled whatever it was and felt good about it. You seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself. Nothing wrong with that.

Why do I keep dreaming about the same person as if we were in a relationship?

You don't give the complete dream, nor do you give genders. I'm assuming you are a woman, and the other in your dream is male.For every woman a man in her dream more often represents her masculine side. Your masculine side as the image of this outer male appears will have important opposite qualities and attitudes from you. If your dominant function is feeling, being more heartfelt the inner man will be more rational, logical, and much less heartfelt.  This could be the opposite to, you more rational, he more heartfel. Only you can know sure.Therefore we tend to be attracted to our opposite, for the purpose of creating better balance in our lives. The dream uses the image of this man for this purpose, to help you reach better  balance in life if you integrate more of his opposite qualities and attitudes into your life.To do so will bring you better balance in your life.In addition the man in a woman's dream can also be understood as her executive function. This executive function helps her assert herself more out into life, and puts her in the driver's seat of her life, but only if you integrate his opposite qualities and attitudes into your life. The inner image of a man in a woman's dream can change over time especially as she grows and mature.Best wishes.

What does it mean to have the same dream over and over?

In my experience, which is limited, there are two main types of dreams that repeat. The first is some constant emotion, these can be traumas, or some condition in your life that keeps you feeling a certain way. So the dream repeats as it is unresolved or unprocessed. You re-live some experience as codified in the dream. Sometimes they appear mundane, but on questioning and examining associations, they connect to negative feelings. Usually this has to do with fear. Often fear of change. Another is loss of a sense of self and a sense of incapacity. But others are possible, regret, guilt, rage. Sometimes they are only an image, like a photo of someone.The second type which can blend into the first, is that there is something coming into being. This dream repeats, but it tends to be different every time in the details. Same character, same situation, same location, but variations on the theme.For example, a guy kept dreaming of being on a building, in a small town. The building was four stories. As he was on this building there was a parade of beautiful women doing parkour all over the other buildings and in the street. This dream kept coming, sometimes the women were doing other things, such as a parade. Sometimes one women in particular stood out. Sometimes they were nude. These dream turned out to be related to the person’s impending divorce. They got married early, they at the time had a good financial situation that changed radically and they both knew they needed to go their separate ways. They both were afraid, and proud not wanting to admit to in their minds failure. At the same time they both knew and isolated themselves from each other. Going through the motions. The dreamer was not having any intimate relations, and was attracted to women wherever he went. When he admitted to himself that he really wanted to find another partner, got excited about that, then he saw the future with a sense of adventure and possibility so the dreams changed. He got divorced and moved on with his life.