When You Heat Up Insulin At A High Temperature Why Does Insulin No Longer Functions

Why does insulin not function properly if it has been heated?

becuase insulin is a protein and heating almost always (except for some "thermo" aquatic organisms capable of withstanding high temps) results in denaturation of the protein.

what this means is that disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds etc. that stabilize the protein in a specific conformation break due to excessive energy input and the shape changes. Structure always dicates function in biology- if the tertiary structure of insulin is altered then it won't be recognized by insulin receptors (also proteins) embedded in the plasma membrane. This interaction triggers sugar uptake into cells, the primary function of insulin.

How can I maintain a high average body temperature?

There are a few things you can do to raise your body temperature. 1. Exercise vigorously and regularly. I would suggest working out first thing in the morning so that you raise your body temp at the beginning of the day; this will help to set the pace for the rest of the day. 2. Drink caffeine. The stimulant effect helps raise body temperature. 3. Eat more carbohydrates and animal products. You need to raise insulin and glycogen levels in your body for it to warm up. Don't worry, if you are working out on a regular basis you shouldn't have to worry about putting on weight. 4. Try this breathing technique: four things should help in raising your body temperature. I would say that the most effective way is to stay physically active though.

How long can a propane tank run a small refrigerator made to run on propane gas?

I am starting to put together some supplies in my home in case of an emergency. Canned food, fresh water, etc. One of the biggest obstacles I'm running into is how to keep my wife's insulin cold. She is a type 1 diabetic, and without insulin, she dies. Plain and simple. She can get by for a little while on what she has at room temperature or slightly below, but anything over 30 days, and we start running into problems. The insulin supply she has will go bad much faster if not kept cold. So I am looking into getting a very small RV style refrigerator which can run on propane gas, along with several spare propane tanks.

Has anyone used one of these gas powered refrigerators before? If so, will it run COMPLETELY on gas? I want to be prepared for anything, including society collapse where we have no power at all for an extended period of time. Also, how long will the refrigerator run on a standard size propane tank (the size you'd use for a gas grill)?

Please only post an answer if you're pretty certain its accurate. Someone's life is literally at stake.

Why do I get cold after I eat, even when I am not eating or drinking anything cold?

When you eat, blood is redirected to your stomach, making your extremities colder than usual. It’s normal to be colder after eating, but if you are bone cold or cold+tired, then it could be something else entirely.That used to happen to me; cold and tired right after lunch. I was afraid that it might have something to do with my insulin levels (I come from a family of diabetics, so I’m always watching for warning signs), so I started taking a cinnamon and chromium supplement and it helped.Now, there are a couple of things going on here, so I’ll begin with why the cinnamon worked for me.Insulin is a hormone that helps keep blood sugar in check. Cinnamon helps reduce insulin resistance so that your hormones can get work keeping your body in balance. Insulin resistance may occur due to:obesitya high fat dietdiabetesinflammationOn another note, cinnamon is known in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as a “warming” herb that increases the bioavailability of food, so it could be that the cinnamon literally “warmed” the cold out of me.Cinnamon is also one of the herbs that acupuncturists prescribe when dealing with hypothyroidism. Cinnamon is Yang, which helps with excessive Yin. Without getting too into it (because Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complex balancing game), Yang things are earthy, heavy, hot and energetic. Yin is light, watery, cold and still. For example, summers are hot; that means our environment in the summer is Yang. We can keep cool in the summer by eating Yin foods, like cucumber, watermelon, etc.So maybe you are experiencing cold because you have the beginnings of insulin resistance or hypothyroidism. Or maybe you’re eating too many Yin foods during a Yin time of year?Women also feel cold at a higher temperature than men. If you are in an office full of guys and you are the only girl, that could be it too.My point is that it coldness can indicate any number of things ranging from the banal to the serious. The best way to find out the root of unusual coldness is to talk to a doctor.

What happens if a diabetic eats a lot of sugar?

Nothing happens in the short term. Having raised blood sugar from eating lots of sugar is no different in diabetics or healthy individuals.What does the damage for diabetics is the permanently raised blood sugar- they can’t get the sugar out of their blood, so it stays there.Insulin’s job is to get sugar out of the blood, and all type 2 diabetes is, is insulin resistance. Your cells no longer respond to insulin, so the sugar never leaves the blood like it does in everyone else.When the sugar stays in your blood it rots everything. Your body cells are bathed in sugar non-stop. You tend to get nerve damage in the feet as well as other cellular damage, which is why diabetics often have to have their feet chopped off since their feet literally rot off them. The tiny cells in your eyes are also very sensitive to damage, so your eyesight fails and you may develop cataracts. The liver is never flushed, so cirrhosis and liver scarring is common.As for your question details, if you try to take insulin to counter the high sugar, but keep eating lots of glycaemic foods, you will not be able to take enough. This is because your cells are insulin resistant- they don’t respond to insulin very well. If you just keep pumping more and more insulin into the blood you will get more of a response, but then you will become increasingly insulin resistant.I know this isn’t part of the question per se, but the best things to do diet-wise to avoid high sugar would be to go on a low carb/ zero carb diet. This is because fat is digested differently and has low impact on blood sugars compared to eating carbohydrates or sugars, so you never have significantly raised blood sugar in the same way you do if you eat lots of carbs. The best thing to do exercise-wise is HIIT training- this flushes the sugar out of your muscle and liver and sugar will be stored here instead of the blood- you have 1500+ calories of storage to use up. Interestingly enough flushing the liver seems to drastically increase insulin sensitivity, meaning you will reduce your blood sugar levels extremely effectively in the short term, AND you will decrease your insulin resistance rapidly leading to long term cure of diabetes. Each HIIT session contains a total of 60 seconds of exercise, and is suitable for very unfit people who cannot perform traditional exercise such as a 10 minute cycle.