When You Run Out Of Breath How Long Can You Continue To Stay Under Water

On average, how long can someone hold their breath underwater?

Until they drown. I know, I know, it's a joke answer, but it's a GOOD joke.My personal experience, about 2 minutes without practice, up to 4 with regular practice.

Is holding your breath underwater bad?

Yes! As a former lifeguard, we strongly suggest that people not have "breath holding contests" It can be bad for your body if you don't know what you are doing. Please try to find some other way to have fun with your friends! Breath holding contest's really make lifeguards nervous, because we can't tell if you are drowning or not. To us, it just looks like you are laying on the bottom motionless which == emergency!!! drowning victim!! Please take this to heart for your own safety, the safety of your friends, and for the lifeguards who are out there so you can have a fun time at the pool with your friends and family. Hope that this helps answer your question, please always remember to have fun and stay safe! ; )

I found out that I can breath under water as long as I keep drinking water, how did that work?

I have been researching this for some time. You may know that Johannes Kylstra has been working for many years with mammals breathing water.While there is much less oxygen in surface water than in air, at 30 metres depth the partial pressure of oxygen is the same as in air at sea level.It will certainly do you no harm. Doctors routinely fill people’s lungs with salt water to clean them out in case of certain lung diseases. Fresh water might cause a few problems though.I would be very interested in discussing this with you further.Are you using fresh water or sea water? How long do you stay under?

How long can you hold your breath on land?

30-45 seconds is not how much you can hold your breath it is how long you are willing to hold your breath.

Most people 'can' hold their breath for at least 4 minutes before passing out. This can easily be extended past 6+ minutes with practice. HOWEVER, most people only have enough willpower to go between 30 seconds to 1 minute.

I have personally achieved times of 5 minutes max. The trick lies in a variety of little things that you can improve on.

Lung Capacity: Although you will never actually make your lung grow, there are two things you can do with this. 1: Be more comfortable with a fully expanded lung. 2: Try breathing in more air by using a technique similar to sucking through a straw, I do this by sucking on my hand (sounds weird but works).

Heart Rate: Stay as CALM as possible. This is one of the most important aspects. Being nervous can SIGNIFICANTLY reduce your breath hold time. Think about other stuff and do NOT check the time until you have finished the attempt.

Will power: By the time most people feel breathless, this is the point at which you still have 50% oxygen left. This means you can easily extent your time by 2x by continuing to hold your breath. Contractions start which you must continue to hold your breath through. It is completely normal to feel painful during this.

How long can a salamander stay under water?

It depends on the species of salamander. Some have fully functional gill through there life cycle, where as other will lose use of the gills with age and will reply soley on their lungs.
And then there are a select few which have neither lungs not gills and absorb oxygen through there skin and a membrane in their mouth.
So some can stay under indefinitely where as other will need to surface for air with greater frequency as they age and their gills stop working.

How do crabs breathe in and out under water and on land?

Land hermit crabs, which in the adult stage, can not breath underwater. You can place them underwater for a short period of time(a few minutes), but if they stay under too long then they will suffocate. The gills are adapted for land(air breathing), and can no longer derive oxygen from water.However, they start life as a zoo plankton like life form, and in this early stage they can breath under water. At some point, they get large enough(the few that have not been eaten by whales) and wash up on land where they miraculously become land breathing animals.

How long can a baby breathe underwater with a water delivery?

Baby does not breathe underwater, obviously.  The baby continues to receive oxygen via the umbilical cord until the placenta detaches from the uterus and is delivered (or until the cord is clamped and cut - prematurely - if that is done before the placenta detaches).There is extremely little likelihood that the baby will attempt to breathe while under the warm water in a birth tub.  When the baby's face is out of the water and the trigeminal nerve in the baby's cheek is exposed to cool air, the baby reflexively begins to attempt to breathe.  So...once the face is out of the water, it isn't advisable to put the baby's face back underwater.

What to do to prevent feeling thirsty during long runs?

I'm training for a half-marathon coming up at the beginning of May. I do longer runs once a week, and the runs on my "short run" days are getting longer. I usually run in the middle of the afternoon, so I drink a lot of water/Gatorade throughout the day leading up to the runs, but I still get very thirsty, and don't usually have somewhere to stop to grab a drink of water. I tried chewing fruit-flavored gum during my last 6 mi run... is there something like that (or something else) I can to to keep the dry mouth away?

How long can a person survive underwater even after he's passed out?

I mean, if he's passed out underwater and people eventually find him and revive him, let's say after 5 hours, will he just have brain damage and still be alive? like, a vegetable person?