Where Are My Questions Once Posted

I need help on trig. i already posted my questions once but i guess i'll do it again.?

1. find the exact value of sin2(theta) given a right triangle with side lengths of 4 and 1. neither side is the hypotenuse.

2. find the exact solution of the equation 4sinxcosx=1.

3. use the double angle formula to rewrite 12sinxcosx.

4. find the exact value of cos2u using the double angle formula for sinu=-4/5 pi
5. find the exact value of tan theta/2 given a right triangle with side lengths of 15 and 8. neither of which is the hypotenuse.

6. simplify square root of 1-cos6x/2

7. cos15 degrees

8. sin(u+v) find the trig function value given sinu= 5/13 and cosv= -3/5. both are in quadrant II

9. sec(u+v) the same concepts apply to this problem as in problem 8

To add a question, click “Ask Question” at the top right of the page. You will be shown questions that are similar to your question. If you don’t see your question, click “Ask Question” to add it to Quora. Once you’ve asked your question, we will distribute your question to writers and notify you about new answers.For more details, including information on what a good question looks like, take a look at these answers:Quora's answer to What are the main policies and guidelines for questions on Quora?Quora's answer to What are some guidelines and policies for editing a question on Quora?Quora's answer to How should questions on Quora be phrased?

How come my questions on here are usually only answered once or twice?

Because they are legit questions, and once the correct answer is added, there's no point in adding more.

Questions that get 30 answers or more are usually (chat)violations that any fifthgrader can answer

Why is it that some questions cannot be deleted by the asker, while others can?

The ONLY questions that can be deleted by the asker are the ones that haven't received any answers yet. Once someone else has posted under your question, the question becomes the property of Yahoo-Oath, and deleting it isn't allowed, because it's disrespectful to the user who took their time and thought to post a reply (also assuming the reply was thoughtful and reasonable).

At one time questions could be deleted at any time by the asker, and too many people would get the answer they were seeking (or not) and delete their question, after many users had taken time to compose a thoughtful answer, and maybe even done research to help the asker. People were upset and leaving the site because they felt they were wasting their time answering questions that would just be removed when the asker decided to delete them.

The site was designed to be a knowledge database, and that couldn't happen when knowledge was being removed at random.

From our Help Center article, How can I edit a question on Quora?:You can edit a question by clicking the "..." menu and selecting "Edit Question & Source."For more information about Quora’s features and frequently asked questions, check out our Help Center.

Why is my question never getting answered?

You say you know for a fact "...that it's not breaking any guidelines..." and then add not to tell you that.

Well, I'm going to tell you just that, because it is. Read the Community Guidelines again (or perhaps for the first time) and carefully read here:

Misusing Answers

Don't create multiple accounts to troll or otherwise violate these guidelines or the Yahoo Terms of Service. Don't post things that are incomprehensible or in the wrong language, and don't post the same question over and over again. The community depends on you to report abuse and rate questions and answers, so using product features such as report abuse and ratings to target others is not allowed..

Did you see the " Don't post things that are incomprehensible or in the wrong language, and don't post the same question over and over again" part of it?

Add to that you are soliciting. It's okay to ask "How do I say "I love you" in French?" but not okay to say hey, I have this need for you to translate this whole song for me

That is probably why you aren't getting answers, but it still is a violation is many ways, so you might want to rethink asking the same question over and over.

From our Help Center article, How do I delete my own question from Quora? :After adding a question, the OP (original poster of the question) has a grace period during which he or she is permitted to delete the question; this grace period ends when a certain level of activity on the page has occurred. This policy is consistent with Quora's philosophy that questions belong to the community and OPs do not have ownership over their questions.If the question is still within this grace period, the OP can delete it by visiting their question page, clicking on the "…" link below the question title, then selecting the "Delete" option. If this option isn’t present, it means the question can no longer be deleted by the OP.For more information about Quora’s features and frequently asked questions, check out our Help Center.

When Quora switched to its new system for handling anonymous content in 2017, you should have received an email with anonymous edit links” to your previously asked anonymous questions.When asking any new anonymous question, you can specify an email address for Quora to email you such a link:You can follow your own anonymous questions (so that you find out when someone has answered or edited them) using the “Follow Privately” feature, so that other people can’t see you’re following them:

How do you delete you question off yahoo answers?

First off, you are only able to delete questions that you asked here on this site, and you cannot delete any of your questions that have already been resolved or are currently in voting.

Next, if you have any open questions that you would like to delete, you first need to click on the link that says "My Profile" next to the search box in the right side of the green toolbar link.

After your profile has loaded, scroll down the page until you find a window with 4 different tabs on it that read: "My Answers", "My Questions", "My Starred Questions", and "My Watchlist". When you find this window, click on the "My Questions" tab and then click on the "View more" option that appears towards the bottom of the screen to show a good portion of the questions that you have asked.

After you have done this, look for the open question of yours that you want to delete and click on the questions' hyperlink (the blue text) to get the question to load.

After your question has loaded, to delete the question, look undernearth the question part of the question (but above where the answers start) and look for a button that has a pencil near it. It should read edit. Once you find this tab, move your move over this tab and several more options should appear.

One of the options that should appear is the option entitled "Delete your question". Click on this option and a confirmation window will appear that will ask you whether or not you really want to delete your question. If you want to delete your question, click the OK button, and the question will be removed from Yahoo Answers and you will be returned to the Yahoo Answers Homepage.

Hope this helps :)