Where Are Nicole Brown Simpson Kids Today

How did Nicole Brown Simpson's Children get out of the house without seeing blood or dead bodies /a crime scene? (Please Read Description)?

If OJ Simpson & Nicole Brown Simpsons children were sleeping in her house the night she was murdered, then how did they get out of the house without seeing blood, or a crime scene?? Does anyone know? and does anyone know about what their kids knew about the crime then, like on the day of the funeral do you think they knew what happened to their mother?
Its around the 20th anniversary, and some stuff was on TV about it, so I have these questions.
Hope someone knows, or can share some interesting thoughts!! :)

How much alimony was Oj simpson paying nicole brown a month? might speculate to much and a reason to stop paying had to come about...

Who do you think killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?

the person who ran from the police

Who is "Charlie", the eyewitness to O.J. Simpson's murder of Nicole Brown in "If I Did It"?

There is no such person and that book is complete fiction written by a former National Enquirer writer, Pablo Fenjves.  Ironically, Fenjves also testified against Simpson at the trial. According to the preface of "If I Did It" Simpson barked out "I thought this was  supposed to be fiction!" when Fenjves began asking him questions during a book-related interview.  Ultimately, he was to have been paid to not contest whatever was ultimately published.As information about what happened the night of the murdrs, that book is utterly worthless.  Simpson was trying  to acquire cash for his kids (the $600,000 fee was to go to a trust fund in his childrens' name) by selling something he regarded was worthless at that time, his name.  Guilty or not, he was by then the most hated man in America.

Did oj Simpson kill his wife ?

OJ killed his wife and Ron Goldman. DNA evidence connected him to the crime scene; however, the criminal court jury found him not guilty of murder. OJ was; in fact, found guilty in civil court though (sued for wrongful death).