Where Are Really Sweet Girls

Do guys like really sweet girls?

I think many guys like really sweet girls, but too sweet is where the problem lies. Too submissive and always doing favors for the guy makes the girl a slave/servant. If she does not provide some sort of challenge (whether in terms of the brain, talent, affection, sex, etc) it takes away the thrill of a relationship. It's not like the couple have to compete, but having someone who you can match in levels terms of being equal in the relationship is what that ultimately preserves a relationship.

I do not think guys like bi+ches, but in many cases, they do provide challenges and spices into their life...and they do think for themselves rather than being a robotic slave, which are among their attractive features.

Girls: Really sweet words/actions...?

Think of all the things she likes. Especially food, make her all of her favorite things and surprise her. Some day don't tell her what your going to do and bring her over and tell her she can relax and make her dinner. maybe get her her favorite candy and put it in her car so that she can have something to munch on at work. That'd be sweet :) Surprises are always good. The little gestures you do should tell her how much she means to you, she'll realize it with all of the sweet things you do.

Is it bad if a girl says "you are really sweet"?

Supposedly this girl I know through a friend said "he's sweet." i like her but her calling me sweet makes me wonder if that is a bad sign. What does it mean when a girl says a guy is sweet generally speaking;?

Do guys actually like sweet girls?

I think everyone likes a sweet person no matter the gender. Mean girls may be doing things that you are not willing to do. In the end, you'll be the one getting the marriage proposals and having a happy long lasting relationship. Your young.
Give yourself and your sweetness a chance to shine through and get a sweet guy.

How to plan a really sweet revenge on a girl who plays with your heart?

The best thing you can do is burn down her house, blow up her car, kill her cat, run over her grandparents with a mack truck.

Okay just kidding! No really the best thing you can do for yourself is to stay the hell away from her. She is toxic for you. Toxic means you will get sick if you expose yourself to her. What helps is talking with close friends about your feelings, write letters to her you will never send, go workout to get out the anger, erase her from your phone book, burn all things that remind you of her, don't go to the same places you use to hang out at, don't talk to the same people that are "mutual friends" as they might talk about her in front of you or simply remind you of her, etc.
Start a new life. Look at what attracted you to her in the first place. What character defects does she mirror to you. Is she similar to anyone in your immediate family?
A way to look at dealing with yucky person is to equate them with getting cancer. All the surrounding tissue must be cut. You can't return to your old way of life-- unhealthy habits (dating yuck people). You must immediately take care of yourself and protect yourself after you have been sick (dating this person)-- eat well, limit how much energy you are willing to give to others, exercise and reduce stress. Take care of yourself.
My advice is for the seriously hurt individual-- it is simply advice as you must choose what is best for you. I dated a very gross individual and this was how I dealt with it-- but not before telling him to f@$% himself.
Today my life is 1000 times better. And I see how dealing with this individual was a call for me to wake up and grow up. Ultimately it has been the best thing that ever happened but you could not have told me that when I was feeling the feelings. I have a new life today and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Good Luck!

What does a sweet girl mean?

From experience calling a girl sweet is a compliment about her demeanor which is a very good trait for anyone to have. To me, its someone who shows versatility of getting along with everyone. This can be applied to both sexes so its not a sexist term at all. I knew a girl who was very sweet and who could have gone out with any of us. This made some of other girls jealous of her, because she was so well liked.

My answer is based on personal experience.

What does it mean when a girl calls you sweet?

It means…You spend way too much time with her when she isn’t your girlfriendYou are attracted to her but looking for hints, signals, meaningsYou fear rejection and waiting for some right time, where angels appear to say, “YES! TODAY IS THE DAY! ASK HER OUT AND SHE WILL SAY YES!”You are worried and trying to make everything so right, right time, right words, making your world predictable and safe, and hiding your vulnerability. Never really making the move, probably never will.You’re not busy approaching lots of girls and so focused on “the one,” when there isn’t the “one.” Living on hope, that Thor or some God from heaven above, gets her to say “I so want you baby right now, let’s go out and date as lovers!”You’re probably at school, doing all these “crushing” stuff.You’re fantasizing about her a lot.You’re always available for her whenever she wants your time or when you see herYou’re always being this nice guy with her and worried what she might think of you and desperately hoping she sees you as….attractive to date.You are attracted to her but you don’t make a move. Fears rejection.You are seen as…a…nice guy but that’s really it.Sweet just as a friend….Ready and ripe to be categorised as a….friend;)

Why are girls so sweet?

(The alternative question : Why is sex so sweet?)To start the discussion, let’s have this term ‘sex’ bleached and ironed out. The contextual aspect of ‘sex’ could be described simply as ‘gender affair’.The first part of the sweet story is that sex has been quite clandestinely made extra-sweet with an external and almost indiscernible sweetener in the form of ‘gender contrast’. The second half of the story is that sex is indeed originally sweet.Thus we have a bipartite answer to this candid and queer question. The first part of the answer takes note of ‘why’ and ‘how’ about this ‘surreal sweetening’ of the already-sweet.It is straightaway nature’s conspiracy to ensure progeny and survival of humankind. I mean the surreal extra-attraction across gender frontier. Now ‘why’ and ‘how’ about original sweetness of gender contact and interaction. Interfacing of emotive convexity and emotive concavity of reciprocal consentient genders is tantamount to direct genetic contact across the neural-neuronal hotline. It is a matter of‘fast evolution’ (direct corporal evolution) and ‘final hedonistic reward’ in the form of ‘vivid happiness’.All rest worldly or divine affairs are matters of indirect and uncertain evolution. It is thus natural that sex would be endowed with pristine sweetness.

Do guys like sweet shy girls?

To be honest the "sweet, cute, shy" girl is one that tons of guys are interested in. Guys have a built in desire to protect a girl and be her hero, and the person she looks up to. I know that's true for me. The thing is, society today is programming guys to not mature, and to look for immediate gratification of their desires. They are always talking about "I" and "my", while not realizing that love is all about sacrifice and doing what is best for the other person. Of course, I don't know what kind of guys you are dating. If you are looking for the "bad boys", looking for "dangerous" "rebellious" "sexy", etc well, that is what you have to expect. If you are picking up guys at clubs and bars, dressing "sexy" and looking for quick intimacy, well, this is what you have to expect. I hope you aren't dating ex-cons or thinking you'll change him, but even if you haven't gone that far, if you ignore the warning signs I can't help you.

If you want a deep, respectful, fulfilling relationship, there are things you can do. Meet guys at church/synagogue/mosque, or at a volunteer activity/community cleanup/community activity. Dress attractively, but modestly (this will also enhance the "shy cute" vibe we guys can't resist. Smile and talk to the shy guys in the corners, even if you aren't interested in them. The kind, respectful guys are quite often shy and very afraid of rejection, even if you can't tell looking from the outside. If they see you being kind to the nerdy but decent kid in the corner, they may feel braver about a relationship above friendship. Hold yourself and them to a higher standard. If others start talking dirty, or making those kind of jokes, say you don't appreciate it and leave. You are a princess and a prize, not merchandise on the street. Make that clear to yourself and to them, and that's how they'll treat you. Guys like to be the pursuer, and they want someone who values herself highly, who will hopefully value them highly as well. If they have to work for your attention they will value it more highly. Above all, you have to willing to be without a guy for a while. The kind of guy we are talking about aren't going to approach you that way while you are with someone else. In our mind, it's a lot like cheating/stealing. Basically, put yourself on the path of courtship, not dating.

I hope this helps. All I can do is give you advice. You have to make the decisions yourself.

Girl says i'm very sweet?

there's this girl. i really really like her. i sent her a note (not a love note or anything, but one just telling her how much i enjoyed hanging out with her this year and this and that) she replied saying that i was very sweet. what does this mean? the thing is, i'm really into sweet girls, so if i said something like this sincerely, i would be hinting at them that i like them. but with girls, i don't