Where Are The Best Places To Meet People When Your 23/22 .

Where did you meet your best friend? What was your relationship then, and how is it as of now?

I met him in 5th standard. He was the chaotic sardar boy of our class who used to make fun of everyone and never listened to teachers.I hated him back then. We didn't talk much. Again in 6th standard we were together and this time the teacher asked me to sit with him.Now I was a bit innocent back then but sitting next to him was a big change in my life. He used to talk a lot. He used to hit me and tell me about how many girls he had kissed and I was always in awe of him and thought that this fat sardar is a stud. (I believed him back then.)One day I told my mom about him and the next day I had an application in my hand from my parents to change my seat. He kept on asking me what happened and why I was changing my seat but I didn't tell him.Fast Forward to 1 year.Our class got shuffled. All my old classmates were in one class and I was thrown in a different section with all new students. But who do I see walking in my new class the first day… my sardar fatty and his new best friend who was also there in our previous class.I was very happy that he was with me but I was scared to talk to him. 1 month went by and I didn't talk to anyone in my class. I hated going to school then.Then one day the other kid, him and I were assigned a project. I came up to them to talk about the project but my fatty shooed me away. I was sad but thanks to his other best friend and then I was asked to sit with them and then started the most amazing years of my school life.Though my fatty didn't talk to me then and always cursed me, but always took care of me in one way or the other. He used to make fun of me a lot for the 6th standard incident. I didn't mind all that.It was in 8th standard when all of us were together and he was in a different section. I used to sneak into his classroom and talk to him to make him feel good and that's when our friendship became stronger.Now it's been 9 years of us being best friends but we still curse each other over phone, texts or whenever we meet. Now we make fun of each other's failed relationships and call each other by our father's names.This is us appreciating each others DP.This is us at 1 am when we were returning after celebrating a friend's birthday.:)

This is a math problem designed for elementary students, give it a try?

Construct a square 25 cells x 25 cells, Assign a position for each person on both the horizontal and vertical axes. The diagonal represents pairing each person with himself so eliminate it. That leaves 600 pairings, 25 x 25 -25 =600. For every pairing above the diagonal there is a corresponding pairing below the diagonal: for example person #11 shaking hands with person #21 is the same handshake as person #21 shaking hands with person #11.
Thus there are 300 handshakes.

Can you provide an example and meaning of a Word Picture in the Bible?

That was a nice article, and interesting project. Before I read the article, I thought of this one:

Psalm 1:1-3 - "Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, And in the way of sinners has not stood, And in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. 2 But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, And in his law he reads in an undertone day and night. 3 And he will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water, That gives its own fruit in its season And the foliage of which does not wither, And everything he does will succeed."

The Topic: The person who reads the Bible regularly

The Image: A tree planted by streams of water, that gives its own fruit in its season, and the foliage of which does not wither.

The point of similarity: Life, continual renewal, success

However, after typing that out, I actually noticed the reference to the article itself in your question, read it, and thought the example it gave of Romans 12:20 was an important one:

"But, 'if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals upon his head.'"

The Topic: How to treat one's enemy

The Image: Heaping fiery coals upon his head

The point of similarity: Not what I used to think, long ago, and what others' first impression might be upon reading that scripture as well - that of punishing someone. Instead it is a reference to smelting iron. Heaping fiery coals on top of the ore was done to melt the ore and cause the pure metal to separate from any impurities. So as the article brought out, when we exercise kindness we heap fiery coals upon others in the sense of softening hard attitudes and bringing out the good in them.

Thanks for the upbuilding assignment! :)

How would one follow the commandment to “honor thy mother and thy father”, when one of or both of your parents may be abusive or evil spirited?

Hi Bobbie, thank you for the A2A.I have never been a religious person. Not because I don't believe there is a higher power, or God, of some kind. More because I have always believed organized religion has the potential for man to warp and twist theology to serve his own purpose. I do however believe the Commandments to have tons of merit as far as following them to lead a good honest life, no matter what your belief system is.To me, “honor that father and thy mother” can only take place if these people have been in your life to some degree, whether alive or dead. If you don't know who they are, how can you honor them? By this I am being literal: I know I look like the man who is my father, but he has never allowed me to meet him. So I can't honor him, because he was never my “father”.“Honor”, to me, means “Respect”. I don't think God wants us to remain shackled to an abusive parent who is harming us, absolve a negligent parent of their ignorance, or love a parent who can't or won't love us back, out of respect. I think what He wants us to do is forgive them. Forgiving them doesn't mean we continue to allow them to harm us more, though.Forgiveness is difficult, I know that much… My mother, I forgave a long time ago. I try to honor her memory by taking care not to remain bitter about her abuse. It isn't easy. But when I forgave her, I forgave myself too, and let it go. The act of that forgiveness made me feel much less weighted down and hateful. I'm still working on it.