Where Can I Buy Le Whif

'Le Whif' Experiences?

I write a food blog and reviewed the flavours here:

Essentially though I found it a bit like inhaling instant hot chocolate powder. I also found it hard to use, a small breath doesn't give you enough and a large breath almost went down the wrong way.

Not satisfying, and I wouldn't re-purchase. I had been really excited about trying it too - but it was an anti climax for me.

Where Can I buy Le Whif or Inhaled Chocolate from the United States?

haha good old ebay

New breathable food Le Whif is it safe?

A breathable food has come out and its called le whif ( You inhale a powder like substance and it tastes like coffee, chocolate, raspberry chocolate ect. It would see as though this would not be safe considering you inhale it. Is it safe to inhale this or could it cause lung problems??

Why do Japanese people like to eat ramen?

Who can resist something like this?A few other reasons to eat (even more) ramenYou've found your favorite ramen joint (mine is Kamakura for example)Ramen is cheap, plenty of variety in toppings. Extra chashu for meat lovers, "veggie" toppings only, rice and gyoza on the side if you're feeling really peckish and so onRamen is served up quickly - no idle time, so if you're in a hurry or just want to have an "unceremous"(?) meal it's perfectDespite all of above each place has their own distinctive taste - the noodles: thin, thick, soft, firm to the bite, silky/smooth, "grainy"(?), for the soup: watery, weak, thick, strong), and the list goes onTrying out new ramen places is like an adventure in itself. If the ramen was good the word spreads fast. It not you'll never heard it spoken of againDespite the fattiness and saltiness of the broth based soup, it probably also in some mysterious way suits man's palate quite well making irresistibleSo in short ramen is *soul food* - I think

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

It's very difficult for me to regret my own mistakes because I have learned from them but there is one in particular regret that no matter what anybody tries to tell me to make things better, I simply can't come to terms with.When I was 5 years old I was sexually abused my cousin. It went on for a while until he moved to another state. Years went by and I never said a word to anybody about it until I was 17 years old.Fast forward I graduated high school and joined the military right away. I rarely visited home but one of the days I did, my sister told me to not mention anything to anybody but that when I was on deployment my younger brother had came forward with some terrible news.My sister said that my brother told my mom that my cousin had sexually abused him. Yes, the same cousin who abused me.I asked her when it had happened and he said it was right before my cousin left to live at another state. At that moment, my heart broke. If only I had said something to someone about the sexual abuse that was being done to me my brother wouldn't have suffered.My brother suffered a lot but we didn't know what was wrong. He never said a word to anybody about anything. Now we know why and if I would have said something, he wouldn't have been abused.I've learned to accept that it wasn't my fault but it's still something that when I think about it, it breaks me down.

Is there a way to inhale chocolate?

Yes... about $2 to buy.

The product: Le Whif, a puffable chocolate canister that offers the sensation of eating chocolate without the calories.

The Price: About $2 per three puff inhaler.

The Verdict: The size of a container of Chapstick, you pull the telescoping Le Whif out to coat your entire tongue and mouth with a tiny amount of chocolate. The "essence" of chocolate, as it was described to me.

Words cannot capture the humiliation of inhaling a chocolate/raspberry Le Whif, then coughing the sugar out of my lungs, like a first time cigar smoker but even more pansy. (Supposedly the 80 to 300 micron chocolate pieces are too big to enter the lungs, so it's possible that I just sucked down a nasty coat of chocolate into my trachea.)

My second and third puffs, however, were more successful. The sensation is akin to sucking a tiny bit of cocoa powder through a straw. And while not necessarily enjoyable in any way, it was admittedly a lot of chocolate flavor for only .8 calories a stick.

A spokesman explained to me that just as Man had evolved from eating one meal a day, He's gone on to eat 2, 3 and then even a recommended 5. And under this logic, Man would eventually breathe food at all times. So Le Whif is working with a variety of French chefs to capture the essence of their dishes. If and when Le Whif releases inhalable foie gras, I might try again. Until then, I'll stick to good old fashioned overeating.