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Jose has 9 more comic books than Robin. Robin has 5 more comic books than Lee. a. If Jose has 23 comic books, how many comic books does Robin have? b. How many comic books does Lee have?

A. Robin has 14 comic books; Lee has 9 comic books

B. Robin has 14 comic books; Lee has 18 comic books

C. Robin has 32 comic books; Lee has 37 comic books

D. Robin has 9 comic books; Lee has 5 comic books

What is the best way to learn more about comics?

Well I mean, the first thing I'd say is read them. Find a genre you like, find a title that intrigues you, and read it. If you're looking for superhero stuff, I can try and give you some recommendations.Now, if that's not an option for whatever reason, a secondary option is that you visit Comicstorian or ComicsExplained on YouTube. Comicstorian/Benny grabs story arcs and sorta delivers a play-by-play of the comic. ComicsExplained/Rob runs over the story and explains the concepts within, as well as some pf the decisions and meaning of the writers. They both primarily cover Superhero books.Finally, I'd also recommend Wikipedia, and the wikis for whatever company you're looking at. They usually contain a relatively comprehensive history of a character (or story, in the case of mostly standalone books like most independent publishers have) that you can read about.

Who is more popular Manga or DC comics?

Judging by the sales, then Manga would be more popularTop-Selling Manga in Japan by Series: 2016And for all time list:One Piece -460 millionsGolgo 13 -280 millionsDragon Ball -260 millionsNaruto -220 millionsJudging by the characters, however,Those 2 guys above are arguably one of the most famous fictional characters of all time, transcending comic book limits beyond any manga characters in history, and into our cultural mindsOne of the example? phrases such as “i’m not superman” have become synonymous with “i’m not God” suggesting a lack of omnipotence by whoever said so

Is DC comics killing Marvel in sales?

Yes, but only recenetly, also only looking at numbers won’t tell the entire story.DC fall off in comic book sales after New 52 and Marvel took over as the dominant seller for years. Marvel started experimenting with their stuff a lot, like hiring hordes of hardcore feminist writers which made a lot of people less interested in Marvel comic books, by the time Marvel’s sales started dropping DC came out with a boom, they created Rebirth which fixed a lot of what New 52 and Convergence created.People have liked Rebirth a lot thus far and Marvel isn’t losing any of their Feminist/SJW writers so is still only slowly climbing back up.Marvel is still selling a lot of books, right? Wrong.Most of the sales you see are sold to comic book stores and a lot of comic book stores world wide have complained that Marvel comic book sales are going down in their stores and comic books are going to waste. A lot of comic book store owners have said that Marvel at one point went desperate and started shipping free extra copies to stores.What made people not buy DC New52 comic books? Everything was too different.What was Marvel’s idea? To make everything too different. It’s like Marvel forgot New 52 ever happened.They changed the classics like Thor, Captain America, Hulk etc too much and people lost interest.Why make a new character when you can just take Thor, throw him away and replace him with a woman, feminism. Imagine if Batman and Superman were replaced with completely new Women characters, DC would go out of business real quick.That being said I really like Unworthy Thor series, I couldn’t recommend enough to read it, it’s one for the ages.Why is Marvel selling less?

Which sells more, comics or manga?

I know this is a tricky one, but I'm curious. In the United States, if you look at the top 300 top selling comics, you will not find a manga listed there at all, but still out of the revenue of all comic genres in the US, it has at least .25% (less than a percent) while comic giants like Marvel and DC make up 80% of the sales. Now in the UK, they have comics too, but they sell hardly anything with the American comic book and the Japanese Manga dominating the market there. In Europe, they have their own, which actually sells well, but it has tight competition with American comics and manga. According to some research I did, the US comic book industries make around $500,000,000 in avenue while manga makes only $240,000,000. In the Asian orient however, Manga dominates the American comic book with the exception of India (American comic books sell better there than manga) and Malaysia. But China, its own comic line dominates, with manga following behind, and the the US comic. So both styles generate close to $2 billion annually, but which style sells better? Or are they equals that sell better at different parts of the world? I'm just curious is all.

Does anyone know any Furry Comics like "Two Kinds"? Thanks?

Go to The Belfry Webcomics Index at . It lists hundreds of furry comics, way more than you could ever have time to follow. Since you already like TwoKinds, a good place to start is with the TwoKinds entry at - check out the box labeled "People who read this, also tend to read these:" on that page.

Is Marvel now making more money from movies than from comics?

Agree with Piaw's answer, and it's worth looking at some numbers.   Here's the June sales figures for Comics: The estimated total sales for the 300 comics was 7,033,386 comics which is down by 261,702 units from May and up by 1,018,099 units from June 2011. Marvel Comics had the largest percentage of the top 300 comics with 41.01% of the total units sold So some rough math here: 41% of 7 million is roughly 2.9m units.  Let's be generous and round it to 3m units sold in that month.  Some more rough, but educated guesses:  Retailers pay 50% of the cover price.The average cover price these days is what... $3.50?   So that's $10.5m, of which Diamond, the distributor, is taking maybe... a 10% cut?  So let's say Marvel's seeing closer to $9.5m in revenue/month from comic sales.  June was a particularly good month for Marvel, as they had 3 issues of a massive line wide event crossover, so it's likely this number was high.  But let's be generous and say it's normal.  So:$9.5 * 12 months =  $114m in revenue per year.  Now, these numbers do not include trade paperback sales, reorders, sales in some overseas markets and sales to bookstores like Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  I'm feeling too lazy to look into that now so let's be generous and say if you include all of that, it doubles their revenue.  Wait.  No.  Let's be crazy generous and say it triples it.  So that's $342m revenue from comic book sales per year.  Avengers alone thus far has grossed $1,461,368,487 So it would take 4 years of my greatly exaggerated comic book sales estimates to come close to what Avengers made this summer.

Which is more popular, DC comics or Marvel comics?

Depends on the decade but I think Marvel Comics are more popular now.