Where Can I Find Weight Gaining/ Fat Comics

You can gain muscle, which makes you gain weight; that doesn’t mean that you’re gaining fat.Lmao. Yeah, as if you can gain muscles without gaining a pound of fat. Fucking Christ.Anyway, to answer the question:Generally, yes. If you gained some weight and the weight gain doesn’t go away in a few days, it usually means you gained some fat. If you gained some weight in a couple of days when you didn’t even eat that many calories then the weight gain is most likely water weight. However, water weight is a lot easier to gain and lose than fat.To gain muscles, you need to consume more calories than the amount your body burns, which means you will gain fat. In other words, you can’t gain muscle without gaining fat. If you’re a novice lifter, it is possible for you to gain little muscle mass without surplus calories, but this won’t last long. Eventually, you will need to increase your calories as you advance as a lifter if your goal is to gain muscles.You can’t expect to gain 15 lbs of muscle without gaining a pound of fat. It’s biologically impossible.If you wish to lose fat, you will need to consume less calories than the amount your body burns. When people lose weight quickly from a new diet, the weight loss is mostly from water. Generally, it would take people a several days to lose one pound of fat.

There are two possible reasons for this.It might be due to an excess of Sodium in your body. Try avoiding foods that are high in Sodium (like canned foods) and using too much salt on your meals. Also, increase your water intake to 8–10 cups of water daily.Possibly your body fat percentage has increased and your muscle mass has decreased. Therefore, balancing your weight. Reduce your calorie consumption and start exercising. This will help you get rid of the excess fat and gain muscle.#1 is the quickest thing you can try to see if you notice any changes. If that doesn’t help then try #2. Both options are really healthy for you and will help you eliminate the puffiness and become a healthier version of yourself.

Losing belly fat but gaining weight ?

Short answer: no.

If you're thin and don't have visible muscles, it's better to focus on gaining weight first - in a healthy way. At the same time, work on building your muscles so that underneath that fat layer, you're developing the six-pack you want - and a host of other muscles, too! This process is called "bulking."

Once you've built your size substantially, you'll need to restrict your diet and focus on losing weight so that the fat layer disappears and you're left with a defined, muscular body. This process is called "cutting."

People go through a series of cuts and bulks to achieve their goal body. Make sure that you're eating right and using the right form when building muscle. The link below is very helpful.

How can i gain weight Fast?

Gaining weight & muscle is a two step process: you have to eat more and lift weights or engage in some sort of strength training routine.

The most important rule to remember if you want to gain weight is to eat more calories than you burn. Only by doing this can your body use the excess energy to build muscle. If you eat less than you burn, there is no way to gain weight, it's as simple as that. Your first step is to figure out how many calories your body burns per day. Use this calculator to get an estimate. Now eat more than you burn and you're on your way to gaining muscle.

Gaining weight is as simple as eat more than you burn but if you want to gain muscle, you also need to exercise. If you just ate more without lifting weights, you'd just gain fat and become unhealthy and overweight. When you lift weights (or participate in any strength training) you're actually causing some damage to your muscles.

When you rest, your body uses those extra calories to repair and rebuild the muscles. When this process is complete, the muscle is stronger and a bit bigger than it was before. You obviously won't notice a difference right away, but over time you will find yourself becoming stronger and bigger.

You need to keep your diet clean to gain the right kind of weight. Stay away from sugary and simple carb foods such as candy, foods made with white flour, soda and other junk. These foods will promote fat storage, something you don't need. Stick to foods made from whole wheat flour, oats, brown rice, lean sources of protein (chicken, some cuts of beef, fish), nuts, beans, legumes and protein shakes - yum yum. If you need more details, go to the Straight Health Forums -

I need help GAINING weight.?

Snack more. Keep a bowl of high calorie treats (chocolate or whatever) right by your computer or wherever you sit most. Keep granola or candy or energy bars in your purse.

Stop drinking plain water or diet drinks. Any time you have a drink make sure it has calories in it! Try milkshakes, workout shakes, and those fancy high cal coffee drinks that are practically milkshakes...all that kind of stuff. If you like making your own shakes start adding peanut butter to them. Instead of blending ice into a smoothie, toss in frozen banana chunks.

Add high calorie stuff to your cooking. Use butter or oil in your cooking. Fry stuff. Don't be afraid of high fat cheese. Embrace peanut butter. Get high calorie salad dressings. Put avocado in your salads.

Give yourself at least one rest day a week where you do something like walk or watch a movie instead of a workout. Your body will thank you.

Will i gain weight and be fat?

So normally eat extremely healthy but today i kind of pigged out.
I ate,
Breakfast: Peanut butter on wholemeal toast and half a grapefruit. (276 calories)
Lunch: Ham and lettuce subway. (300 calories)
Snack: Half a can of baked beans. (169 calories)
Dinner: Egg fried rice (600 calories!)
Drinks: Caramel hot chocolate with a marshmallow (100-200 calories)
I'm 14 and 92-94lbs. Will i gain any weight?

I need help gaining weight?

eat a well rounded, balanced diet, possibly eat a little more of everything than you're currently doing, or in particular I find bananas a very good choice of snack to easily get a few more calories into your diet and help gain weight.They're very good for you, they contain very little fat, and stacks of nutrients.

(Whey) Protein shakes straight after a workout are good for easily boosting your muscle growth (I have mine blended with a banana, sometimes a bit of yoghurt or whatever else i can think of at the time!). But be careful with how much you take (remember balance in diet is what's important!) and make sure you get good quality stuff - some can be quite good at simply making you fat ;)

You could also possibly try doing a wider range of weight lifting, and lifting *slightly* heavier weights to spur your body into building a bit more muscle mass. You must also remember that building muscle isn't a fast process, even the most dedicated, hardcore bodybuilders don't tend to gain more than 1lb of muscle a week!

make sure you keep up the running! :) and good luck!

How can i gain weight?

I'm guessing you're pretty skinny. Well, so am I. I don't know about you, but I have a really high metabolism; therefore, however much or whatever, I eat, I will remain skinny. If you have a high metabolism, than you're basically stuck, for the most part.

As for getting stronger, I really suggest you start exercising. You're 15 years old and still growing. Working out strengthens not only your muscles, but also hardens your bones. Thats added weight to your muscles and weight to your bones. I'll say this now though, in order for you to achieve muscle mass and hard bones, it's going to take a lot of hard work and effort. It's not an over-night nor is it even just a month or two gig; it's everyday.

Still, not only is working out for you going to add weight and mass to your body, it'll do you a lot of good in the future.

So suggestions for working out: I would suggest sports, first! Sports are not only a great way to meet new friends, but it also creates a motivation to work out. I used to be a swimmer, until I quit in order to focus on my studies in college; therefore, even though I stopped going to practice, I still set aside some time in my day to work out, even if i'm studying at the same time.

Well anyways, good luck!

How can i gain weight?

just eat healthy dont worry about a little weight gain recovering from anorexic is tough you have to understand that you are going to gain no matter what because you have not been eating healthy just look up the average weight for your height and stick to that walk 30 mins a day will make sure you dont gain to much fat a small amount of fat is safe you just have to find a balance so you dont slip back in to your old way and just remember that the media objectify's women and men and you should not think of your self as ugly because you dont look like them the thing you should think about is that anyone worth anything will want you to be healthy and not care how skinny or fat you are tho only thing you should want is to be healthy just remember you dont need to fit anyone's idea of perfect and so long as you dont gain more than 50 lbs your fine dont be afraid of gaining you need fat i would shoot for 4-10% body fat which is still VARY lean