Where Can I Get Adblock Extension For Firefox Give Me A Link.

What are some great Firefox add-ons?

This is my line-up of useful add-ons:Adblock Plus (ad removal)DblClicker (double click a link to open in new tab)Download StatusBar (better download managment)Enter Selects (Press enter in the AwesomeBar to select the first result)Fasterfox Lite (increase the speed of Firefox)FEBE (backup add-ons and your profile)gTranslate (translate selected word in any language)LastPass (password manager)Omnibar (makes the awesome bar into Chrome style search)Pocket (Save it for later bookmarking)Save File to (for easy save-to management)Session Manager (works better than Mix Tab Plus manager)Tab Mix Plus (many important tweaks)TextArea Cache (no need to fear losing what you wrote in your browser any longer)United States English Spellchecker (or choose any other language)NoScript (for more secure browsing, but you most ok all sites you use first)Hope you find some useful!

Does Adblock Plus have viruses?

It does not have viruses (as long as you download it from a safe site), download it from the Chrome store or go to the adblock plus site and follow the chrome link from there.

Why do I keep getting pop-ups in Chrome and Firefox despite having Adblock Plus?

I'm going to have to break down the answer to this question into two pieces: first how pop-ups are likely occurring and second armed with that knowledge what you could do.First, browser's like Chrome attempt to naturally block pop-ups that aren't initiated by a user action. See [1] for an interesting analysis and solution to this problem if you are so inclined.  So I think we can break down pop-ups into two cases.Case a) This is a popup that was clearly not intended by the website's owner. In this case I agree with Don Marti, you may have some malware. Google "malware scanner" for some options here.Case b) This popup was in fact intended by the website's owner. You see even if you don't think it's a good experience, website owners don't always make the best decisions here. Especially if you are on a website of quasi legal status, you wouldn't do that would you?  Of course even mainstream websites make stupid calls when it comes to balancing user experience versus revenue. Either way Google or Firefox may well view this popup as 'legitimate'.Let's assume case b), now enter Adblock. Since you are a user you've probably long enjoyed a 'crap' free internet experience. So any deviation, even on grey websites, may feel very jarring.  It's possible that this particular pop-up is being delivered by an advertiser who has paid Adblock off to be a member of the Acceptable Ads - Adblock Plus program.  However, I don't think this is pretty likely. Those guys have a lot a to lose and have little incentive to anger users like yourself. So most likely this is an advertiser who is being both being enabled by the website and isn't in Adblock's filter list. (Adblock works by a applying a list of scripts and URLs that it's plugin looks for and blocks. If a bad actor isn't on the list they can get through.)If the above sounds like you, then what can you do about all of this? Well one option is to review what filters you've setup and if you think you are configured correctly then report a new advertisers to the filter owner. See this for more: Getting Started - Adblock PlusIf you are technically savvy you can inspect the page source of the site in question and see if a technique, similar to [1], is being employed and add your own manual filter to shut them down.If you think you fall outside of the above scenarios, I'd love to hear more about it![1]

Tumblr videos don't load / disappear when I click on them? HELP PLEASE!?

It's happened for about a week. Before that, I could watch Tumblr videos without a problem. But starting about a week ago whenever I'd click on the video, it would just disappear, and a link saying "Hide Video" would show up, but it never loads.
When I click 'Hide Video' the video thumbnail just shows up again.

I can play audio files. I've looked online for a solution and I can't find any. I've cleared my browser cache, logged in and out, and there is no problem loading any videos on any other sites.


Screenshot example:

Why can't I click any links on my facebook page?

Sorry I don't know the answer, but just wanted to say I've been searching for a solution to the same problem for a week with very limited luck.

It seems to have something to do with cookies or history.

The first time I used Opera, Firefox, and IE, they all worked fine. But when I went back to FB, suddenly the links wouldn't work; the status box didn't show that shadow text asking "What are you doing now?"; I couldn't confirm friends...

The fixes I found all say to clear your history. (On FF you go to tools and "Clear private data".) This never worked for me though.

Another fix said to create another profile in FF (close FF, click your start menu, go to run and type in firefox.exe -ProfileManager and then create a new profile.) When I relaunched FF, it worked again. Then I went back, and it didn't work again. So I tried the new profile thingy again. Didn't work the 2nd or 3rd time I tried it.

Then I upgraded to FF-3 (I had been using FF-2) and yay! It worked!! That is, until I went out and back in. NOT WORKING!

I even tried disabling the firewall...that changed nothing. Tried rebooting. No help.

I'm using DSL on Windows XP.

Hopefully someone will see this and offer suggestions - or better yet - a REAL answer to what this problem is!!

EDIT: okay, i think i fixed my FB - hopefully this will help. make sure you follow the instructions to a T. also, read my comments in the thread about refreshing the page:

good luck!!

oh, and btw......before i did any of this, i switched back to FF2 because i couldn't stand how slow FF3 was. i do not think that helped at all with the FB issue, but it could have.