Where Can I Look Inside A Text Book Online

Where can i find a pearson textbook online?

You can't, you will need to buy it or borrow it from someone.

Look inside books for free?

No, that is illegal.

Where can i find my textbook online?



How do I cite a speech I found given inside a book with many speeches?

The exact details will differ depending on which citation system you're supposed to use, but it will look something like this:

King, Martin Luther, Jr. "I Have a Dream." In Great American Speeches, edited by Jane Q. Smith, 123-130. New York: Big Publishing Co., 2003.

The "123-130" represent the numbers of the pages on which this specific speech occurs. If you're using a copy of the book that's reproduced online you would put, after the publication date, the URL of the website and the date on which you consulted it.

What are the best ways to publish Hindi book online?

The Best WaysIf one is seeking the best ways then it is the end of the world. It must be known to everyone.If the manuscript is ready, then one can approach any good publisher. Now most of the publishers are also releasing the epub formats. Presently, both the paperback and eBooks are in demand.On experiential basis, I can suggest that one can opt for KDP of Amazon. I have published my Hindi title. It can be checked at the following link.Sumir Sharma: Kindle StoreThe Look inside is active. One can get a glimpse of the content by entering look inside option.Soon, I am going to publish a Hindi version of my another title which is also available at Amazon. The link is as follow:The History of Constitution of India: The Charter Acts during the Company Rule in India 1773I will be placing the Hindi edition for free period of five days whenever I publish it. It will be free book to download for those five days. I have planned to publish it before 30 June, 2018. I will format it in a manner so that more and more pages are visible on Look Inside option.

Is it legal to publish answers of exercises given in textbooks online?

Thanks to Arfat Salman for the A2A.If the answers are entirely worked out by you (and you indicate this somewhere on your site), then it is legal -- broadly speaking, depending on your own physical location. Some jurisdiction may consider the physical location of your site's hosting servers an important point for jurisdiction.The problem with the above is that the publishers will be none to happy that their books are now with suggested answers from you. They may or may not ask you (formally or informally) to stop. In that case, you then have to consult a lawyer for an appropriate response, which we can't go into here.If the publishers have already provided their suggested answers, your own answers (even though worked out by you) might arguably be copyright infringement (rightly or wrongly). You are on your own, and the publishers have lawyers to hammer you. That is real life, I'm afraid. Their sales revenue is rather more important than your (possibly better) answers.For your next scenario (altering the details but keeping the general theme the same), it is legal. The general legal principle is that the idea itself is (broadly speaking) uncopyrightable, but the expression of the idea is copyrightable. In that case, you are simply offering a routine to tackle this or that type or theme of problems.

Where can I get the book, ‘The Conversation Handbook’ online for free?

There are actually 2 books of the same name. One seems to be a personal sale by Troy Fawkes about social skills, the other by Sutherland about research , management & policy. I have found if I look inside a book I sometimes can get the jist of it to know if I’d even want to read it. The Sutherland one is on Amazon, so you can take a look inside.

I need to learn C inside out?!?

C is a simple language who's syntax can be learned in a day (if you have experience with other languages.)

If you are learning programming I would say under 40 hours of work would be needed to understand the C language to a high degree. Some of it has to be learned by making mistakes and learning from them (such as pointers - most people will struggle with them at first.)

Learning the standard C library will take more time, especially if new to programming. Even after learning the standard C library, you don't "know it all" because you don't know how to interface with the operating system, such as the 100's of UNIX calls you could learn to do anything you can imagine doing in a console app. You don't usually go out of your way to learn stuff like that until you have to. Took me years to learn a good chunk of the available UNIX C libs, such as threads, sockets, memory management, etc.

And if you learned all that, you still can't write a GUI, for example with MFC. I don't suggest it, as it's painful. C#.NET with forms makes more sense for GUI work, IMO.

By the way, it's better to learn C++ from the start as it can do everything C can do and more, and is almost a superset.

As for books, with C, so much stuff is online, I see no need for a book. Goggle C tututorials