Where Can I Read In Fathers House By Ann Renaldi

On the book in my father house by ann rinaldi?


In my father's house ann rinaldi?

Here's what I found:

This book was about a young girl named Oscie Mason whose father had died before the Civil War. She tells about her mother remarriage to Will McLean. Before the war started her stepfather invited the United States Army to live in their front yard, they left before the battle of first Bull Run. Mr. McLean then relocated the family to a small town, in upper Virginia. Oscie didn't care for Mr. McLean, because she felt that he would be the one to fill her father shoes. Times were hard and people were starving to death, all over this small town. Mr. McLean had to do find a way to provide for his family. He was a merchant and scavenged food to feed his family and for profit. The remaining food was sold at a high cost. This was call "speculating". People who did speculating were strongly disliked. One time he sent food to this family, the people in the streets wanted to attack her, and their nigra slave. But, as time pasted, she grew to care deeply for Will McLean, her stepfather. The most famous part of the story was the, signing of the peace agreement. This story is known by every American historian because they had the chance of seeing the start of the war, and seeing the ending of it.

I read the book about 3 years ago and found it entertaining! I would love to read it again, because I forgot most of the story. Ann Rinalid specializes in writing historical fiction and most of her novels are good! Hope I helped :)

Have you ever read the book called "In My Father's House"?

I have read it and enjoyed it. It really brought out the attitudes and historical elements of the south in the war.

This historical novel set in the Civil War era was first published in 1993 and is based on the extraordinary experience of one family in the South. The Civil War began with shots fired at Will McLean's house at Manassas and—by an amazing quirk of fate—ended with General Lee discussing surrender in the Appomattox house where McClean had moved his family to escape the war. Through the eyes of the narrator, Oscie Mason, readers can explore the impact of historical events on one family from 1852—when Will McLean becomes Oscie's new stepfather—to the end of the war.

What novels would you recommend for eighth graders?

A Wrinkle in Time - Madeline L'Engle
(and its sequels, "A Wind in the Door", "A Swiftly Tilting Planet", "Many Waters" and "An Acceptable Time")

The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
(depending on your students maturity, "The Lord of the Rings" may also be appropriate)

The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton

Copper Sunrise - Brian Buchan

The Egypt Game - Zilpha Keatley Snyder
(also by the same author, "Below the Root" and "And All Between")

Dragonsong - Anne McCaffery
(and its seqels Dragonsinger and Dragondrums)

Eagle of the Ninth - Rosemary Sutcliff

The Time Machine - H.G. Wells

Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
(also, A Christmas Carol)

Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret - Judy Blume
(really depends on the maturity of your eighth graders - I read in grade six)

Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Patterson

Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush - Viriginia Hamilton

The Prince and the Pauper - Mark Twain

The Call of the Wild - Jack London

Julie of the Wolves - Jean Craighead George

Island of the Blue Dolphins - Scott O'Dell
The Hawk that Dare Not Hunt by Day - Scott O'Dell

Johnny Tremaine - Esther Forbes

Go Ask Alice - Anonymous
(I read it in Grade Eight, but it may be a little dated now)

I Am David - Anne Holm and L. W. Kingsland

The Diary of Anne Frank

The Hero and the Crown - Robin McKinley
(and its sequel, "The Blue Sword")

The Pigman - Paul Zindel

The Pearl - John Steinbeck
(also The Red Pony)

Which book should i read?

OK, I didn't even read your question 'cause it was just too long.
I would recommend anything by Nicholas Sparks. He's a great author; a very vivid writer. You really get into the characters and into the story,
Have fun!

Which book should I read for school? (Waring LONG)?

I personally have read: Laurie Halse Anderson: Speak, Catalyst as well as M.T. Anderson: Feed.

But personally I would have to go with the Book Thief because I have heard it is a good book, and it was on my list to read. I wish I could be of more help to you. Happy School Year!

What books are good to read before joining the military?

You can always read up on how to improve your ASVAB that's one of the best things you can do.. other than that, I recommend you pick up a book called: "My War" by Spc Buzznell (think I got the name right) anyway. that's the title and it's basically a collection of things and REAL military day to day basis when you're in Iraq as well as some background on how things run in a unit. It's a good read, with a couple of laughs as well..
other than that, just watch some movies.. Full Metal Jacket and Stripes. I'd say private Benjaminas well but some of those situations are kind off unreal in today's army.. or in any army that I know of. Do not watch Jarhead.. I have some close marine friends and that movie was just an embarrassment for the Corps! it even embarrassed me.

Read you later.