Where Can I Sell My Kidney For Money

How do I sell my kidney?

Legally, you can't. I don't think it's actually legal anywhere in the world, is it? Correct me if I'm wrong.Illegally, well now, you've come to the right place! One of the most corrupt governments in the world, which have borne one of the most corrupt police forces in the world, a great deal of underpaid and disgruntled medical staff working in government institutions, most of whom are fully qualified surgeons. All you would need is to find the right group of people who you would be willing to share the profits with. You'd need, obviously, a surgeon, a “salesman” (someone who would facilitate the transaction between you and the recipient of the organ), and you might need to pay off one or two people to turn a blind eye, like any hospital staff working in the dispensary who would be needed to supply all the necessary equipment and meds (anaesthetic, consumables like stitches, scalpels, bandages etc.) But then again, I've heard of people getting this done in a back room somewhere with far more basic set ups than this but I wouldn't recommend that. The amount of possible infections you could pick up in unsanitary conditions like that is staggering and completely not worth it. Tetanus is a real thing, folks.You should, however, also consider that you might end up with nasty side effects. You might not, but you also might. I'd do a bit of reading about it first before going ahead.All in all, I would definitely not recommend it, you're messing with your life, in the end. You're undergoing a MAJOR operation in completely unregulated circumstances. If anything goes wrong, there is no support from any backup medical team, no second opinion, not even a chamce that medical aid will cover any costs of a fuck up that might occur. You are completely on your own, and I'm pretty sure that any surgeon crooked enough to do something like this, will probably rather let you die and run with the kidney if anything goes wrong, rather than save you and let you come after him afterwards. No, I think it's a terrible idea. If you're this desperate for cash, rather go into something more regular, like selling drugs, or prostitution. Far less risky, and much better chance of not getting killed.

Can I sell my kidney ?

People were kind of harsh answering this weren't they. I am unsure it is legal to "sell" your kidney. One option I know is legal is to donate a kidney. I am unsure if you are going to get paid for this, but you sure as hell are going to save a person's life. I know there is one way to sell your kidney but it is illegal.

Where can I sell my kidney and how much?

It may cost you your life. There has been an uptick in the “organ trade” due to the number of displaced and desperate people who may have heard of someone selling a kidney for thousands of dollars…But, don't be fooled! The dealers in human organs DO NOT CARE if you live after they have your kidney. They don't tell you that you may very likely get a life threatening staph infection, remain tired or otherwise debilitated and unable to ever work again.If the motivation is to make money for your family, your loss or constant illness following an unsafe, possibly deadly operation, will HARM your family.Unscrupulous organ dealers are among the scum of the earth. Yes, you have two kidneys. Yes, you can function with one to a non optimal degree. But, the operation and what comes after, may kill you.It is pure evil, that the wealthy prey on the bodies of those in need to save their own-more valuable(??) lives. Pure. Evil.These dealers want money. They talk a good game. They even may have real doctors. They don't care if you and your family rot.An example is the selling of organs in Yemen. Desperate measures by desperate people thinking that they may be helping themselves or their families.The dealer promises you the cash you need for survival or escape. Maybe you even get the money and after a long healing, rejoice. However, you will find that the effects of these hasty operations are long and often debilitating.Is that immediate cash-if you get it, worth a life as an invalid? Do you want to be ill?It is a disgrace to humanity that anyone is put in a position of considering their body parts for sale to the highest dealer. It is also illegal. The dealers are devils.Please, warn others not to undergo these seemingly quick fixes for money.It is understood why people are tempted.Everyone who doesn't wake up to the fact that people are being sold piece by piece in order to survive, while we sit by silently, is an accomplice in the crime.

I need money and want to sell my kidney. How can I legally sell it?

There is contradiction in your question.If you want to stay under the purview of law, you CANNOT sell your organs. If you want to “sell” your kidney, you invite the clutches of illicit operators in such organ donation rackets who do promise huge sums of money but DO NOT ENSURE the following for you:If the surgeon & medical staff involved are actually trained to carry out organ retreivals. You could end up with infections or lose excessive blood as a result of botched-up procedures in such illegal “Organ Trade” practices.If you will actually wake up after surgery. It could always be that both your kidneys are removed and you're left to die. Why would organ traffickers care at all for your life?If you do wake up, will you recover well to continue with your life and spend the money that you earned as you wish to?Would you qualify for any insurance or litigation (lawyer) support if something goes wrong? Chances are you won't because such organ trade is illegal to begin with.In almost all countries, Organ Donation is altruistic in nature without any direct exchange of money for the organ. There should be no middle-man involved. At the most, your proposed organ recipient and their family may handle all your medical and logistical expenses that you incur during the organ donation. Healthcare systems in some countries may also compensate a part of your monthly salary (provided you work) for the duration of your absence from work.DO CONSIDER all the above points before you decide to make that “quick buck”. After all, what's the use of being promised a spectacular sum of money by illegal operators if you don't even survive to spend it the way you want.

How do i sell my kidney?

eBay son!

How much money can you get for donating a kidney?

I'm not sure they even do that here In the USA , But you can always ask someone. But why would you want to do that if you need money there are other ways of doing it. You just might need that Kidney later on down the road in life , for you or even A child , or some one in your Family , so I don't recommend it. This is something you should really think about before jumping the gun like that , just for money. Money come and goes , but your Body is all you have , that you can't change.