Where Can I Sign Up For The Sasquatch Militia

On average, how likely was it for a plate-armored knight to survive a medieval battle?

If you had full plate the odds of survival were very high.  First of all, if you could afford plate then you could afford a ransom so the incentive was to capture and not kill you.Also, full plate armour was almost completely proof against the majority of weapons coming against you (I have had swords just bounce of me, spears hit me full power and just skid off, I even once got a full power two handed axe of my head which dazed me for a few seconds but I was still fighting whilst I re orientated myself).  The people with the weapons and training to kill you are other knights who you probably know from tournaments etc.  they are likely to take you prisoner and treat you well because then people are more likely to treat them well when they are taken prisoner.  Same thing as rugby players not fouling each other too much because they know people will just foul them back.If you could afford plate then you could afford retainers who would back you up.For a contrast have a read of the translations from the Hussite wars in the 15c.  Hussites killed knights whenever they could and would kill their horses too.  The crusaders found it terrifying as they were just not used to it!

If sasquatch is found to exist, what would its legal status be?

Initially its status would be that of a newly discovered species. Period. A lot of folks believe it would immediately be given endangered or protected species status right off, but that’s not how it works.Before giving endangered or protected species status there must first be scientific studies initiated to determine how many there are and where they tend to live. This alone would be a daunting task, for the government wont be super interested in establishing those facts for several reasons. While the us gov will likely toss out a $100,000 or so as a grant to some scientific group who wants to take on this task, the gov would likely treat the issue as something they wish would just go away. Read up on other bigfoot questions here on quora to discover why this is. I’ve typed it out so many times, Im not going to do it again any time soon. Look up my responses to other bigfoot questions and you will totally understand what I’m talking about.My prediction is that once it is accepted as a bona fide living breathing species, it will take at least 2–3 yrs minimum to establish even a ball park estimate of its population. The scientific community accepting it as real will have no impact on how easy or difficult it’ll be to find it from that point on.Another prediction is that once a census has been taken, it will be established that while bigfoot should be protected, it need not be listed as endangered. They have a fairly healthy population in nearly all 49 mainland states, and they are witnessed almost daily somewhere, and they are pretty much always described as huge and powerful and well fed. Small juvenile prints, as well as adult sized footprints are seen quite often so there is sufficient evidence that they are reproducing at a healthy rate.Not listing it as endangered will let the timber industry off the hook, after holding its breath during the research period. The national and state parks tho…well…I suspect they will suffer starting immediately after bigfoot is listed as real.

If you own what the news these days is describing as an "assault weapon", what use have you actually made of it? Do you use it to hunt? Have you ever had to use it to defend yourself, your family, or your property?

My wife and I live in the country and I do own two firearms that the Great American Uneducated would label as “Assault Weapons”. Both are some variation of.22 caliber.My wife raises pure bred horses on our 150 acres east of Austin, Texas along with a passel of mongrel chickens, two labradors and who knows how many cats.I awakened one morning to a ruckus in the barn trap and saw that a pack of 8 feral dogs were chasing some of my wife’s horses. Now, no one on earth loves dogs as much as I do, but those horses are $8,000 to $12,000 each and feral dogs are as wild as anything on four legs, plus they no longer fear man. Only one choice…assault those dogs. I’ve been a competitive shooter all of my adult life. First one died at 300 yards. Two more while they figured out what was going on. Then the scattered. None escaped.Another time, 4 coyotes were admirimg her chickens, at about 50 yards. Again, assault the coyotes. None survived.Out here in the country, rifles are a tool.

Do "militant feminists" exist, or is that just made up by misogynists?

Google is your friend?Various feminists self-label this way.Militant is more commonly referred to as “Radical” and shortened to RadFems. And yes, they exist and are proud to call themselves such and they are different to non radical / mainstream feminists:what is radical feminism? from RadFem Collective.#MeToo and my six months as a radical feministWhat happens when militant student feminists grow up?We Went to Quebec’s Militant Feminist Training CampRadical FeminismThe problems with radical feminism in the 21st centuryRadical Feminism — a good idea in theory – Katy Preen – MediumRadical FeministsWomen's Liberation Front “WoLF is a radical feminist organization dedicated to the total liberation of women.”Radical Feminism Is Damaging The Image Of The Feminist MovementPretty much just google “militant feminism” or “radfems” or “radical feminism” and there’s tons of links.But clearly ALL of these are totally fake and completely made up by spies who hate feminism in general….even the ones by hardcore proud feminists.

Are MRAs Nazis?

I found this little Nazi quote and it reminded me so much of the crap MRAs spew that I thought I'd run it by you guys:

"in reality, the granting of so-called equal rights to women, as demanded by Marxism, does not confer equal rights at all, but constitutes the deprivation of rights, since they draw women into a zone where they can only be inferior. It places women in situations where they cannot strengthen their position with regard to men and with society – but it only weakens them."

Did you encounter any Bigfoot during your trail guide days?

My wife and I took a guided tour of Yellowstone National Park. Our guide was a life long outdoorsman hiking and guiding guests for close to 40 years. I pulled him aside on the second day and asked him if he had ever seen or heard what he might think was a Sasquatch. He looked at me in the eye and said, “Yes, twice.”When he was young he was camping in the far out wilds of Yellowstone. He wandered off from camp and came face to face with a massive bigfoot who was crouching down in the grass. He stopped and observed the creature for close to an hour. He was so close he saw full details in his face. He wasn't scared as he did not know what it was at the time. Neither was the bigfoot who seemed very curious about him also.Finally his father called out to him to come back for supper. That startled the bigfoot who stood up and then he could estimate it was 8 feet tall. The Sasquatch went off into the woods, and they never saw it again. He did not know what it was until years later when he saw a documentary about bigfoot, and then it started to upset him affecting his dreams.His second sighting was when taking a bus guided tour through another national park. They were driving along on a road following a river, and he and many on the bus saw one walking along the far side of the river. When the bus got close to it, it turned and disappeared into the forest. Many stated that it was a bigfoot, but the tour guide laughed that off saying it must have been a hunter. Why would a hunter run away from the bus? Why was a hunter all in dark black fur? No way.As I said this is an outdoors man who lives for the wilds of nature. He doesn't mistake a bear for a bigfoot. He was camping one time asleep and a grisly bear grabed his foot in the tent and dragged him out to kill him. He only escaped by violently kicking the bear with his other foot and it ran off.This guy had nothing to gain in telling me this and he normally doesn't tell his tour guests about it for fear of ridicule. So yes I believed him and I can only hope that we can get the final definative proof of these shy creatures without killing one.

What if America lost the revolutionary war?

Well, this depends on how you look at the way the American Revolution began. Great Britain was the greatest empire of its time, and ruled over a great amount of the world. And the military prowess of the British militia was unsurpassed. Were it that the Thirteen Colonies didn't decide to rebel against Britain at the time, it seemed to many that it would have happened eventually anyway. And if Spain and France (which no matter what you have heard, Spain and France were most likely the deciding factor of the outcome of the war) would not have aided the Americans in their rebellion, the colonies would have probably failed in trying to become independent. However, quite a bit of the population of the colonies supported the British Empire and nearly everyone had strong ties to Britain either in family, religion, or government. For Great Britain on the other hand, the Revolution was one of the greatest downfalls the British Empire had experienced and contributed to the disassembling of its imperial rule. Therefore, Britain would have probably conquered more than just the colonies, and the shape of the Thirteen Colonies itself would have changed. So, would the colonies still be under British rule? Most likely yes, although it seems that revolution spread as soon as one country rebelled. So if the colonies had not rebelled at the time, they just MAY have later in time. Now if you're wondering if this would be a 'good or bad' thing, no one could know. We consider this as a matter of perspective, and we cannot particularly claim that we were better off for breaking off from Britain. If you look at the historical events, you'll notice that Britain was moving toward a more democratic government, and the US may have been just as 'free', maybe more or less, than it is considered to be today. But then again, freedom is a matter of perspective also.

In a brief summary: Most likely yes, the US would probably still be under the rule of Great Britain.