Where Can I Watch The Hot Scenes From The Movie

Which movie has the most hot scenes?

movie has the most hot scenesShraddha Kapoor Hottest Scene in baghii think its helpful for youthank you

What are the hottest movie sex scenes?

How does watching hot scenes in movies affect us?

It may desensitize you to sexual stimuli.  Meaning, if you look at  a picture of a female private part, it's stimulating.  But if you look at that same picture 20 times, the 21st time you see it probably doesn't stimulate you with the same intensity.  Now add your personal relationship with your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband.  How excited do you think you'd be to visual stimulation from them after seeing other pictures of similar body parts so often?  It may make your relationship pale in its excitement, because real life is never as titillating as the movies.  It's much more rewarding and satisfying in the long run, of course, but in the short term, you may find yourself comparing, to your better half's detriment, the body parts you've seen onscreen -- impossibly perfect, probably enhanced -- to those of your partner.  That's never a good thing.

Which movie do you think has a hot sex scene?

I think the movie Wild Things is pretty sexual. There's a few wild sex scenes which involved girl on girl, threesomes, and even a quick full frontal of Kevin Bacon lol.

Is it hard for you to watch movies that have disturbing prison scenes?

Not usually. It’s most important to me that they advance the story. Some films have brutal prison scenes just for the sake of it. As if they are just feeding the audience’s expectation of brutality and/or rape.One film that makes it obvious how the scenes (particularly the rape scene) advance the story is American History X. The scenes demonstrate how the primary character becomes disenchanted with his choices and is set on a path to redemption.

What is it like to watch a hot movie with your girlfriend?

All the more reason to get going in your corner seat! You should be comfortable to watch a movie like that with your girlfriend. If you really not,then she s just your friend!  You are in love when you re super comfortable with each other. You can discuss anything,and she should be the person you re most comfortable with watching whatever- whether porn or a absolute tear jerker where you lose all your macho image and cry your heart out! If you re not comfortable in her company or vice versa,then you guys have a long way to go!

Why don't men seem to watch shows and movies with hot women as the main characters, as much as women watch shows and movies starring hot men?

I am not sure that the premise is accurate, but as I have not taken the time to check male viewership in the Nielsen Ratings and compare them to the shows with attractive women leads, nor have I asked my friends which shows they watch, I will take the premise as accurate for the sake of the Question.Quite simply, in many cases, the kinds of television that interest men (porn excepted) are about ideas that men can gravitate towards and these have male leads. This is why the viewership of Science Fiction is predominantly men. It also happens that men like SitComs that have some kind of social commentary (think Big Bang Theory or Seinfeld or Spin City) rather than SitComs about a confused woman who “doesn’t have her life in order” (think New Girl or The Mindy Project) and the former tend to have male leads. Most cop/detective shows also draw in a larger male audience and the protagonists of those shows tend to be men. Finally, action movies and adventure shows also tend to have male leads. However, we are beginning to see attractive female leads in action and adventure movies (think WonderWoman or Lara Croft).There is no opposition from men to seeing a movie or TV show with a female lead; it’s just that female leads tend not to appear in the variety of television and movies that men watch. However, if there is a competent female lead in something that men will watch, such as “Sarah Connor” in the Terminator franchise or “Elle Ripley” in the Alien franchise, men will be as enamored with her as with a competent male lead.

Are there awkward sex scenes in Some Like It Hot?

It is one of the all-time greats! Sexual puns and innuendos abound, but all within decent limits (considering it was made in 1959).

It's a lot of fun - Monroe, Lemmon and Curtis are awesome.