Where Do I Begin To See If I Can Get A Service Dog

Where do you buy a service dog vest? Where would be the best program to obtain a trained service dog in the Jacksonville, Florida area? Does the program usually give you a vest? Are there any other tips?

Asking about the vest before you have your dog is putting the cart before the horse so to speak.There are many agencies in the Jacksonville Florida area that have specialty’s depending on the disability and individual requirements.I would suggest you begin by going to the Assistance Dogs International (ADI) web site and see who they have that comes up for Florida.You can also do a google search for what’s applicable for your disability and then reach out to them and I would still suggest you see if they are an ADI agency, trainer, etc.The more homework you do the better, as access and guidelines for the standards will undoubtedly be changing, as myself and others push for this to become an Industry in it’s own right. I wouldn’t want to see you receive inaccurate information that could create access and training problems down the road.Good Luck.

How do I get my dog service dog certified?

You don't. There is NO SUCH THING as a ''certified'' service dog. Federal law requires no certification or registration, and anywhere trying to sell you one---any and all of them--are SCAMS.

Now, for your dog to be a service dog:
1. You must be legally disabled. Simply being diagnosed with something doesn't make you disabled, it's how that diagnosis affects your ability to perfrom normal activities.
2. Petting her to calm down does NOT make her a service dog. In fact, federal ADA specifically states that is not a service dog task. Comforting, calming, making you feel better---not a service dog. The dog must be specifically trained to perform something for your disability that you can not do for yourself. And it must be something physical that the dog does, not how it makes you feel.

Waking you up once is not a trained task. Nudging you when you're upset is not a trained task.

3. The dog must be exceptionally trained, for up to two years, in three areas: task work, obedience, and public access work. The CGC is a good start, but that is the bare minimum of what a service dog should do obedience-wise. Look up the Public Access Test, can your dog perfom most of what's on there?

If you want your dog to be real service dog, you need to train it to do something physical for your disability that you can not do for yourself. If it can alert you to an anxiety attack before it happens, lead you away from anxiety provoking situations, etc. As of right now, your dog is not doing any service dog tasks and would not be considered a service dog.

Taking a dog out in public as a service dog when it is not a legitimate service dog will result in fines and jail time. Whether you have scam ''certification'' papers or not.

If you would like to learn how to task train your dog, message me. I can connect you with other people with service dogs for anxiety/PTSD that have trained their own dogs.

Advice for training my service dog?

I'm training a 1 year old Aussie/St Bernard mix. I read that his breed is rare but also stubborn with listening to demands which he surely is. The people I got him from didn't really train him to do much as far as basic demands like "sit" or "lie down". He also has separation problems and whimpers a lot for no reason or if he is tired of sitting still for a long time.
I have been teaching him how to react to my episodes and certain actions i do when they begin. He gets the point of what to do but only does it when he feels like it. It's quite irritating, but we are working on it. I don't want to give up on him because he's a great dog when it comes to temperament and kindness and I see potential in him.
I know that the problem lies within my training skills because I get stressed easily or i have days where I don't have the energy to train him. I don't have money to pay for training at the moment.
I just need some advice on what I can do and how to make training less stressful for the both of us.

Can you bring your service dog to church?

Since I have gotten my service dog I haven`t been to church for an unrelated reason. I am ready to begin to go to church again but I don`t know if the public access laws apply to churches because I`ve heard many people say that they can deny you access but I`ve also heard many people say they can`t. I would really apreciate getting a sure answer. I ask a lot of service dog questions on here because I occassionally have questions of things I don`t understand and I have trouble talking to people for multiple reasons and I find talking via internet is better for me. Otherwise I would likely call one of my local trainers. I also get pretty good answers on here and I really apreciate them. The reason I`m going on and on about this is because I don`t want people to think I`m trying to fraudulantly claim my pet is a service dog because my large dog is a service dog, my small Chihuahua is just a pet though. Thank you for listening to my ramble and likely answering my question. I really apreciate it.

How can I get a service dog for my anxiety issue?

“Have enough Frequent Flyer Miles,” I hope that made someone smile. The person was referring to the peacock incident. Always call ahead to the airline and see if paperwork or arrangements are needed.In the article, a male peacock with very long tail feathers was excluded from flying on the plane. Fox ran the story. Here is a further explanation from Snopes: FACT CHECK: Did United Airlines Deny a Passenger's Request to Fly with an Emotional Support Peacock? There are limitations on what animals can fly with depending on person safety and room the animal takes up. Understandably, it would be a big problem to have miniature pony on the plane blocking aisles as a comfort animal. I took a small parrot on a plane some years ago, just as a pet and their was no problem. United had a great reputation for helping people with support and service animals. I do not know if this animal was too long with its tail feathers included or was a risk to other passengers.How to do get an emotional support animal? Have a serious/ moderate emotional or psychical illness and have an M.D. or counselor/therapist that has knowledge about how an emotional support animals that can help you. The animals are usually dogs or cats that help a person with loneliness, help them get motivated to go outside, and help a person feel calmer. The professional that treats your illness may write a letter supporting that you require one for your housing, and sometimes they may accompany you on travel.Everything You Need to Know About Emotional Support Animals

What is the estimated cost of a service dog?

So many factors!The breeding stock (the price of mom and dad)Plus all the prenatal (yes it's a thing)The actual costs of raising a litter of puppies (food, cleaning supplies, bowls, toys, crates, beds, leashes, collars, vaccines, preventative medicine, spay or neuters).Any emergency medicine (they are like tiny humans and they do get hurt and have emergencies). I cared for a puppy that had a huge egg on his head from tossing his own bone in the air and it hitting him.Then the training (just the basics at this point) while all along you are dropping puppies from the “program” as they exhibit non service dog traits (could be a tiny thing but only the best make the cut).If you are lucky out of a litter of 10–12 you have 1 or 2 that make the advance training where the “real” trainers spend weeks or months working with the dog for specific tasks. And they could still cut a dog from the program that had made it this far if he/she isn't perfect.It boggles the mind - all the while someone has to clean and exercise this puppy 18 hours a day 7 days a week for the year or two from birth to placement.Major money spent on each dog. The place I worked would ask families to raise $17k toward the expenses of more than $40k per dog.

Why does Drew Lynch have a service dog?

As you know from watching his video’s Drew has a speech problem he stutters.My ex stutters so from experience I can tell you the outside world does not respond well on people that have this disability. People get impatient, embarrassed, start laughing, start interrupting, walk away or just ignore the person while he/she tries to say something. This can be very frustrating and for some people this can turn in anxiety . If the person with the speech problem starts to get upset or angry etc then the stutter gets worse, and then they are not able to get a word out at all and sometimes even start to hyperventilate.Some people with a speech problem suffer because of it of anxiety because of other people. They are afraid that they have to talk to people and thenot it can go so far that they get afraid to be close to people then they can't be in crowded places up to the point that they don't want to leave the house anymore.A service dog brings distance between his owner and other people, they block the people. And they steer the owner to take a different route etc. Also when the owner starts to get upset the dog senses that and will nudge or paw the owner to make him aware of that. That are some examples the service dog does. Even when the dog does nothing it can be reassuring for the owner that the dog is there, they see the dog as an anchor and that calms them down.I hope I explained it a bit for you because I can understand the question especially because lately a lot of people try to get their dog registered as a service dog so that they can take the dog everywhere or because they simply want the attention. This is a very bad thing of course because now they don't believe the people with no visable disability anymore. Which causes a lot of problems for those people of course.