Where Do I Go To Get A Mental Health Diagnosis

How long does it take for a mental health diagnosis?

Over the past couple years something hasn't been right with me. A friend of mine is a nurse at a hospital and she says I am showing many signs of bipolar disorder. She says I should speak to a psychiatrist about it.

I am wondering, if I do have bipolar disorder, how long (many sessions) would it take for them to diagnose me? Would it be during the first session?

How are mental health disorders diagnosed?

A mental health disorder diagnosis involves multiple steps.Physical examination: A qualified doctor will try to rule out any physical issue that could be causing the symptomsLaboratory tests: There are no specific tests to fins out mental disorder, but they may include few tests to again eliminate any pathological reason that may be causing symptoms like thyroid, hormonal imbalance or screening for substancesPsychological evaluation. A Qualified mental health professional could discuss about the symptoms you may be experiencing, recurring/disturbing thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. You could also be asked to take a psychometric assessment tools. These are experienced professional who are trained to observe and evaluate the assessments. These tools are recognised under APA guidelines.Post assessment, as per the evaluation the subject could be guided further for any psychological interventionHappy to HelpLakshmi SreenivasanClinical Psychologist-Cafe

How long does it take to get a mental health diagnosis?

It doesn’t take long, 15–20 minutes for an experienced psychiatrist. Present psychiatric diagnoses (DSM) are descriptive and if the symptoms fit a specific description, you have them down. One of the difficulties is to recognize the pattern from the various narratives and individual experiences. For example, the specific words and index episodes describing major depression are very different coming from a Norwegian fisherman and Indian accountant. The psychiatrist’s true talent lies in recognizing the symptoms behind the chronicle and not to be confused and distracted by the individual stories. The rest of the evaluation time is spent on deciding on the most appropriate treatments and establishing a relationship with the patient and the family.

Can an adult with a diagnosis of a mental health disorder refuse doctor orders? Why or why not?

Yes, they can refuse & yes they do have rights. Even in the hospital setting a patient has rights, they can refuse their medication & it would take a special court order to determine if the hospital staff must force the patient to take their medication.
As long as this person is not in danger to themselves or others they can go merrily on their happy way without being forced to take medication.
The laws change when the above criteria changes.

Can a security guard have a mental health diagnosis of schizophrenia?

As far as I know, security background checks don't check medical records. However the employer themselves may not hire you though if they find out.

Can a security guard have a mental health diagnosis of schizophrenia?

In the uk you would not be able to get Fidelity Bonded insurance to cover yourself in that job so if you were going to be registered with SIS then probably not.

What is Charles Manson's mental health diagnosis?

You're begging the question. John K Hsiao in the collapsed answers says "He doesn't suffer from an illness.  He is simply evil". I want to expand that view, with which I agree, since none of the other (uncollapsed) answers address it. Evil is not a religious concept, it's a moral judgement. You or I would look at what Manson did, decide we didn't like it, and are within our rights to call it 'evil'. We are not within our rights to call him 'insane' (batshit or otherwise), a 'psychopath' or any of the other suggestions of pseudo-medical diagnoses. A 'mental health diagnosis' suggests there is something medically 'wrong' with Manson. Some kind of 'chemical imbalance' perhaps. That makes it not his fault or responsibility but that of this purported illness. While doing so it dehumanising him, taking away his ability to make choices for himself, the freedom which is the inalienable right of every human. This would be convenient - but wrong.It seems that because we cannot envisage a sane and healthy person making the decisions he did, we label him insane and unhealthy. That says more about us than it does about him. That we fear our own dark side and prefer to disown it and project it onto easy targets. It distances us from Manson and makes us feel comfortable. While useful to protect us, that doesn't make the 'diagnosis' true.I just wanted to unpack that perspective a little, to balance the other answers and offer a potential alternative.

What are some issues in mental health?

Lack of local mental health hospitals.

Lack of local MHMR (Mental Health Mental Retardation) facilities and funding for those facilities.

Inability to force a patient into treatment unless suicidal, homicidal or actively psychotic and then sometimes for only 3-5 days for acute stabilization.

Adult involuntary patients typically only obtain treatment if placed on Emergency Detention Warrant, Police Officers Warrant or Order of Protective Custody.

Adult involuntary patients can not be signed into inpatient facilities by family members and if the family member wants to be able to sign a patient in they need to have a Judge declare the patient adjudicated incompetant and name a guardian for psychiatric treatment.

Mental health patients who have a psychiatric diagnosis and take prescribed, unprescribed or street drugs to self medicate. Some choose to do this when they can not afford their medications.

Patients seen different dates by different psychiatrists and end up with different diagnosis.

Lack of long term mental health hospitals.

Patients attempting to use the mental health system to acquire a mental health diagnosis that will enable them to get Social Security (SSI).

Occasional inability to determine if the person is suffering from a psychiatric condition or is a criminal attempting to act like they need psychiatric help.

Children using this as a way to manipulate adults.

Adults using this to attempt to manipulate others.

And the list goes on and on and on..... Hope to hear this helped in some way. This Spellcheck is having problems so I apologize for any typeooooo's

How did finally getting a diagnosis for your mental health issues affect you?

I was diagnosed in New Hampshire at Dartmouth Hitchcock. My body was bruised from constantly feeling for lumps. My original OCPD started off as extreme Hypochondria. This eventually led to Psychosomatic symptoms that literally included my Lymph on my neck growing three times it’s size. I remember waking up in the hospital ( This is around 95) and doctors as well as students were surrounding me with clip boards. It seems that they too were very interested in what was wrong with me. After intense evaluation it was agreed by the group of doctors that I had extreme OCPD. They called it OCD back then but obviously the diagnosis was the same. I was homeless at the time and about to get my insurance pulled because I was about to turn 18. My diagnosis hit me very slowly. I was relieved that I actually had a disorder and wasn’t going completely crazy BUT those around me did not understand my disorder. This made it very hard too relate and depression set in. As slowly as the diagnosis set in- it also slowly became manageable. I eventually turned my obsessive compulsions into positive motivation. Yes I am an over worker-and an over achiever but-I keep my disorder at bay naturally and press on through this amazing experience we call life.