Where Does The Buck Stop In The 0bama Administration

Does Obama regret using Harry Truman's famous quote "The Buck Stops Here" Is there no way out now that he's in?

President Truman made that comment at the Naval War College in 1952. He was talking about his role as Commander in Chief of the Military. He also meant that OF THE DECISIONS HE MAKES, he has to accept responsibility for them. He never said all decision rest with the President.

Obama took it out of context and thinks HE is responsible for all decisions made in Washington DC. That goes along with his Messiah complex. If he wants that responsibility then he gets to get all the blame too. The oil disaster in the Gulf is being handled badly and he is at fault. He should have called out every resource he could to contain the oil.

Why are people convinced that Barack Obama did a great job as president?

Let's ask a couple of questions first:How much should we expect a two term president to realistically accomplish?How much support did he get in realizing his agenda?Whose life has been improved by the presidents agenda?these questions help make an examination of the presidency a bit more objective. Rather than focusing on what he did for us directly we should be looking at what he has done for the people as a whole.I realize it is difficult to separate what the president has done directly from what may or may not have happened anyway under his administration. But for simplicity's sake I'm going to take a page from President Harry Truman and say “"The buck stops here” - so unless it is crystal clear that the accomplishment is based on a previous administrations actions (like how the recession began at the end of the Bush administration) then we will count the accomplishment under the president in which the accomplishment was right off the bat we can say at least 20 million peoples lives were improved by the Obama administration due to the ACA. It isn't perfect but it did represent an improvement over zero Health insurance. Plus the millions of kids who could stay on parents insurance and the hundreds of thousands with pre-existing conditions who could never get insurance.We can say that 9 million lGBT people in America have achieved greater equality.he helped spur investment into Chrysler and GM, saving a quarter million jobs and helping to bring back the auto industryHe helped at least 1.3 million people with a raise to the federal minimum wage.i know they aren't all happy but by restarting relations with Cuba he has enabled 1.2 million Cubans some opportunity to reconnect to their country and helped millions of Cubans potential improve their economic situation.He made millions of Americans happy when he authorized the sortie that killed Osama Bin Ladenits hard to figure out how many peoples lives were positively impacted since we would be double or triple counting but it's fair to say that tens of millions of people's lives are measurably better because of his actions.maybe he didn't impact your life too much; maybe you are a cis gendered heterosexual white male who has never needed assistance with health insurance. But lots of people's lives have been positively impacted by rather than minimizing all the good he has done maybe you should ask yourself “"why arent I convinced how good a President he was?”

Have there been human rights abuses by the Obama Administration?

Detaining people without trial at Guantanamo Bay is accepted internationally as a clear abuse of human rights.Barack Obama pledged to shut the prison during his 2008 election campaign. Eight years later it is still open.Some may argue that the reason for the fact it is still open has more to do with Congress than the President. That may be so, but the buck stops with Obama and he has not been nearly as vocal as he should have been in opposing the situation.It's a stain on America's reputation and a stain on Obama's legacy.

Why does Donald Trump continue bad mouthing Obama and his administration?

Obviously the POTUS is flawed; ‘manners’ is not one of his strong points. Give an idiot enough rope… and he eventually hangs himself.Obama’s legacy is not as ‘sterling’ as you paint… he functioned with ‘independently’ with his hands in his pockets. The Republican’s for eight years hinged their ENTIRE political philosophy on what ever Barrack wanted… they were vehemently against, and there were deep-pockets behind their view. Keeping the status-quo is in International Big Business interests after-all. A dumb, ‘accomplish nothing’ U.S. Congress is a Republican AND Democratic Party direction. The main Democratic Party direction is toss in some red-herring issues to be able to ‘pose’ as doing something (eg. gun control, create recognition of rights for squirrels crossing streets…).The Press has the job of ‘entertaining,’ and since the public is weary of knowing just who Brad is now Pitting, Trump is fun to poke. Recently, Trump put some of the blame on Syrian leaders using Chlorine Gas on children. This is the third time, and a heinous illegal act… which Obama COULD have taken MORE action in the past… So Trump Tweeted that Obama shares some blame in not dealing stronger in eliminating Syria’s Chemical stores in the past. Guess what… going back to that period we see that Trump ALSO made comment on Syria’s action… and Tweeted that Obama should “back off” on dealing with it.(Give an idiot enough rope…)

Is it not odd that conservatives admire Harry S. Truman?

Harry S. Truman was the first president to come out in support of a mandatory, single-payer healthcare system. He let Republicans have it with both barrels, once saying:

"Republicans 'approve' of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand foursquare for the American home, but not for housing. They are strong for labor, but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage -- the smaller the minimum wage, the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all, but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine -- for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing, but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think the American standard of living is a fine thing, so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire the government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."

Also, consider these quotes, all taken from the same speech:

"Tonight, I pay tribute to the liberal spirit of the people of Minnesota -- in the cities, on the farms, in the forests, and in the iron country of this great State."

"The Republican Party either corrupts its liberals or it expels them. It drove out Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. It drove out fighting Bob LaFollette of Wisconsin in 1924."

Furthermore, Truman used executive power to integrate the military, a move that conservative icon Barry Goldwater would later decry.

Truman would no doubt be a Democrat today, and likely would criticize the current administration for not being liberal enough. It's not the Democratic Party that has moved further to the left. It is the Republican Party that has moved further to the right. Conservative darlings Ayn Rand and Barry Goldwater reportedly hated Eisenhower's actions as president, and Eisenhower himself had been tapped to run for president as a Democrat in the past. Can you imagine him being a Republican today?

Why did Maoist Anita Dunn resign from the Obama White House Staff ?

Here's my guess. And it's only guess. Dunn was the talking head for the administration's hit squad. The messages she was putting out weren't having the desired effect. So she gets sidelined and another talking head is inserted.

What Obama and company do not realize is it's not the talking head's fault. The fault lies with the messages. But that doesn't matter Dunn is already thrown under the bus.

But that seems to be the way of this administration. As long as they are getting what they want you draw praises. If they aren't you are sacrificed at the altar of Baal. Obama accused doctors of taking out tonsils of kids and cutting off feet just to make money. But when he needed them he had no problems with them showing up at the White House in their white coats. He praised the Chamber of Commerce for their work at creating jobs. But when they didn't go along with his health care bill they were the lowest of the low telling lies about everything the administration is doing.

Never mind chest protection. Anyone who bucks the current administration need to have their back protected.

Obama Presidency: First Term (2009–13): Is it realistic to expect ANY U.S. administration (Republican or Democrat) to have erased a $1+ trillion annual deficit over past 3.5 years in the midst of the worst recession in a century?

Your implicit argument is that Obama has failed but so would McCain have failed (or the Green Party, for that matter). But this isn't a pass/fail course; there are degrees of success. One party believes it can spend its way out of a dip in the business cycle, and at a moment when it had full control of the government, it passed a stimulus bill for that purpose, promising a recovery. The other party believes that spending and higher taxes hurt the economy. Both sides marshal rational arguments in their favor, and in politics there is no way to perform a scientific experiment. What if we had let GM go through a controlled bankruptcy? Everybody will tell you the answer, but absolutely nobody can know. None of these questions are easy, and nobody is glossing over the fact that where you take the taxes from is key, nor that Republicans would almost certainly spend more on defense than would Democrats. It's a complex set of circumstances. But the point is that there is a big difference between the two approaches, so you have to pick one and try to get them into power. What we have done for the past four years has plainly and simply not worked.When an administration has been in office for three and a half years, it has to be held responsible for what it has been able to accomplish in that time. The challenger, on the other hand, is in no way responsible for the failures of any predecessor, even if they were in his/her party. It's easier to be the challenger, and especially easy if you have no record to defend. I am sure that the President's team misses having those advantages.

Has obama ever taken responsibility for anything?

Or does he just find someone to blame, Republicans, Bush, "Simple minded Americans", Fox, Chuck Hagel, Congress, The supreme court, rich people, Clinton, the buck seems to stop anywhere as long as it doesn't stop on obama's desk.