Where In Colorado Can I Volunteer Part-time To Help Save Wildlife

If you ever made a choice that seemed unreasonably stubborn, what was your reasoning, and what were the consequences? Are you satisfied with your choice or do you have regrets?

Thanks for asking.I was on top of the world in my career and dropped it all to move as far, FAR away from yuppiedom as possible.You can read more of why in my other posts.Here’s the most popular:Adele Kurtz's answer to What did you find while snooping that you wish you had never found?After reading that you’ll know the reasoning.The consequences were devastating:I lost my career, my home, my friends and most family. No one, including my children or my ex really understood why.16 years later I can honestly say that I am satisfied with my choice and complete change in lifestyle.I believe that more people should exercise their option to give UP the trappings of success and pursue a course that is authentic to a healthier lifestyle AWAY from urban pressures and conformity.I’m editing my answer, in retrospect to go even further to say, after 16 years…. I am better off — in terms of wealth as well as health AFTER quitting my fast-paced urban job and pursuing mostly volunteer and recreational activities, mountainside. I sold and reinvested my assets to pay off our current Colorado home and all debts. We manage a small part-time unglamorous business. When you add up what we save by NOT paying high city taxes (20K/yr), NOT driving fancy new cars (>10K/yr), NOT buying unessential consumer goods (>5K/yr)… you can see how just those items invested over 16 years adds up to earnings of well over one million extra dollars.I really don’t see the family or friends I left back in the city, those who shook their heads at me, back then and now, doing nearly as well. And we are healthier — skiing 50–90 times a season, playing golf, tending a Wildlife Preserve, riding horses, collecting rocks… — than ever.That’s why what may seem “unreasonably stubborn” to some may be “beyond reason and more sane” to others.

Where can you find baby owls for sale? Are owls legal to keep as pets?

If you are in the US and you are not a licensed falconer, it is 100% illegal for you to have an owl as a pet.North American Falconers AssociationHow to Become a FalconerYou do not keep an owl as a “pet.” Owls have very little brain and it is all devoted to hunting. They generally do not bond. What people mistake for “affection” in an owl is generally either due to utter indifference, or due to the fact that it is daytime, and the owl wants to sleep.Have you considered the fact that you will need an avian specialist vet? Have you even looked for one?Have you considered the fact that you will need to feed the owl whole animals? There is no Purina Owl Chow. Have you got room in the freezer for 3 months worth of mice, rats, or quail? Do you know where to get these things? Do you have the money to buy these things? Quail run about $2 each, rats the same, not including overnight shipping. If you find a local supplier chances are prices will be higher. A large owl needs 1 whole quail or 2 rats a day.Have you considered where you will house it? You can’t keep them in a parrot cage. A large owl will need something like this.Have you got room for that?Have you any idea how much mess an owl makes? They throw bits of fur and feathers and meat everywhere. And they poop everywhere. A lot. Most of them “projectile poop,” squirting it as far away as they can. It stinks. And then they throw up the fur and bones of what they ate in an “owl pellet.”If you are still owl-crazy, go volunteer at a wildlife rehab and rescue center. They always need help.