Where Is Society Headed

Where is our society headed?

I ofttimes look around me and can't help but wonder how can some people be so oblivious . A great example is from a few days ago. Two friends and I were sitting outside a cafe in a shopping center when a woman who appeared homeless asked for some money to buy a cab "home" no one even checked their pockets except for the three of us and she graciously thanked us but how can people be so oblivious and uncompassionate. It's truly sad when people care more about the next big pop-culture fad than lending a hand to those in need. Which begs the question where is our society headed?

What do we call a society headed by the eldest male?


Why do i feel like society is headed downhill?

Although it may seem technology is replacing our brains because of things like calculators and computers, in reality it has pushed us to think even more than in the past.

Manufacturing has not gotten any easier; computers may be doing all the grunt work of making the products but someone has to program that computer and have a good understanding of what they are doing, how long it will take, and the mathematics behind everything.

Are you satisfied with the way society is headed?

Nope. It does prove man is incapable of governing himself and continually opens the door wider for when Jesus returns in power and glory, though.

What direction do you think society is headed in America?

I think America is in for some hard times in the future, especially with Trump leading your country into the ground. Political views aside, America is not being made great again.

What is the negative perception of where society is headed according to the ideology of capitalism?

Most economic theories are more descriptive than prescriptive. While capitalists believe that free markets are the best way to convey information about what people want, proponents of planned economies think that government intervention is the best way to distribute resources. The two ideologies don't always conflict.In any case, capitalism is agnostic about where society is headed. The idea behind capitalism is the free flow of economic information. The idea behind socialism is equitable distribution of resources. Neither ideology claims to know, in advance, what will happen. They are principles for creating the most advantageous society.Capitalists worry that redistribution of resources will inhibit people's creativity because if they are not rewarded for their work, they won't work as hard. So their fear is that too much redistribution of wealth will cause people to stop working. There is some evidence that this is true.However, there is also evidence that after av certain point, working for material reward provides no additional inventive to work hard. Rather, people work for reputation, not money.So the real issue is where is that sweet spot? We redistribute enough resources that everyone has enough to feel safe that they can take risks and innovate and create, but not so much that people feel like they are losing incentive to create. We have free enough markets that information is passed transparently and people can make the best decisions for themselves and government does not interfere in the availability of information, but resources are distributed in a way that encourages the most creativity and innovation and that no one feels so unsafe that they have to break the law to survive or gain an advantage over others.That sweet spot is a moving target. It is a matter of negotiation. It is also confused because people don't understand that capitalists and socialists are on the same side.

Where is our society going?

You posted a hopeful about his expectations of his wife to be (which undoubtedly are high) and then ask where this society is going.What do you plan to do or show by doing so?In all sense, it his wish to ask for the kind of girl he wants. Does a girl not wish under the morning star for a man handsome, fair, well built, and with much wealth all day too?? Are there not women who think of the romance in bollywood and wish for such a man and does so in all seriousness??He’s asking for a girl, his expectations might be high, but that doesn’t irk me for why should it? It’s his wish. Are you, by being a girl, irked that he has expected so much and hence wish he expected someone oh…I don’t know, you’re level?I feel you’re asking this because you feel more that his wishes cannot be fulfilled by you and hence by taking this as a generalization of other people, make a statement that “society is going wrong” and then feel the satisfaction as these other answers here (not all) say how high he has wished for something he should be asking for less.What next? Ridicule a guy for wishing he had more money? or a better life? Just because he had the right to ask what he wanted.In my honest opinion, the reason why you’re withholding the pic of the gentleman is because you know it does nothing of relevance or if it does would give you his irk upon you and you fear that.Also in particular to a certain answerer of this question who shall not be named. The girl has every right to not accept this proposal. She has a freaking say from the start.Honestly this is bait, why did I even bother?

What are the top 10 issues in our society that bother you the most?

Everyone has that distinct set of issues that they're constantly thinking about regarding society and where we're headed. Can you guys list (in no particular order) those ten things that are constantly on your mind? They don't necessarily have to be the MOST DEVASTATING issues impacting our global society, but just the issues that you think about day in and day out. They can be as specific as you'd like.

Here's my list:

1.) The negative effects of capitalism (greed, overseas exploitation)/ corportization of American culture.. increasing presence of corporations in our everyday lives and cultural participation

2.) Cultural decadence (deterioration of morals, values, youth becoming more immoral)

3.) Irresponsible, sensationalist media (and the nasty effects it has on the people)

4.) Gang violence in Chicago (and the downfall of the black community)/ Commercial rap music (and it's poisonous effects on the minds of young people - particularly black youth)

5.) Racism (and the way it benefits few, but cripples many)/ White privilege in the U.S.

6.) Reality TV and the way it's diminishing our culture

7.) Widening wealth gap, shrinking middle class

8.) Infant politicians (political corruptness, and a pointless, ineffective congress who gets nothing done)/ engineered political polarization

9.) Money in politics (and the way it breaks out democratic system)

10.) Social media, technology and the way it's disconnecting humanity

I'm really interested in your lists.

Is society headed towards a dark age, or a collapse of some kind? It just seems to me that no civilization has ever lasted forever.

Yes. It is now in a new Dark Age, and has been declining at least since the French Revolution. In “A Study Of History” Professor Arnold Toynbee revealed that a civilisation started to decline from when it had a “Social War”, which wrested power from the traditional ruler and gave it to the agents of the popular will.Toynbee did not know what decline is, because he did not know what a civilisation is. This ignorance has been repaired since 2002, when it was revealed Civilisation is a dominant community, and a community is a shared understanding (see A simple definition of Community by P Atkinson (27-Jan-18)) And decline is the loss of the sanity of the community (see The decline of a civilisation is the collapse of sanity (November 2011)) And that a Dark Age is a time when there is no sane community anywhere, like today.