Where Is The Best Resturaunt To Get Diabeetus

What food or meal scream “diabeetus”?

Here’s a terrible dirty little secret:Anything made with white flour and canned, juice-sweetened fruit is a no-no.7 Diabetic-Friendly Cake Mix RecipesEat it and Die…

How long does it take for prediabetes to turn into Type 2 diabetes?

It might take two to three years, eight to ten years, or it might not occur at all. This might sound a little confusing, but your transition from prediabetes to diabetes depends upon many factors including lifestyle modifications.You realize something is wrong with you only when you start noticing symptoms.However, in the case of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes, cellular level changes are continuously taking place.In prediabetes, your blood glucose levels have already risen, but you are not classified a diabetic as your glucose levels have not risen considerably. The cells of your body are already non responsive to insulin and so they are not getting enough glucose. The result is high blood glucose levels.This situation snowballs when your body is on an overdrive producing insulin in an act of compensation. Over time, this doesn’t work either. When your pancreas cannot withstand producing excess insulin, you have high blood sugars, high enough to be a diabetic.How long does this take? Like a car reversing uphill, it can happen very fast if you do not apply brakes. You have to change your lifestyle. Get adequate physical activity and reduce weight. This way you can reduce the chances of getting type 2 diabetes considerably. After undergoing lifestyle modifications, only a small percentage moves on to type 2 diabetes.If you have a family history of type 2 diabetes, be extra cautious. Regulating carbohydrate intake, including adequate protein and other micro nutrients under the guidance of a nutritionist helps. Controlling your cholesterol levels and stress levels can also slow the transition or even halt it.

Can diabetic people eat chicken and mutton?

Absolutely. The foods that diabetic people need to avoid are those containing the molecule called glucose. Our bodies carefully monitor the amount of glucose in our bloodstreams. In the case of type 2 diabetes, if there is too much of it, our pancreas releases extra insulin to remove the excess glucose. In type 1 diabetes this is done with administered insulin.Many people who have consistently consumed large amounts of glucose over a long period of time create a weakened pancreas leading to type 2 diabetes.Glucose is one of the simple sugar molecules. It is found, along with the simple sugar fructose, in sweets and is readily absorbed into the bloodstream. What most people don’t realize, and that the people who develop nutrition facts labels don’t tell you, is that starch is actually a complex sugar that is made up of long chains of glucose molecules. Starch in food comes in two forms: resistant starch and non resistant starch. Resistant starch is not broken down as easily as non resistant starch and can be better tolerated by diabetics provided it is ingested in very small amounts. You can google these terms to find out which foods contain resistant starch.Non resistant starch is usually found in foods that have been processed and/or highly refined. If, for example, you eat a slice of white bread, when it gets into your small intestine it will be broken down by an enzyme into tens of thousand of micrograms of glucose. These thousands of micrograms of glucose will then pass through the intestinal wall into the blood stream. This will drive your blood sugar up substantially and your pancreas will freak out and start releasing insulin in a hurry.It would be far more beneficial to the public if nutrition labels told us the amount of glucose a food could potentially deliver to our blood streams instead of the confusion created by the words carbohydrate and sugar.Neither chicken or mutton contain glucose so enjoy yourself just don’t slather either of them with glucose containing sauces.

What food do you think is overrated?

Possibly avocados.They are effing delicious and I’d gladly eat a bagful right here right now, but do they really warrant a cultish attitude, people naming themselves and/or their kids after them, do they really need a ”magical” hipster avocado bar in Brooklyn, or a million photos of pretty girls pretending to eat avocado toast on Instagram ……or later that night when those same cute girls take the same avocado they pretended to eat, and f’realz smear that shit all over their faces for a PM instagram update…Do they really cure cancer, and depression, and diabeetus? Is Wilford Brimley out of a job?What if I told you that your avocado will NEVER be perfectly ripe?*What if I told you that if you eat too many avocados people will start to think you’re a vegan?What if I told you your avocado doesn’t cure anything—you’re still gonna have acne and wrinkles and diabeetus and depression, just like everyone else.*What if I told you avocados were one major reason there’s not enough water in much of California, Mexico, and Central America?Why not enjoy a nice, tasty, photogenic, healthy-fat coconut instead, once in awhile? Jus sayin’. Does it have to be all avocado all the time? Really? Really?*Note: Before your “report” finger gets itchy, consider that these image macros might be carefully chosen exemplars of the breadth and depth of the avo-cult. That rabbit hole goes deep, bitchez.

Does anyone else miss Pizza Hut's old wings?

I hated their old wings there new ones are amazing the old reason you could dislike them is because you don't like spicy foods

Do NOT open this if you act under 21 years old. My husband is going to poop the question AGAIN on our Anniv...?

on our anniversary..It's our 15 yr. next Friday---that's Black Friday for the lay persons...I just got a call from my cousin, she said Tom-Tom is asking everyone to meet us at a nice upscale resturant [Cracker Barrell, which i am not totally against but i think they are racist, think about it] anyway, she said he is going to propose to me again....

I can NOT do this sh!t again..i don't want to humiliate him but I will say NO...How do I stop him from pooping the question AGAIN?

Thank you good people..

Sister Kardashian.