Where Was Buddha Born

Where was buddha born?

Buddhas parents were king Suddhodana and queen Maya who ruled the kingdom of Kapilavasstu. according to the ancient tradition the queen was traveling to her parents kingdom for her child birth which is the kingdom of Dewwdaha. on the way she saw a beautiful garden of Sal flowers which she asked to stop the journey for few hours. she was was walking in the garden but suddenly felt pain and gave birth to the prince who later became the founder of Buddhism. this was the Lumbini flower garden and it is located in Nepal in the Rupandehi district. but it belonged to the ancient India during Buddhas time. the country boundaries have changed a lot. the kingdom of Kappilawasttu which was under the Kosala state is an ancient Indian kingdom so as straight answer BUDDHA WAS BORN IN ANCIENT INDIA BUT MODERN NEPAL.

Where was Gautam Buddha born?

I think they say that because he was a very important person for their religion. Because they live in India they want to believe the 'founder' of Buddhism was born in their country...

Where was Buddha born, India or Nepal?

Actually Gautama Buddha, Whose real name was Siddhartha. He was a prince of Nepal but he left everything, his wife his son his family and his palace at midnight in the age of 29 and he came to India for salvation (Moksha or also called vimoksha, vimukti and mukti, is a term in Hinduism and Hindu philosophy which refers to various forms of emancipation, liberation, and release. In its soteriological and eschatological senses, it refers to freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth) Gautama taught a middle way between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism. After 200 years ,the death of lord Siddhartha or Gautama Buddha, The great Indian Mauryan Emperor Ashoka, helped Buddhism to spread all over the world. Ashoka significantly contributed Buddhism to spread in China (include Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau), North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bhutan, Singapore, Nepal. If Ashoka would not help Buddhism to spread then no doubt, whole world will remains unknown to the Great Religion Buddhism.Hope you got your answer :-)

Who was born first! Buddha or Jesus!?


Was Buddha born on December 25th?

December 25? I doubt that very much. It would be too much of a coincidence.
Anyway it would be very difficult to figure out, since there was no universal calendar system in the Buddha's day, and it would be quite tricky to figure out the date from the Chinese notation it was written in.
Actually that was true in Jesus' time too. In the Roman Empire, and others too, years were counted in terms of who was King or Emperor, for instance it was reported that Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus.
It was Christians who later decided to make a universal calendar, motivated partly by wanting to figure out exactly when events in Jesus' life took place, which is still doubtful.
Of course the Christians were still using Roman numerals then, rather than Arabic, and so they had no Year Zero.
[The Arabs' invention of the Zero was awesome.]

Was Buddha born before Jesus Christ? Was Jesus Born before Muhammad?

i found a lot of many things of Jesus (BC 5-AD-30) in the bible is the same teachings of Buddha (BC- 623- BC-543). I found a lot of many things of Muhammad (AD 570- AD- 632) in the Quran is the same teachings of Jesus Christ....

Maybe, it was copied? maybe Buddhism (BC-588) is indeed, older than not only Christianity(AD-30) but also Islam (AD-630).

Jesus may borrow from Buddha's teachings. Muhammad may borrow from Jesus Christ teachings and holy bible?

And Buddha was born before Christ, that is very sure according to historical record.. nobody can deny it right?

Jesus was born before Prophet Muhammad according to Bible record.

So PLEASE answer me about this.
If your idea is correct and true, I will accept!
But i still respect even they copied each other :/

I am a free thinker.................................... but I respect Buddha and Christ.