Where Was Minecraft Created

Who created Minecraft?

Thanks for the A2A!As others here have noted, Minecraft was originally created by Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson and later developed and published by Mojang.

What were all the steps to creating Minecraft?

The first step was the inspiration of Ininiminer :From the origins of Minecraft (The origins of Minecraft ) :But then I found Infiniminer. My god, I realized that that was the game I wanted to do. I played it in multiplayer for a while and had a blast, but found it flawed.The second step was the implementation of a simple block engine with Java and OpenGL. I remember playing one of the first betas in the browser. There were no enemies, a limited variation of blocks (no doors, stairs, ...), the only thing to do was placing and destroying blocks. The naive approach would be to sent all of the cubes that are close to the player to the GPU. A better approach is to try to group cubes with the same textures together or to use texture atlases. In other words, a GPU prefers batches of objects instead of single objects. Ten batches of 1000 objects is better than 10000 draw calls of a single object.From this simple beginning new blocks and features were added. For example the release notes for the Alpha 1.0.0 version simply state:Added wood and cobblestone stairsFrom then on every feature follows logically, along with it requirements:Block based physics: Place a water block somewhere and the water will be distributed to its neighboring blocks. This is governed by the Tick principle which will update the blocks close to the player in various ways (Tick - Minecraft Wiki ).Monsters: monster behavior (path finding and simple AI to avoid falling damage, water, ...). For villagers this was extended with a trading feature.Redstone: Simple circuits at first, followed later by specific redstone logic blocks that can be used to emulate a computer (Building a 6502 in Minecraft )World Creation: The world creation uses Perlin noise (simplex noise is a lot better nowadays), but it is not easy to create an interesting world just with Perlin noise. So deterministic rules were added to create villages, chasms, strongholds, rivers, ... Biomes are also procedurally generated and off course are also deterministic.This is all a huge amount of work off course. Features that seem simple to implement might require a lot of work for the Minecraft team. Realistically, you would need half a semester (I am a teacher so I think in semesters) to get a basic block based world going and a lot of extra work to code in any amount of game play.

Where was Minecraft invented?

‘Created’ would be a more accurate word, but one of the splash texts says it all:“From the streets of Södermalm!” This is a district and island in central Stockholm, Sweden.

Where is minecraft headed?

Though there has been a growing trend of rumors stating that "official development" will reach a stopping point, I would have to disagree in this regard. The project itself is still one of the most profitable games in the video game industry to date, and is consistently placed among the top most innovative, educational, and family-oriented games lists throughout the world. This shows that an extremely high level of public opinion wishes for Mojang to continue its work on the project into the near future. With this out of the way, however, I do believe that private developers are the future of Minecraft. There have been multiple incidences already that have taken the default Minecraft world and turned it into something even more. Feed the Beast for example is now competing on a significant level with the default Minecraft launcher for the most used launcher in the Minecraft community. Featuring a large amount of mod-packs and custom game-play scenarios, Feed the Beast as well as other launchers such as Technic have all contributed to diversifying the game's play ability. Since the fruition of Minecraft Multiplayer, plugin developers have enabled Minecraft to become what it is today by bringing together the community. Minecraft may fade away in the future, but there is no evident sign of it ever disappearing completely.

What was the first/earliest mod ever created for Minecraft?

If you're talking about early minecraft, Reddit user AdamG3691 gives his answer.…I remember waaaaaaay back when classic mode was the only mode, water and lava were map destroying forces of nature (they spread infinitely from a single block), sponges had a use (making a 7x7x7 area where water couldn't exist), and indev and survivaltest was still a twinkle in notch's eye, there was the unofficial minecraft client, there were mods made for it, but they were essentially just flyhacks and noclip (press F to activate fly mode, Q was up, E was down, holding shift activated noclip). (there was also a thing that allowed you to do mass block placement/erasing,like a really low powered ingame MCedit)whether or not you consider them mods is up to you, but they predate any other mods by a VERY long timenow GIT OFF MAH LAWN! \*waves cane\*If you curious as to what the first mod was for non-development-era minecraft was, most people say the first/earliest mods were:Large Branched TreesTooManyItems, the inventory editor and more (1.8 Forge is here!)BuildCraft

What happens if i create a new world in minecraft?

No it won't delete your first world. I have 4 worlds in my minecraft. So don't worry at all just go ahead and create one.

How was Minecraft made?

Minecraft was made by Swedish game designer Markus ‘Notch’ Persson.It was never planned to be made into such a popular and server/mob orientated game, but was developed and first called ‘Cave Game’. Quite literally because it was a game orientating around breaking blocks and making… well, caves.You can see the ‘evolution of Minecraft’ in this youtube video.And it was made on Java.

How do I resume my minecraft server I just created?

If its a Bukkit or Tekkit server go in the folder which has all of your server stuff (worlds, server properties, banned people, etc.) there should be a .bat file (icon looks like a box with little blue gears in it) titled something like "start","run","startserver". Just double click that and it should open a command prompt and you're good to go! If it's a regular vanilla server just find the .jar file for it and run that.

How was Minecraft developed?

Minecraft was created by Markus Persson using Java and lwjgl in 2011. It has since been updated by Mojang, and eventually, Microsoft. Markus, or Notch, used to have some development videos on his channel, Nizzotch, though I can't find them at the moment.

Minecraft (video game): Do user-created AIs exist in Minecraft?

I've coded a couple AI's in Java for Minecraft as a mod. I've also coded server-side, vanilla Minecraft compatible AI's for Minecraft. So this answer to that is certainly yes.As Donovan Tull said, command blocks are very useful and can do a lot.