Whether To Study In The Morning Or Night

Is it better to study late night or early morning?

What's best for one person may not be best for you. It is a personal decision. A lot of people hate getting up early, and love staying up late. Do what's best for you! If you are capable of doing both, switch it up. :)

Would I study better at night?

Lot of times it is actually easier to study during the night because it is much quieter and we focus better when the background noise is lower. But it is also very easy to get distracted because our true character emerges when nobody is watching us.I used to study during night and sleep during the day when I started engineering which actually helped me to concentrate better because it is so much more quieter during the night especially in India where it gets pretty loud during the day. So that worked for me and I actually ended up scoring better during that semester but it was tough on the body sometimes. There was a Physics exam which I almost missed because I pulled an all nighter and fell asleep right at dawn barely waking up before the exam and taking the exam half awake. I somehow passed the exam but after that experience I decided to cut down on all nighters atleast right before the exam.Once I came to US I realized that people wake up really early to get to work and if you have to work with them you have to synchronize your body clock accordingly. If I have to collaborate with others I prefer to do it during the day, but if I have to study alone, I prefer to do it during night, not all night but maybe till 3:00 am. My name being Deepak (The Lamp) might have something to do with it.

Should i stay up all night studying?

Dude. How can you forget your finals? Lol.
Honestly, study a bit, like for an hour, or even just 30 mins., and get some SLEEP.
You never want to take a major exam without sleep. You won't be able to think properly, and chances are you may fall asleep in the exam.
The worst part of not sleeping is you get these bad headaches. It'll stop you from concentrating on the exam, and worse.
Study for an hour, sleep for 30 minutes.
Then study for 30 minutes, and sleep for an hour.
Sleep is important.
CAUTION: if you do sleep, make sure to set up a lot of alarms. I tend to sleep through my alarm, so what i do is i put my alarm across the room.
I'd study the harder sections first. You wanna get them done pronto.
The worst you can do is panic.
Take a deep breathe, and remember that sleep is so important.
Eat a good breakfast, and if it work for yoy, drink caffeine.

Should I stay up all night to study?

The things we do for school! It really depends on what type of person you are. For some, pulling an all nighter is beneficial and really helps students accomplish what needs to be done in a short amount of time. The next day, these students are normally able to function through out the day on little or no sleep.

For others, pull an all nighter is pretty counter productive. You might end up misreading something and committing the wrong fact to memory or you might just not remember anything you studied the night before. The next day, you might be too tired to even take that test you studied all night for. Some people are able to take a cup of coffee or an energy drink to stay awake but others don't experience the same effects or they might experience a really bad burn out before the day ends.

My advice is to study for as much as you can afford to and get a good amount of sleep if possible. Wake up in the morning and eat a good breakfast. Your test isn't *first thing* in the morning, is it? You can always cram a few extra minutes of study/review on the way to school or before class too.

In the future, I advise studying a few times at least a few days before a test instead of waiting until the last minute. If you want an A, you'll have to put the work effort into it!