Which Animals Have Blood Similar To That Of Humans

Do animals have blood groups just like humans?

Yes, but not just like humans. Dogs have about 13 different blood groups, with between 6-8 being the major ones, and cats have 3 different types. Blood transfusion are species specific, so dogs can only give to dogs and cats only to cats.

Labeling for the blood types are somewhat similar in the fact they use letters as well, for example:
- There are eight recognized blood groups in the horse: A, C, D, K, P, Q, T, and U.
- The polymorphic blood type systems in cattle include the A, B, C, F, J, L, M, S, and Z polymorphisms

Do animals and birds have similar blood like humans?

Yaa similar blood but they've different blood groups.Dogs have about 13 different blood groups, with between 6-8 being the major ones, and cats have 3 different types. Blood transfusion are species specific, so dogs can only give to dogs and cat only to cats.Dogs rarely have iso-antibodies against other blood types, so in most cases, blood typing or cross-matching is not required prior to a first blood transfusion – although ideally a cross match with the recipient dog would be done.For cats, they are born with iso-antibodies to any blood type which is not their own – so cats need to be blood typed before they are transfused.Blood types are also found in animals and in some species and have a commercial and medical importance. The blood antigens are associated with one or more specific genes that may be inherited singly or as a group.Dogs have six blood types: A, A', B, C, D, and E.In cattle, there are more than 60 factors, which are divided into 10 type (systems, e.g. A, B, C, F-V, J, L, M, S-U, Z and Z'). Most of the cattle blood factors are found in the B system. Blood typing is used in cattle as a valuable tool in determining an animal's ancestry and for improving heritable traits or removing heritable defects.Sheep have seven systems: A, B, C, D, M, R-O, and X-Z. Systems B, C, and R-O are comparable to B, C, and J in cattle.There are 19 factors in horses, but their classification into systems is not done, and their use in inheritance is not established.In swine, there are 16 blood factors: some of them are classified into three systems, named A-O, E, and K.Chickens have five systems: A, B, C, D, and E. Only systems A and B are of interest, because they are useful in identifying specific hybrid strains of poultry.

Which animals have a similar blood group to humans?

Monkeys and apes have been shown to have blood types comparable, although not identical, to the human ABO blood group system.There are enough differences between ape and human ABO systems that could influence the success of a xeno-transfusion(transfer of blood from one species into the veins of another).These differences have occurred because once human ancestors and other primates became reproductively isolated from one another the genes that encode or regulate the presence of the molecules on the surface of red blood cells began to accumulate small mutations and drift away.

Are the white blood cells of animals the same as human white blood cells?

If not, what are the differences and does anyone have a photo of an animal's white blood cell? I'm working on a biology project in class right now, and I've been researching for some answers for two hours already, but haven't been able to find any good ones. Please and thank you!

What is the difference of human blood from animal blood as to their characteristics?

Blood is a complex mixture, composed of red and white blood cells, platelets that add coagulating, circulating in
blood plasma. The latter is a watery solution containing blood plasma proteins, and trace amounts of other materials.
Humans can't have transfusions of animal blood, because our immune system will recognize it as foreign and mount an immune response. Even an animal that are very similar to human, like monkeys, has enough differences in their proteins that our immune system will recognize it as different and foreign. The proteins are not entirely the same and different sugars on the cell surfaces can also be recognized by the immune system.

Mammal blood is similar though, as the main function are the same. Invertebra blood is another story.

Do chimpanzees have a similar blood group as humans?

Researchers at the University of Chicago recently conducted a study which showed that the genes for various blood types such as A,B,AB and O existed as long as 20 million years ago, much before the human-chimpanzee split and perhaps dating as far back as the original ancestor and humans and the Old World monkey.Thus it does seem that chimpanzees and other apes share a similar system of blood types.However it is likely that due to reproductive isolation, mutations have accumulated on the genes which encode for blood type on both apes and humans, and the blood types are no longer compatible.There is also the added problem of an immune response. The Australian Red Cross has identified over 300 different antigens in the blood. It is reasonable to suppose that chimpanzees too have a similar number of antigens present on the cell membrane of the RBCs. All of these will be detected as foreign proteins by the host's immune system on transfusion and is certain to lead to a massive immune reaction which would likely prove fatal to the human.Even if the blood from a chimpanzee is filtered of all antigens, the fact remains that most of the antigens are present on the surface of the RBCs and these cannot be removed.Thus, based on all the current techniques and information available to us, inter-species blood transfusion between humans and chimpanzees is not possible.

Can animal blood be transferred to humans?

I think it can be transfer to human because in animals and human blood have no much more differenceReasons are thatThat ABO blood group system is world wideAnimal and human RBCS have no nucleusBoth blood are use for carrying oxygenDiference in animal and human bloodRh factorReceptorsHow to overcome these diferences(hurdles)Rh factor is controlled by using immune gamulin injectionEg : sometime after delivery the daughter and mother have different Rh factor which can change by injecting gamulin injection so the same case is here.And the other difficult about receptors of donor animal and acceptor human .this problem is overcome by removing WBCs from the blood of donor animal which give first respone to immune system or in many cases of blood transfusion from human to human is basesd on same blood group,not on the receptors present in human bodyExceptional question: is on the surface of RBCs(no nucleus) have any receptor if yes then how the coordinate and send message to immune system without nucleus.If no then the blood from animal is transfer to humanAnd by the way to anemic patient only RBCs is transfer (remove WBCs abd platlets).

What would happen if we transfused animal blood into humans?

First of all, humans are animals! Every animal, including us, have proteins on the outside of our cells to identify them so that our body recognizes them as our own. Think of this ID protein like a little national flag. If a cell gets into your body and it has a different flag, your body will attack and destroy it as an intruder. The proteins on the outside of human red blood cells (RBCs) are named A, B, and O. If you are blood type ‘A’ then you have ‘A’ flags on your RBCs, ‘B’ blood types have ‘B’ flags, ‘AB’ blood types have both ‘A’ and ‘B’ flags and ‘O’ have no flags. This is why people with ‘O’ blood are universal donors, they are like stealth cells because they have no identifiers so they can fly under the radar and are not recognized as intruders so they are ignored. People with ‘AB’ blood are universal receivers because their body recognizes both ‘A’ and ‘B’ flags as its own. Other animal species have different proteins on their blood cells, therefore a human body would not recognize them and would treat them as invaders. The same reaction would occur if you infused the wrong type of human blood in your body.As a biologist I have taken hundreds of blood samples from other species and have accidentally poked myself a few times. I was hoping to become birdman or something but alas, no effect! Some people have hyperactive immune systems so perhaps they would have an allergic reaction to a small amount of blood. However, if you directly infused a large amount of blood that did not match your blood type you would be in trouble.

Are any animal blood types analogous to human blood types?

Let's start with the example you gave, AB negative. You are giving information about two of the more than 30 blood groups that humans have. AB means that this particular person carries both the A antigen and the B antigen on his red blood cell surfaces. Rh negative means that his red blood cells lack the Rh antigen.Apes and some monkeys carry the ABO antigens on the surfaces of their red blood cells, just like humans. The Rh factor is called that because it was originally found in rhesus monkeys, so they have that particular antigen.Dogs have something like eight different blood groups. One of them is the DEA, Dog Erythrocyte Antigen blood group. Dogs that are DEA 1.1 negative, about 38 to 40% of them, are Universal Donors.Cats have an ABO system just as humans do. And just like in humans, cats that carry the A antigen will naturally have anti-B antibodies, and cats that carry the B antigen will naturally have anti-A antibodies. The actual chemical substances are different than the A & B antigens in humans, and the percentages of individuals with each blood type are very different as well.