Which Bag Would You Choose Beware Lots Of Cats Inside

Will a cat mess and wreck my house?

My cat was just about 2 years when I picked her up from the shelter and she has yet to do any damage to our home.

If and/or when you bring the cat home let the cat have the full run of the house to get used to its new surroundings. Kitty will sniff every inch of your house, walk through each room just to get to know its new surroundings. Give kitty about week and let it go about its business before he/she knows that you can be trusted and that he/she can trust you.

After that you'll find kitty up on your lap and you'll feel like he/she has been around forever. Have everything in place before you bring kitty home. Put food and water dishes where you want them to be along with his/her litter pan and don't start moving these things around. Be prepared with a few small toys. A brown paper bag once an awhile will entertain kitty. You'll soon learn what his/her favorites are. Start out small with the toy department, because cats don't like all toys. I can't tell you how many cat toys have been passed on to different members of the family who have cats, because one cat didn't like some kind of toy. Don't forget about a picking post. You might want to purchase of couple of picking post and set them in different areas of your home.

Be patient and let him/her know that furniture is not a picking post. You could put a little cat nip on the picking post so kitty gets used to using the picking posts. If kitty has a tendency to start picking in a different room in your home, put a picking post there. You and kitty will learn as you go. Just because your cat is an in door cat that doesn't mean kitty needs to be de-clawed. That's what picking posts are for. Kitty may try to pick on your furniture, but like humans they need to be taught what there limits are. I would never and have never de-clawed any of my cats and my furniture has not be destroyed. Learn to set limits and kitty will soon learn those limits. Spay and or neutering are a must. Get kitty's first set of shots and if you keep kitty in the house then you don't have to bother with shots that are necessary for out door cats, and you won't have fleas to deal with either.

Have fun with your kitty, because you will become the best of buddies.

What does it mean when a cat circles you and rubs its body against you?

Cat vocalizations are common, but not all cats do them. The rubbing business is, as others have noted, a sign of approval and of notification to other cats: “This is mine”. Cats think in terms of territory, and you’re now part of that territory. But don’t get too excited; the cat is unlikely to fight over you.The insistent vocalizations, however, are a bit more mysterious. Some cats make noises for every flitting thought through their little brains, while others are eerily silent. They appear to be simple manifestations of an emotional state, no matter what state they may be in. One theory is that vocalizing is a behavior left over from kittenhood, when very young cats make a variety of sounds to notify Mama as to their whereabouts and condition. Some cats outgrow it while others persist. Some cats continue to vocalize only with humans they trust, while others just spew opinions no matter who they’re around.In sum, the cat appears to have declared itself attached to you, in no small part because you’re feeding it. Beware of this, as it may lead to cat ownership.

What is a good cat food (don't answer "go to your vet" or "any high quality food is good")?

The best food for our cats (and dogs and animals, for that matter) is FRESH food. Fresh food, either raw or cooked. (Raw or cooked is another matter that can be debated / discussed in another question) Pet food bought from stores are all processed and not fresh with all their ingredients intact. Both dry food (kibbles) or wet food (Canned food) are processed and may not be in the best of interests for our cats and dogs.However due to convenience, we all buy dry or wet food, so that we can feed our cats and dogs easily. I can understand why. We may be tired from work and family and it takes trouble to cook for ourselves, let alone for our pets. However, you do not need to change all your dry/wet food to fresh, home cooked food! You just need to add SOME fresh food to their diet occasionally. That itself changed their health for the better.Don’t take my words for it. One of the reason for, not 1, but 2 of the longest living cats:-How to Raise a 165-Year-Old CatHe added fresh, human food on top of the usual processed cat food his cats, simple as that!I am no angel, I feed my cat processed food, as it is really easier and my cats are not fussy eaters. I even choose to buy online from Cat Food Dog Food in Singapore where they do cat food and dog food deliveries. I will try to add fresh food to the processed food:- some eggs, bacon, a few slices of steamed chicken, maybe some roast lamb….All my Cats and the Dog are happy!

Neighbors cat keeps coming to my house?

Um... that really bothers me. Ya know, many cat owners stop paying attention to their cats after they are no longer, tiny, cute and fluffy. He certainly sounds ignored - and hungry! It sounds like the cat likes you. Well, I guess all depends on how far you're wiling to go. I love cats too. I have 3 rescues. If it were me, I'd put out fresh water and food everyday and probably even a cat bed LOL. Depending on the situation, I might even get a litter box and keep him indoors. Its going to get cold out real soon. I might even go as far as to ask my neighbor if I can have the cat LOL again.... well, thank you for feeding the cat. Its not mine, but I do appreciate and admire what you are doing. On the other hand, if you come to a point where you simply don't what the cat hovering around your house, ask you neighbors to keep him inside.

Gerbil help gerbil experts or owners escpessialy needed?

1. Yes just clean it really good
2. Yes just for companion ship, and/or breeding, it's suggested but not recommended
3. No gerbils and hamsters are just about the same
4. Yes they do.
5. It could hurt them, so i suggest not to
6. No they can not, unless the product says, hamster and gerbil diet.\
7. Yes they do, but very rarely
8. I would say around 15-30 or 40 bucks
9. Yes the gerbil can, again, really clean out the scent of the hamster
10. Both hamsters and gerbils are friendly, just not the robo, unless very trained

Dw about the questions, it's good to ask, learning new things everyday.

You could also just rent some library books about gerbil care, and hamsters, just to compare them. This could be a better way to decide.

Good luck! ♥