Which Death Would You Chose Between Jumping Off A Bridge Or Run Over On The Middle Of The Stomach

How does jumping off a bridge into water kill you?

Well, let's look at the force of impact (granted it is in water, and calculating the true impact is quite complex)... nevertheless.Let's take the Golden gate bridge for instance:67 meter fall/jump.Weight of jumper: 70 kgLet's ignore air resistance:We're left with:Acceleration = -9.8 m/s^2Vf^2 = V0^2 + 2*a*h          = 0 + 2 * (-9.8) * 67Vf = 36.24 m/s or 130.46 km/hr or 81 mph or 119.592 feet/sF = ma = 686NSince we're jumping into water, let's calculate the deceleration upon impact into water.Impulse = -(70kg * 36.24m/s) = 2536.8 N . sIgnoring terminal velocity and such (since it is 81 mph), so now it is just a matter of how you fall into the water to account for the amount of deceleration from the impact depth your body suffers.We can assume that the density of a body is almost equal to water (considering we're made up of roughly 3/4 of the stuff, and we float). Impact depth = Length * (Density of body A / Density of the medium B)So the impact depth is roughly the length of your body (plus a bit more).For example: You were unlucky enough to fall perfectly horizontal.This means the entire force of impact would cause your body to decelerate to half the velocity in about a foot of distance.So at around 120 ft/sec, passing 1 foot of depth would take 1/120 = 0.008 secondsDuration of impact would be 0.016 seconds:Average Force = Impulse / dt = 2536.8/0.016 = 158550 N or 16 Tons.Deceleration = Average Force / mass = 158550/70 = 2265 m/s^2 or 231 gsHighly doubtful you'll survive.Now if you were lucky enough to fall feet first and perfectly vertical.Impact depth = (let's assume the person was 6 ft tall).So 6/120 = 0.05 secondsDuration of impact would be ~0.1 seconds:Average Force = 25368 N or 2.6 Tons.Deceleration = Average Force / mass = 25368/70 = 362.4 m/s^2 or 37 gsIf you did survive, the impact would be enough to shatter all your bones from your feet to your hips. There may be significant damage to your vital organs as well.

5 yr old son keeps having really bad nose bleeds?

my 5 year old son has been having really bad nose bleeds at night. It started about 2 months ago the first time we noticed it was one morning when I went to wake him up his bed and his entire face and neck were covered in dried blood. There was so much blood it looked like someone had bludgeoned him while he was sleeping. It was very scary. After that he has had it happen again about 5 or 6 times with in the last 2 months. It's always at night and most of the time it will wake him up and he'll come into my room and tell me. The worst part is that there is just so much blood the droplets on the floor are about as big as a quarter or bigger and his face, chest, arms and his bed are so covered in blood it really scares me.
To get it to stop I give him some cotton in his nose or a towel to hold under it and have him hold his head back until it stops which usually does happen within about 5 minutes. But when we remove the cotton there is always a long blood clot that comes out and his nose will start bleeding just as bad all over again.
What causes such bad nose bleeds in a young kid while he's sleeping. We do live in southern Texas so the air is dry. Maybe that could be part of it. Is there any way to prevent them. Or could this be a medical problem and should I take him to the doctor over it?

Twilight Princess- need help-Death Mountain?

just so you can figure it out on your own, here is a clue: use the item you were given from the mayor of Orodon village. When ever you get stuck experiement with your items, and if you think about what each of your items do then you should be able to figure it out.

Wait i guess everyone had to already tell you how to get through, well then just remember my advise.

What happens to a human's body upon impact with the water when jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge?

A jumper hits the water traveling eighty miles an hour; the impact is so great as to mean almost certain death. But a twenty-two-year old girl name Cornelia Van Ireland, who claimed she never intended to jump, beat the odds. She took a walk on the bridge one day in 1941 and made the mistake of looking over the rail. The dizzy height held almost a fatal fascination: “I don’t know what happened,” she said later. “I had and irresistible impulse to jump, and suddenly I clambered over the railing and fell into space. I couldn’t help it. I don’t know what made me do it, I had no sensation of falling … I was conscious every moment.” Her screams were heard by painters on the bridge and the sailors on a passing destroyer. A Coast Guard boat picked her put the water, fully conscious, seven minutes after she had gone over. The impact had torn her shoes off, shredded her clothing, broken both arms, and fractured a vertebrae. Doctors marveled at her survival and recovery – the first person known to have lived after the unbroken fall from such a height. In 1947 a stunt man named Fred Cushing was found drifting under the bridge in a rubber life raft and claimed he had just done a Steve Brodie, but he had no witnesses and could find no one to believe him. A year later another acrobat named “Dusty” Rhodes actually made the attempt. He strapped himself into a tight suit and helmet, took a deep breath and went over the rail. He was killed on impact. In Brody’s leap off the Brooklyn Bridge he had fallen only 135 feet, about half the height of the deck of the Golden Gate Bridge. A stunt man named Bob Niles finally succeeded in surviving the jump by using the only piece of equipment that could possibly do any good – a parachute. All suggestions for diminishing or preventing bridge suicides – including fences, nets, twenty-four-hour patrols, and even a psychiatrists office at the bride entrance offering free consultations – have been dismissed as impractical.Read more at:

Fun Water Games To Play At The Pool With 2-3 people?

marco polo
creative tricks on the diving boards for friends and u juge
colors 1 person b it facing the wall while every1 else picks colors the person it calls colors if if ur color is called then u swim or wak in ur case to the wall the it person is facing .
sun tan
see how can hold their breath the longest don't put ur ear in
hid stuff in the pool and c who can fing the most (floatable)